Alpha Release date speculation thread

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Come on Frontier, i am signed off with flu... I can drift around in space getting blown to bits and find bugs all week!!
Personally, I think that Frontier will (should) hold on to Alpha for as long as possible whilst still maintaining their promise to their backers.
This is because they know that within minutes of Alpha's release there will be footage of it on Youtube be dissected and reviewed by future potential customers and may be even those few Star Citizen zealots eager to find any flaw to draw attention too.
Within hours there will be online reviews, both amateur and professional, who's articles will set the tone for the ongoing development of the game.
Frontier knows all this and as such need to release a Alpha which is as polished and stable as humanly possible.

While I agree that there will be a deluge of youtube footage, I don't think that professional sites will treat the alpha in the same way as e.g. minecraft or Godus. ED is different because the alpha is a limited release (2000 spots, something like that?) so it can't really be described as public.
While I agree that there will be a deluge of youtube footage, I don't think that professional sites will treat the alpha in the same way as e.g. minecraft or Godus. ED is different because the alpha is a limited release (2000 spots, something like that?) so it can't really be described as public.

There's no such thing as professional sites when it comes to games journalism. Or any sort of journalism, to be honest. It's all about leaping on the newest piece of information, and if they can draw a controversy out of it then all the better. I think Frontier are pretty aware of this, and so have been careful about any footage or shots released, making sure they're as polished as possible. The alpha looks like it'll be more graphically polished than one would normally expect.

"Braben said: "Starting the Elite: Dangerous Alpha process on schedule is a significant milestone for Frontier."

- "Frontier Developments - a leading developer of video games - has started Alpha testing of 'Elite: Dangerous' for eligible backers on schedule -"

Two statments from stockmarketwire this morning, so any truth to the rumour ?
"Braben said: "Starting the Elite: Dangerous Alpha process on schedule is a significant milestone for Frontier."

- "Frontier Developments - a leading developer of video games - has started Alpha testing of 'Elite: Dangerous' for eligible backers on schedule -"

Two statments from stockmarketwire this morning, so any truth to the rumour ?

Ahhh! A good spot! Very interesting...

(this is the link, right? Stockmarketwire)
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"Braben said: "Starting the Elite: Dangerous Alpha process on schedule is a significant milestone for Frontier."

- "Frontier Developments - a leading developer of video games - has started Alpha testing of 'Elite: Dangerous' for eligible backers on schedule -"

Two statments from stockmarketwire this morning, so any truth to the rumour ?

no...... have received no email, shop is still down etc. i suspect its an evil rumour, the press release being referred to is date 18th october.
We will get alpha today if I would have to guess.

Fingers crossed fingers crossed... doubly so because my little 'un is just recovering from a nasty bout of pukes and can't go to nursery tomorrow if he's still sick. So I'm praying he recovers enough for me to have the day off nurse duty tomorrow and playing ED instead :)

Spoiled for choice at present though - ED coming, Starbound, Trove, and now Shroud of the Avatar. Couldn't they all have spread themselves out a little bit?! I bet EQ-Landmark goes and releases alpha tomorrow too now...
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