Patch Notes Update Beyond - Chapter Four - Beta (Week 1)

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Will the Passenger ships retain the changes to restricted slots when C4 goes live too? My explorca exploited the change in status as soon as I got back to Jameson from the starting place in the beta, I'd just thought it was something to do with beta - but was pleased as punch nonetheless!
Some have said that un-restricting the ZP ship slots makes them better explorer ships. I can definitely understand why this would allow ZP ships to be better mining ships, for instance, but why does this make them better explorers!

Anyone want to give some examples?
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Hello folks,

I've updated the patch notes with an additional point:

  • Orca, Dolphin and Beluga optional internal slots no longer restricted to just passenger cabins.

Not as good for the game, in my opnion, than doing rol focused/nerf op ships, like anaconda. But being a fan of the gutamaya&saud kruger lines of beautiful curvy ships, i'll really enjoy this!!!!

Thanks! I'll take a beluga explo over an op unbalanced ana, any day, even jumping less. May that change endure to live.
Some have said that un-restricting the ZP ship slots makes them better explorer ships. I can definitely understand why this would allow ZP ships to be better mining ships, for instance, but why does this make them better explorers!

Anyone want to give some examples?

The restricted slots limited choices between e.g reasonable shield or big fuel scoop or AFMU as you could have any 1 but not a combination. (in its simplest form) Unlocking the tied slots will permit a viable inclusion of all of the above. And the view from the cockpit is really nice too - if not quite as open as T6/Krait etc.
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Has anyone issues with influence map ? It crashes my game everytime I'm trying to open, it.
The issue now, is that I can't open map anymore because default view on galaxy map is on influence map ...
Hello folks,

I've updated the patch notes with an additional point:

  • Orca, Dolphin and Beluga optional internal slots no longer restricted to just passenger cabins.

Thank you, Thank you, Thank you.....

Any chance this could be applied to the current production system?

It will give left-out console players something to tinker with and prepare for ....
Bug: When I activate the chat panel, I can no longer switch to the incoming messages, the focus stays in the chat window. How could this even pass the first developer test?

Bad: Interacting with Megaship: I used to be able to cycle through sub targets like on enemy ships, this key binding no longer works on targets on a mega ship.
Also having to switch the UI to analysis mode to be able to scan tedious and unnecessary.
Hello folks,

I've updated the patch notes with an additional point:

  • Orca, Dolphin and Beluga optional internal slots no longer restricted to just passenger cabins.
This makes me very, very happy! I did 165,000 ly between stations in my *unshielded* exploration Beluga because of the restrictions ... it's going to return to the black as a much more capable ship.
Some have said that un-restricting the ZP ship slots makes them better explorer ships. I can definitely understand why this would allow ZP ships to be better mining ships, for instance, but why does this make them better explorers!

Anyone want to give some examples?

It just frees up more internals for things like larger fuel scoops and FSD boosters. It’s not going to allow them to jump much farther than they can now, but all three ships do have rather nice cockpits with big windows and the extra internal flexibility will make outfitting better. No downward visibility though, so they aren’t ideal for exploring planet surfaces.

I still feel like the Dolphin should have its range boosted to be more than the Orca, but maybe that’s just me. :D
I'd like to see the timers be a little longer for the high grade signal sources. I just found one, 2:30 min life time, but it's 10,000 LS out and it was gone by the time I got there.
  • Fix for valid massacre targets not counting towards mission progress

Holy... crap. Is this real? Are they actually fixing this? I mean... really? Tell me it's so. Tell me that when I run into a wing of three pirates belonging to the appropriate faction, that they will all count towards the massacre mission completion, instead of just one. I'm giddy!

I know it seems like I'm being facetious or disingenuous.. and maybe I am a tad... but no, really. THANK YOU! I literally stopped playing Elite just because of this problem (well, and the fact that it had been reported repeatedly for a long time with no fix, hence the slight barb). If this fix is actually for that problem... Yay! Thank you!
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