Horizons 29,000LY to go and only 5% hull left!

So I'm out exploring past Sag A, finding plenty of Neutron Stars, Carbon stars, and black holes. Should be worth a fair bit of money if I ever survive the trip home. :S

I just came across a 100% metal world. 0.3 Earth mass, 3,379KM radius, 1.07G gravity, and a quite warm 1,035K surface temp. Figured it'd be a good target for stocking up on some materials for synthesis so headed down. Following my previous 'bouncy' landing I was down to 60% hull, so I took a very cautious approach. Once below 100m I edged down very slowly, pretty much a couple metres at a time, then 1 metre at a time below 20m. Landing site looked good, not perfectly flat, but good enough. Last 2 metres very gentle, contact, and SPARKS! By the time my Asp had settled down I was at 6% hull! Erm, panic! However seeing as everything seemed to be stable I went for a surface voyage. Got enough to restock my AFM, and boost a couple of FSD jumps. I found a much flatter spot, and recalled my ship, which came back with 5% hull - so the auto pilot had lost another 1%.

Anyone care to comment on whether this is working as intended? Should hot/100% metal worlds cause such a significant amount of damage on a gentle landing?

My current location puts me nearly 29,000LY from Sol, and this is the furthest I've been in this direction. I don't really want to turn around as it's taken me a month to get here with the amount of playtime I have available. I was hoping to join the 65,000LY club, I guess I'll need to be super cautious now to achieve that.
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ChrisH will have got the right answer I reckon.

If you've gone out in "proper" explorer loadout and eschewed shields, then you can't risk another landing. If you try landing without shields, you WILL take hull damage no matter how gently you land. With shields, there's always a tiny bump/glow as you touch down.
Shields fitted and working @ 100% thanks, I never travel anywhere without them, even out here in the middle of nowhere. So nope, ChristH doesn't have the right answer.
Slugsie, got no idea why you're taking so much damage, sorry.

I do know know if you're 29,000 LY out with 5% hull left, HEAD HOME NOW! Stop landing, set fastest routes, and be careful. You have MILLIONS & MILLIONS of credits of data. One more little screw up, and Puff, all gone. On the plus side you'll be back at base real quick. I wouldn't even bother scanning planets. Boom & Zoom. You still get your name on the system, and done right, with good jump range, you can knock out 1000LY in 35-45 minutes. The 65,000 light year club ain't going anywhere. You're 29,000 LY out, with 5% hull, in a straight line to finish you goal, you have 101,000 LY left. The math is not on your side for joining that club this trip.

I can't imagine what I would do losing that much data. Luckily I live alone so no one would see my cry!

Best of luck Commander!

You're probably right, the safe course is to head for the nearest port and cash in. Frustrating, but at least I got Sagittarius A*, and I also managed to get at far below the galactic plane as I could manage (well over 2,000 Ly, pity I forgot to record exactly which system it was).
I would say come home; carefully.

100% metal. Any chance of bad electrical fields? Something like that effecting the ship?
You're probably right, the safe course is to head for the nearest port and cash in. Frustrating, but at least I got Sagittarius A*, and I also managed to get at far below the galactic plane as I could manage (well over 2,000 Ly, pity I forgot to record exactly which system it was).

Why be frustrated? You made Sag A and the bottom of the Milky Way. That's a run any Explorer would be proud of! And to be honest, if you make it back, with out taking the "short cut",:eek: That in and of it's self will be a very exceptional bragging right!:cool:

Stay Frosty Commander, you have an awesome challenge ahead.


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I would say come home; carefully.

100% metal. Any chance of bad electrical fields? Something like that effecting the ship?

I would doubt it. I've landed on plenty of them with out issue. Might help to see Slugsie's ship load out.

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Sounds like you lagged at a certain location in your decent, and unfortunately reconnected when you were on the ground, where the rubberbanding threw you down.
Probably something to bare in mind is that the OP's ship integrity is probably very low if not 0 thus any damage they might incur from any source could be magnified.
The surface temperature might be the key point, were you landing on the sun side or the dark side? How hot was your ship?
BTW I second the motion to head home ASAP.
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I decided to test a hot metal-rich, and got lucky. Found one on my second jump with much higher gravity.

So I landed right in the center of the light side. Took the SRV out, and no problems. Been sitting on the surface for about 10 minutes, and ship temp is 17%
I am running an A spec Asp, but no AFMU or cargo racks. Just an extra fuel tank.

I think Fendalton might be onto something. Either network lag or graphics lag.

My load out is pretty typical Explorer stuff, Asp with mostly D class except for A FSD. I do have shields and a single pulse laser (turned off). Despite the surface temperature the ship wasn't hot - not sure on exact temp, but certainly well below 80%.

I tend to be either in Public or the Mobius group. Out in the middle of nowhere it's essentially safe and the very occasional encounter with another player adds a rare moment of excitement. I suppose network lag could have happened, no way to tell really.

I think I may take a day or two's rest from ED and then head back. I'll work out a course that skirts around the galactic core for a bit (I'm roughly 5,000Ly west of Sag A at the moment) before straight lining it. Probably take me around 10 days at my normal rate. I'll probably use this thread to document my return.
Slugsie, got no idea why you're taking so much damage, sorry.

I do know know if you're 29,000 LY out with 5% hull left, HEAD HOME NOW! Stop landing, set fastest routes, and be careful. You have MILLIONS & MILLIONS of credits of data. One more little screw up, and Puff, all gone. On the plus side you'll be back at base real quick. I wouldn't even bother scanning planets. Boom & Zoom. You still get your name on the system, and done right, with good jump range, you can knock out 1000LY in 35-45 minutes. The 65,000 light year club ain't going anywhere. You're 29,000 LY out, with 5% hull, in a straight line to finish you goal, you have 101,000 LY left. The math is not on your side for joining that club this trip.

I can't imagine what I would do losing that much data. Luckily I live alone so no one would see my cry!

Best of luck Commander!


But what a way to make ED dangerous! I'd be absolutely petrified of making a mistake.

Good luck OP! :D
Slugsie... got a question for ya...
Are you using an X-52 or X-55 and did you pause for pictures on your way down?
Something like that happened to me the other day.... I was thinking it was the inputs from the Picture Takin that had some residue after I went out of camera... and my own fault... but this has me wondering - Full shields... taken out and hull down to 80% but was in control and landed softly (so I thought).
Slugsie... got a question for ya...
Are you using an X-52 or X-55 and did you pause for pictures on your way down?
Something like that happened to me the other day.... I was thinking it was the inputs from the Picture Takin that had some residue after I went out of camera... and my own fault... but this has me wondering - Full shields... taken out and hull down to 80% but was in control and landed softly (so I thought).

I do indeed use an X-52, but the last thing I would be doing during a descent would be posing for pictures. ;)
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