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Just pre ordered horizons tonight. But totally agree with last poster. I dropped wow due to its subscription basis and I will (sadly) drop this lovely game too if it goes down that slippery slope.
Let's just hope it doesn't.

Yes! Yes! Finally!! I almost lost the faith FD will ever go into planetary landings. When this is done, ED will be complete from my point of view and all that additional stuff (which I believe will be a lot more) is just something extra. Gotta tell my father (65), he said he hopes to live up to this... OK one last time, YYEEEEESSSSS !!!!!!!! :D
Well, the thing I want to do the most with Horizions is fly around in the clouds of a Gas Giant, that would be so amazing!!!! X3
Soooo... Let me see if I've got this right... "existing Elite Dangerous players will receive a £10 loyalty discount"... "The expansion will include all Elite: Dangerous content released to date"... So existing players will have ended up paying a total of £70 for the base game and the horizons expansion... Whereas any newcomes just pay £40 and will have the lot?... How is that a "loyalty reward for existing players" when existing players will have ended up paying more?... Even if you gave existing customers the expansion for free, that would only make it an equal cost for the same amount of content for new players and existing players, so there would technically still be no "loyalty reward" for existing customers other than the cobra.
Am I understanding this right? Have I missed something?...

Dont get me wrong, Im all for buying expansions, especially when the expansion is nigh on a game in itself like horizons is. But the numbers dont add up to existing players being rewarded, unless Ive missed something.

To be fair we also get a loyalty bonus of an exclusive ship, which so far as has been explained thus far, Horizons only players will only be able to access by also purchasing E:Dangerous. It's something that will have more or less value depending on the player, but it's certainly not to be sniffed at.
This just got 10 times better, the REAL game that we all have in our heads is starting to take shape now.
Once the shell is complete, the content will really push this game above the rest.
When is this released?
Some random comments having finally finished this thread

1) FD really need to sort out their comms. So many confused people on here not knowing what they need to do to get Horizons, what it does or does not contain etc. Just give people the facts in one place (sticky) FD then this thread would be half as long.

2) LOL at all the people complaining about FDs pricing model and holding Star Citizen up as a shining example of fair pricing. Yes it does not have a sub, maybe that is because they have raised a squazillion dollars from people paying a fortune for imaginary ships for a game that barely even exists yet. $19000 dollars to buy everything in the game was quoted earlier.... :0 and people are moaning about £30 for a year's worth of content that is optional.

3) I can't wait for the beta to start.

4) Glad I have an oculus rift
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My perspective is that buying all expansions since I bought the game will cost me a couple of nights out. Nights out I won't have if the money go to this obnoxious pretence of loyalty when it's nothing short of scam.
Oh, I got perspective enough, buddy. I just value my money more than most people willing to sink 400£ on a freaking incomplete game and promises.

ED has always had paid for expansions in the pipeline, this has been know for a good while now.
Perhaps, but
a) I don't touch WoW or any other subscription game
b) It may not be 'that much' to you, but it's a couple of weeks food budget for me

The wife and i now shop at Lidls and save enough for me to lavish myself with treats! she gets to watch me spend it :p
Come come old chap, I'm sure every person values their own money in their own way. Value is in the eye of the beholder, surely?

As for ED being incomplete I'd posit that it has always been "incomplete" and will continue to be so for a few more years.

Bit like saying my life is incomplete because i haven't died yet :p he he

[no offence intended of course]
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Yes!!!! My only gripe is it's not soon enough, but I do understand these things take time.

I haven't pre-ordered yet, got to wait to get paid first, but I will be Pre-ordering once I do. And am happy to pay FD for this. I never thought planetary landings would be free. Didn't think it would be quite this much, but I don't think it's out of line. That's just my opinion and yours may differ. That's fine. I am happy with what I've gotten so far and for me, I have gotten my $50.00 (pre order) worth. I don't mind paying another $50 for such a major expansion. You get what you pay for and I have definitely gotten what I paid for. If some feel they haven't, then I feel bad for them, but you do have to realize, there's always inflation. 1 dollar, pound, euro (whatever) won't buy you as much today as it would a year ago.
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