News Beyond 3.0 Beta 2 - Changes to Engineers

I'm choking right now. You're serious? You want to go through with making Engineer blueprints allow a full 75% DPS increase to every individual weapon on a given ship? Like actually getting close to making any given weapon in the game *twice as effective*, way above and beyond merely being a 'worthwhile improvement'?

There's dangerous cliffs ahead, and we're about to flying over the edge. I've seen what's past the edge before, and I don't like it.

Look at how much shield capacities have gone up, even *before* engineers. Weapon damage hasn't been even close to that. G5 everything is going to eventually be "the new normal" and even with that in place, massively overpowered shields are still going to be disproportionately strong.
Greetings Commanders,

First of all we wanted to say a huge thank you to everyone who has helped us test the Beyond 3.0 beta so far. A huge number of you have jumped in to the game to test out the Chieftain, listen to GalNet Audio, and experience the other hundreds of change to the Elite Dangerous galaxy, making it our most populated beta so far.
We’ve been watching your feedback very closely, and thanks to your support we were able to make a few changes to how Engineering works that we’d like to call out specifically.

All of the below will take effect as part of beta 2 (as well as the other many changes in the full patch notes):
- When pinning a blueprint, it will now pin all grades rather than just one.
- If you have a higher reputation with an Engineer, the number of rolls you need to progress through lower grades will be lower. This means you will be able to roll the highest grade much more quickly if you have a higher reputation with an Engineer.
- We’ve made a set of initial changes to improve the blueprints you receive from engaging with Engineers. As always, your feedback is hugely appreciated, and we’d love to hear what you think about these changes relative to how they were in beta 1. Please do continue to test and give us your feedback to help make the very best possible update. See the full list of changes to the modules so far here:

- Dirty Drives:
Speed Increase 30%->40%
(Max possible increase now 47%, used to be 47% with extreme luck, 43%+ considered very good)
- Clean Drives:
Speed Increase 18%->28%
(Max possible increase now 34.4%, used to be 33.8%)

- Short Range:
Damage increase 65%->75%
(Max DPS increase 67.5% in live, 70% in beta, now 80% including experimentals)
- Overcharged:
Damage increase 55%->70%
(Max DPS increase 67.5% in live, 59% in beta, now 75% including experimentals)
- Rapid Fire:
Firing Interval reduction 40%->44% (ROF increase 66%->79%)
(Max DPS increase 67.5% in live, 63% in beta, now 74.7% including experimentals)
- Efficient:
Damage increase 17%->24%
(Max DPS increase 26% in live, 20.5% in beta, now 27.7% including experimentals)
Passive power draw reduction 40%->48%
WEP draw reduction 35%->45%
- Focused:
Heat increase halved (10%->5%)

Shield Generator:
- Enhanced, Low Power:
Strength Multiplier: 10%->15%
- Reinforced:
Damage Reduction: 12%->15% (back to where it is in live), also fix a numerical error that resulted it odd results from crafting lvl 1-4 recipes

- Increased FSD Range:
Optimised mass 50%->55%

Power Plant:
- Low Emissions:
Heat 60%->65%
- Overcharged:
Power 36%->40%
Hull Reinforcement:
- Single Resistance blueprints:
Off-type penalties reduced 12%->10%
- Heavy Duty:
Damage resistance restored from 8.5%->15%
- Lightweight:
Health Multiplier increase 18%->24%

- Heavy Duty:
Health Multiplier increase 30%->35%

Power Distributor:
- High Frequency:
Global charge rate increase 40%->45%
- High Capacity:
Global Charge Capacity 40%->42%
- Priority X blueprints:
Increase charge rate on primary capacitor from 30%->36%
Shield Boosters:
- Heavy Duty:
Shield health increase 38%->40%
- Resistance Augmented:
Global damage resist 16%->17%
Once again, we’d love to hear your thoughts on all of the changes in beta 2 – we’ve been paying close attention to your feedback on social media, the forums, your emails and Reddit since the first beta livestream, and we’ll continue to make changes thanks to your support.

The full change log has been posted here.

Seem like positive developments all around. I particularly like the change surrounding engineer reputation - it was starting to seem like reputation was more or less irrelevant in Beyond.
Yep, this is good. I like how the engineer reputation is being used - the previous mechanism of buying favors for rep seemed a bit contrived, this one feels a lot more natural "I normally charge 5 sulphur to do this mod, but don't worry bud - give me three and I'm sure I have some lying around that I can use for the rest. You can buy the beer next time we hang out"
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Please look into nerfing the scramble spectrum special effect somehow. As it is now in live, the fas is breaking down completely when hit with a class 1 turreted pulse laser.
I am not part of the Beta as I am on Xbox. I would still like to add my two cents to this in regards to the fact that FDev want to limit RNG's effect on engineering...

Can we please get a method of getting Painite that does not involve mining for anywhere from and hour or less if you are lucky to what I am now on in my 7th hour of searching a Pristine Metal Rich Belt with Prospector Limpets to find 8 tons of it so far!

Also give some love to Marco in what he can do for Upgrades as he is right now...well he is outshined by The Dweller and Hera Tani each and both and easier to unlock than he is (One just requires you sell stuff to 5 Black Markets and pay him 500k Credits. The other requires you get Outsider Rank or Higher in the Empire and haul Cigars 200 ly a few times.) [Now this is jsut an observation of mine for Marco.]

EDIT: I just want to make clear. I got no problem with playing the game and working to earn something that is needed for a 'quest/mission' to unlock something. It is when it is so heavily dependent on RNG being NICE to you that I got issues with it. As I said, there are people and I've seen vids of it where people get lucky and find the item in question without much searching. Then there is me coming up on 8 hours of mining now in a Type-6 with Prospector LImpets and only getting 8 tons of the stuff to show for it. That is what ticks me off and I HATE RNG being used to determine how long it takes to get something done...and I'd rather not turn the game into a second job. I got EVE for that.

EDIT2: Also...I fly combat and exploration normally and as an aside to the above...dear god Mining in this game is horrible.
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I am not part of the Beta as I am on Xbox. I would still like to add my two cents to this in regards to the fact that FDev want to limit RNG's effect on engineering...

Can we please get a method of getting Painite that does not involve mining for anywhere from and hour or less if you are lucky to what I am now on in my 7th hour of searching a Pristine Metal Rich Belt with Prospector Limpets to find 8 tons of it so far!

Also give some love to Marco in what he can do for Upgrades as he is right now...well he is outshined by The Dweller and Hera Tani each and both and easier to unlock than he is (One just requires you sell stuff to 5 Black Markets and pay him 500k Credits. The other requires you get Outsider Rank or Higher in the Empire and haul Cigars 200 ly a few times.) [Now this is jsut an observation of mine for Marco.]

EDIT: I just want to make clear. I got no problem with playing the game and working to earn something that is needed for a 'quest/mission' to unlock something. It is when it is so heavily dependent on RNG being NICE to you that I got issues with it. As I said, there are people and I've seen vids of it where people get lucky and find the item in question without much searching. Then there is me coming up on 8 hours of mining now in a Type-6 with Prospector LImpets and only getting 8 tons of the stuff to show for it. That is what ticks me off and I HATE RNG being used to determine how long it takes to get something done...and I'd rather not turn the game into a second job. I got EVE for that.

EDIT2: Also...I fly combat and exploration normally and as an aside to the above...dear god Mining in this game is horrible.
Pristine metallic is better than pristine metal rich. Drop into a High RES (make sure you’re suitably equipped). You’ll be done in no time :)
... Can we please get a method of getting Painite that does not involve mining for anywhere from and hour or less if you are lucky to what I am now on in my 7th hour of searching a Pristine Metal Rich Belt with Prospector Limpets to find 8 tons of it so far!
There should be increased amount of ore extracted from asteroid (was written in patch notes). So it will not change method (mining), but should be easier/faster. I like do mining from time to time and therefore this particular change pleases me much.
Thanks FD!
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