News 2.4 The Return: The Type-10 Defender

Can you check the Crew Lounge, and see what that says please?

Not that that screen should update once you have a fighter bay installed... But we might need to bump FDev to fix it, so people don't get confused.

Crew activates normally on lounge and slf lauches ok with pilot, just tested.....
I meant not listed as SLF capable, i'll raise a bug:

well, I have never been so disapointed in a ship design than right now.

That spoiler has nothing to do on it. There's absolutely no logical explanation for it.

Atrocious design, bad internal capacity, slow as f... and crap jump range.

Well I guess I'll stick to my Vette and Python for the time being.
My T-10 Defender

Here's mine... It's quite a fuel guzzler!

So, can someone confirm if the 50% off at Hutton Orbital is true or not? About to hop in game myself and find out.
Bought, thrown a load of modded bits on it, took it in a high res for a test...

Prefer my fully modded vette, but it look like it could shred some goids. Can't outturn an npc courier, even with the G5 dirty drive although I've got it heavy with prismatics, hull, shields, so it doesn't notice incomming fire for a few minutes.

G5 FSD range over 25ly with full weaponry, prismatics, but unmodded hull.
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What do folks think of the Size 6 distributor? Seems a bit undersized though it probably can be viable with kinetic weapons.
Just grabbed mine from Jamesons, lets see what it an do. I know people will be complaining already but they complained about the Keelback and enjoy that ship, I'll enjoy playing with this one. Perhaps it can't compete with a Corvette but can it take on a Combat Beluga, that is the question. ;)
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