Alien archeology and other mysteries: Thread 9 - The Canonn

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Volunteer Moderator
CMDR reporting for duty. Let me know the time and place. I like the democratic "we'll start with..." that ends "... if anyone else has any bright ideas, we'll try that too".
Well, I try to not be a dictator all the time, but it's hard work I tell you :)

It's on top of the Front Page CMDR Arguendo ;)
Thank you Signore Honker :)
You joining us?

PM send here as well!

CMDR Arguendo, can you keep us up to date on how this shapes up?
I absolutely will!

In around 2 1/2 hours the number has gone from 1 (me) to 6, so it's looking good so far atleast.
I may not send you all an individual PM as reply, depending on how many we are, but trust that you have been registered!

Also, it seems that a lot of people are not in Canonn PG, so it will take place in Arguendo PG :) Time and place for invitations will be announced.
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This has still to be proved.
Experiments showed no change in fuel consumption.
And no, I have no interest in going back hundreds of pages to find and link it.

You could go to Settings -> General Settings and set the page size to 200 posts. This thread is currently no more than 36 pages for me!
I would just aim for one from the planet and then cruise at a 100C so as to have time to get to the USS. I am aiming for HIP 641.

Its a bust. Got a lot of degraded signals... but nothing than debris and escape pods. MB make those escape pods talk when we liberate them at a starport
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Concerning Missed Target 2/4 that mentioned a blue ball, I found one somewhat off the line Sol-camping site star:

I didn't get any radar contacts.
Guys, I need to have a confirmation, please. I was in Bilongo. Near Bilongo 1, there is a persistent POI named Debris field. It has inside many fragments of both federal and imperial ships but, the thing most singular to me, is that there are 3 T 9, same paint scheme of the third crash site, and 2 condas, which are "floating" (even if they are fixed) in the space. Now, is there already a confirmation about such sightings?

Update, also Bilongo 3 has the same exact debris field. This time only a 'conda has been spotted. Pics soon.

Update #2: I have encountered also a degraded emissions threat 3. It had many valuable canisters inside.

What if Thargoids will attack? I think they will attack first anarchy systems. Because of the form of government.
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Volunteer Moderator
Does anyone know if this is the result of a concerted effort, or is it just something someone thought would be a cool thing to do?

Looking at the long list of affected stations, I wouldn't be surprised if a scientist "suddenly" discovers a way to completely immunize stations from UA bombing. I am not sure if this is "working as intended" let's say...and the list is growing every week.
Guys, I need to have a confirmation, please. I was in Bilongo. Near Bilongo 1, there is a persistent POI named Debris field. It has inside many fragments of both federal and imperial ships but, the thing most singular to me, is that there are 3 T 9, same paint scheme of the third crash site, and 2 condas, which are "floating" (even if they are fixed) in the space. Now, is there already a confirmation about such sightings?

Update, also Bilongo 3 has the same exact debris field. This time only a 'conda has been spotted. Pics soon.

Update #2: I have encountered also a degraded emissions threat 3. It had many valuable canisters inside.

What if Thargoids will attack? I think they will attack first anarchy systems. Because of the form of government.

i have found debris fields on one system near Catun, there was like 4 debris fields and they have a lot of similarities with the Gamescon videos.
Idk maybe there are something interesing but i don't find anything special...

EDIT: The system i am saying is HIP 31143
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Does anyone know if this is the result of a concerted effort, or is it just something someone thought would be a cool thing to do?
If this is made by CMDRs on purpose, then it is a grand undertaking. Can we perhaps see if there is a pattern to which stations are getting affected by UAs? Or, it's just part of life with UAs around...​
So, are you ready for the CANONN RUINS GATHERING??

I have mentioned this before, and since the searches for systems with other ruins have died down, I think it's about time to get the ball rolling.
I would like to get together a large group of commanders at the ruins, to be able to do some experimenting on a larger scale. I am not sure if it will make a difference, but I think it is worth a try. Here's a short breakdown of my initial plan:

1. I need to know that we will be able to gather a large enough group of commanders to make it worthwhile. I have already been told by some that they are interested, but unless we are atleast 11, there is no point in making it into an event. Any fewer than that and nothing of what I have planned will be doable. So please, for anyone interested: send me a PM (see below for more).

2. I would like to do this soon, but still give people a bit of a heads up. So currently my plans are to do this on Thursday 17 November, or Monday 21 November, depending on which day we can gather the most people. So in your PM, let me also know which of those two days you are able to join, if not both. Timings to be decided, but I am thinking around 18:00 UTC (ie. in-game time).

3.a. Primary experiment is to shoot away some of the rocks underneath all the artifacts to make them rest upon the "glowing areas" and then place one commander at each area to make them all light up at the same time. For this we will need 15 commanders, plus outside observers.
3.b. Secondary experiment is to make all obelisk formations light up at the same time. For this we will need 10 commanders, plus outside observers.
3.c. Tertiary experiment is to combine both of the above at the same time, which will require 25(!) commanders, plus outside observers.
3.d. Additional experiments: If anyone has a bright idea for something else to do, please suggest it! We can also do some ad-hoc things on the site after the above is done, but it would be nice to have a plan before we're there. There is also an idea in my head about moving things around, because of something MB said in a live stream about moving something from one place to another to make something happen. That idea isn't clear though, as there are too many possibilities to move things on the site.
Note 1: The above experiments will be done with all 4 "Beacons" raised. I don't think it's feasible to gather that many commanders in one place, without someone accidentally tripping a beacon. And I also think they should be raised, as they are a major part of the ruins.
Note 2: There will be NO shooting of any items except the above mentioned rocks! This is not a "check what healing lasers do" experiment. If the above yields nothing, it will be time to consider shooting some of the pillars surrounding the Ancient Relics, but that's about it. After we're done with everything above and nobody has any more ideas, you can shoot at your heart's content :D

4. As soon as I start getting PMs from people I will set up a spreadsheet with assignments for everyone. I am sure everyone would like to be an outside observer, but if everyone did that, then there would be no experiment ;) So if you sign up for this, you will accept the task given to you. If you can't do that and want to do your own thing, please don't sign up for it. Thanks. With that in mind, please add if you have video and/or sound recording capabilities, as that will influence the assignment given to each commander.

5. The experiments will NOT be done in Open, but in a Private Group! There are too many elements out there that are just hanging around waiting for something like this so they can create some "emergent content." I would like to avoid that if I can.
Here we have two choices, we can either do it in the Canonn PG, or in another PG (ie. my private group). There are benefits to both. The former gives it more of an "official Canonn" feel to it, which I would like, but I don't think everyone here have access to it. There is also the chance of someone already being at the ruins, which results in getting a pre-created instance with the possibility of it being "tampered" with already. The latter only requires the people involved to send a request to join beforehand, and the only people in it will be the ones doing the experiments.
I would like your input on this please!
And I am sorry for the XBox users, but this will be for PC as that is what I have, and we unfortunately don't mix well in ED [sad]

I think that's about it. I am open to suggestions on pretty much anything of the above, except for the experiments. I would like those to be done, as that's the whole point of this gathering.
I really hope we can pull this off! If nothing else, we should be able to tie up a few loose ends to this ruins business.

If you are interested in joining, please send me a PM with the following information:
- Commander Name
- Preferred day for experiments (or both if it doesn't matter)
- Video recording Capability (Y/N)
- Audio Recording Capability (Y/N)
- Member of the Canonn PG (Y/N)

After that, all we can do is pray to the Wing-gods that they look favorably upon us :eek:

Thanks for the attention.

One more Commander for your list CMDR Arguendo o7 ready for instructions :)
i have found debris fields on one system near Catun, there was like 4 debris fields and they have a lot of similarities with the Gamescon videos.
Idk maybe there are something interesing but i don't find anything special...

The fact that I found also AI relics inside a degraded signal source threat 3 makes me think about that, honestly.
If this is made by CMDRs on purpose, then it is a grand undertaking. Can we perhaps see if there is a pattern to which stations are getting affected by UAs? Or, it's just part of life with UAs around...​
All I know is, that Palin is working on new "defensive technologies", involving the use of MA's.
It was in Galnet a couple of weeks back.
So, has anyone tried putting up a CG for collecting ancient relics/orbs/caskets etc?

I'd do it, but with a 100% miss ratio on my CG submissions and no feedback, I've literally got no motivation to do it, nor any ideas for improving.
Does anyone know if this is the result of a concerted effort, or is it just something someone thought would be a cool thing to do?

Looking at the long list of affected stations, I wouldn't be surprised if a scientist "suddenly" discovers a way to completely immunize stations from UA bombing. I am not sure if this is "working as intended" let's say...and the list is growing every week.

I think it's just a result of easy access to UAs close to Maia, with the third alien wreck.
Yeah, so the planet they are looking for is in the same systems that they were stranded. Does the message ever state where they were posted? Or is there a specific location that the transmission was initially picked up? That will be the location of the planet in question.

The person writing the log is actually saying "looking up at the planet"! Why are we lookng for blue stars again?/DD
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