Alien archeology and other mysteries: Thread 9 - The Canonn

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I think it might be time to take the personal attacks into PM's and not the main thread?

I guess all the Salt from the "PVP dont welcome blah" Thread is swapping over here ^^

Well nevermind and to a serious question... if im right there were some recommendations how to set up your graphic settings for planetary observation, not realy able to find this anymore (didnt seem to be on FP) so can anyone give me hand here?


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Interesting Community Goal just started up in Procyon...'Sirius Corporation to address unknown artifact issue' Requires delivery of unknown fragments, abherrent shield pattern analysis and untypical shield scans to participate...easy enough to collect the fragments I'd have thought.

Yes, especially as you get 3 for each you pick up. I wonder why Sirius Corporation want them? I didn't really trust them before, though I got my rep up with them for the obvious reasons and to keep an eye on them. Now I'm even more concerned.

Who really are Sirius Corporation these days anyway?
What if the "tables" (whatever the structures are called) in front of each Monolith-Group is something like an energy-source and need to be "powered" by something to activate the rest of the monoliths? Maybe by the self-glowing relic-thingies?

I had a similar thought last night so I took all of the artifacts and relic and placed them on the ground around various places, even the black structures that appear separate from the obelisks.
I did not see any change or reaction.
I think that going thrpught several oaves here and my own adventures that if more than 36 were available somebody would have inadvertently gotten a 37. I think there has to be other site(s). Otherwise there is a key to unlock additional obelisks that just hasnt been tried.
Oh capeesh. What does my rep have to do with anything? I earned this, long ago, when it used to mean something as there was a negative rep button, now rep is meaningless. Never understood the whole fanboy thing as an insult anyway. And why are you trying to make it out that we hate you? If someone makes an unsubstantiated dig and someone else asks for proof (shock horror, in a science based thread), does that mean they hate them? It's hard to class something as a subjective opinion if you offer nothing to back it up.


tell me about science based thread... :rolleyes:
Yea I even went as far as removing the obelisks in photoshop just so I could concentrate on the metal patterns. Other than being a neat looking pattern, I can see no purpose.

The only thing that might be considered interesting is that your SRVs front and rear tires can fit in the gaps between the metal portions. Kind of like they are meant for SRVs. But that is probably just coincidence.
So with the puzzle officially broken and Ram Tah the only person in the Galaxy that knows of more Alien Ruin sites. I'm at a loss, no in-game clue has been found for ANY Ruin Sites, yet a mission to find them is thrown at you by Ram Tah.

Surly there must be a clue in the game - a beacon - message board - ...

What frustrates me is that we cannot interact with NPC's and Mission givers.

Ram Tah - "Search as many Alien sites as you can!"
Nutter - "Yes Sir! - Where should I look?"
Ram Tah - ""
Nutter - "Any Clues?"
Ram Tah - ""
Nutter - "Hello?"
Ram Tah - ""

Oh geez

No kidding - especially after culture 12:
This is truely fascinating data commander, as an engineer myself I have to admit I'm highly curious about the Guardians technology. It seems that the guardians had a particular fascination with geometric shapes, which they used to illustrate connections between themselves and the world around them. This predilection manifested itself in their technology as well - specifically their monolith network. With this data and the help of the galactic community we've partially mapped the monolith network, which formed the backbone of their communications technology, and discovered that they too are arranged in geometric patterns. Whilst this does not give us full access to the network, I believe it is the first step to unlocking the entire system and maybe more

Really Mr. Tah - do tell.

If you are getting nothing out of this thread then go away sir. You are not needed and you have provided no good evidence toward your theories in your post. You are trying to win a Forum dispute of your own creation and have invalidated your own arguments several times.

We know there is a lack of real interactivity and no FDEV does not create the puzzles and mysteries around what we do on this thread. That is why it takes so long to figure them out.

So can you accept victory or defeat in your perceived conflict and go troll another thread? Either that or contribute something useful.
Have tried to do this but you can't it's impossible as your turret wont work next to your ship - Soooo Frustrating!

It's not only your ship that could be too close. Last night in Open my ship was landed at 1 end of group H and another ship was landed at the other end. I couldn't scan a lit obleisk at that end due to that 2nd ship's proximity to group H & E. Does anyone have any idea how far from a group of obelisks you can be to still get decoded data scans?
Well, technically, one part (as in one site) still fulfills 'partial' criteria... :)

I understand teasing the story out, but Ram Tah has as of yet revealed anything to progress our ability to find these other sites. After getting several of the Language and Culture based scans, we all know that Ram Tah can understand both the audio and glyph based systems of their language. He also understands how they think and operate because of the culture scans we have provided. I just dont know why he cant share that data.

It doesn't make sense. Its like seeing a plate of biscuits sitting next to you Mom and you ask for one, then smacker her hand away when she is handing it to you.

Latest Science:

In solo I attempted scan all of the 13 known obelisks in order to shut them all down with the correct sequence of objects. That also did not seem to light any new obelisks. They all stayed offline once they were scanned. I even went around and collected all of the objects and raised all of the towers and removed the relics. So I could replicate what it was like in open. It also did not seem to do anything.

I will continue to putter around in open until we get word from Dev to let us know one way or the other if the solo portion is broken.
Another rambling post from me - Apologies. I've been trying to explain my theory but it's difficult to explain in three dimensional space. I was going to draw a diagram, but I decided to borrow my Kids' Geomag instead...

I showed this image earlier - a Metatron Cube overlaid on top of the Ruins site. It does not match up perfectly due to the planetary curvature and the way that screenshots are taken, but I believe that each object in the site sits on an intersection or line (except one of the orbs...) and that Site A sits directly inside one of the circles, whilst Site F sits on the intersection between the two Tetrahedron's that make up the Star Tetrahedron:

To represent this better, and because I suck at CAD... I borrowed my Kids' Geomag and a pencil and made the 3D representation of Star Tetrahedron:

This is the location of Site A:

This is the location of the centre "Z" axis of the Shape - If we work with Mengy's calculations I believe this to be Sol:

This is the location of the intersection where Site F sits:

And this is the representation of the "Z" axis that Site F could be anywhere along theoretically:

I say "Z" axis as I believe that the site at G is a targeting range for proper plane alignment, as Barnard's Loop aligns and fits perfectly in the slot as viewed from Site A - I don't know what the secondary ray (in green) is for:

I am of the opinion that Site A is representative of the current Ruin's Site, as the line running downwards from it indicates the tetrahedron is pointed towards the viewer, thus the plane that Site A sits on is the blue triangle face in the Geomag pictures.

Terrible way of explaining it, I apologise, but I need help working out the mathematics of this, I know that Site F is basically on the short side of an right angled triangle (z-axis). The Site A plane appears to be aligned between

Synuefe XR-H d11-102 @ 357.34375, -49.34375, -74.75

Barnard's Loop (Centre) @ 624.45, -426, -1230

And if Sol is correct, that's obviously at 0, 0, 0.

Mathematicans GO! (please? :))

Thanks in advance, let me know if I'm bat-guano crazy!


Spent a good part of the day pondering over this, and.... nothing. Tried all manners of triangles, prisms, tetrahedron, tetrahedron nets, but none of the computed coordinates had any planets. Had one that was close, but error margin still felt a bit too high to consider the result.
The problem is, that in case of prism and pyramid we need height, so I used vector magnitude of V1=(Barnards Loop - Sinuefe) for it, but it is a very long shot. I also tried to tetrahedron and polygon net from it, but again, without knowing how to orientate 3rd point in relation to 2 we have (Barnard and synuefe), there is no way to find coordinates. It is very likely I am overlooking something since my astronomy skills are practically nonexistant, which might be a key to proper orientation of pyramid/tetrahedron.

After doing all of this, I have a strong belief that tetrahedron net might show us the coordinates for 3 other sites. Yes, 3 other, making it 4 total, just by the number of monolith or whatever you call them, pillars that hold ancient artifact, due to tetrahedron net having 4 outer angles (including top). Three triangle formations in ruins, while not aligned perfectly, might be an indication to that too. I also think that monolith at obelisk group A is indicating the planet we are on.

Anyhow, that is some food for thought. Not much results, but at least I learned some basic functions in geogebra... Hope some astronomy adept will figure out which way to rotate the triangle, and then we can pop this cherry.
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FDev made a clarifying statement about this a long time ago. These systems were left open by mistake, and were always intended to require an "unknown permit." They are generally used for internal testing of new things on the Live servers, which is the main reason for them being locked for players, if I understood FDev correctly.

So, maybe something will "come out of" COL 70 in the future, but everything we've "met" so far has appeared in already open systems. No system has been locked by an "unknown permit", be opened and then have something interesting in it afaik.

Wow, thanks for the clarification. I can understand COL 70 being lockable, i.e., nothing of interest, but Bernard's Loop and Horsehead are pretty important "tourist" sites so that's got me scratching my head as to why (since you can always see the loop from Earth and that general area). The loop and Horsehead was my second long-range explorer mission when I started playing. I'd hate to see them locked on a permanent basis for newer players.
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