"Blockade" of Dav's Hope

This is an interesting point. Are there any actual PvE PG players around here who would jump ship for a PvE layer of Open?

I'm actually asking. Like, anyone who's reading this and plays on Mobius for example.
Yes, I'd be there, unless it turned out to have significant downsides. Mobius has the group size cap, isn't well- enough known, is player-moderated with inadequate tools and can be infiltrated. It's been noted before that you can be unjustly expelled from it by simple mistake and have no redress because FD have washed their hands of any responsibility for running it.
It still amazes me 5 years in how people cannot comprehend what OPEN is about in Elite Dangerous. It's the same as any other MMO game. World of Warcraft was notorious and still is for ganking and pvping in certain areas. High levels smash low levels in WoW... armed guys smashed unarmed ones in Elite.

I'm sorry as much as it's annoying behavior for some no game rules have been broken, no hacks are happening, no player scams and no glitches. It just doesn't have any honour attached to it but it's peoples game to play the way they want. You're flying your space ship in areas that are not policed by NPC's and players are free to engaged eachother how they want.

If you really really really cannot take the fact someone else might shoot you either travel in Wings of 4 or still to groups and solo. There's a perfectly good PvE group called Mobius if you still want to interact with other human players.
This is an interesting point. Are there any actual PvE PG players around here who would jump ship for a PvE layer of Open?

I'm actually asking. Like, anyone who's reading this and plays on Mobius for example.

Yes, me.

(To be honest, this is such an obvious idea that I start to suspect FDev actually wants it to not happen.)
There are two entire layers of Elite that allow players to interact either with no one at all or exclusively with people who share the same vision of Elite as they do, and it's all the same universe.

There is a dire need for a third. That's all he wants to say.

No. There's a limit to how much leeway I'm willing to give the notion that mode hopping and combat logging are somehow acceptable behavior simply because a player wants to be in Open but refuses to deal with consequences of being in Open.

Players don't want to "be in Open". Players want to socialize without risks.
As it stands, there is no good way to do that. Therefore, players join Open (out of ignorance or neglect).
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Mobius only exists due to the lack of a proper PvE mode. It's a symptom, not the cure.
On the same ground you could suggest all PvPers build and play their own PvP group.
Why do you think that's not happening (it actually does, but still far from the scale of Mobius).

A good part of my post was trying to describe why 'a proper PvE mode' is actually a lot harder than most people think.
There is no PvP nor PvE mode, just a public main lobby, a starter zone excluding PKers in open with permit locks and a few aspiring role players trying clumsily to justify a culture of mediocrity that resulted from years of powercreep and unbalanced design. And the same hypocrites blaming people for not using solo, then for using it. Or maybe they're just idiots not really knowing what they want from a game that isn't Eve online.
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This is an interesting point. Are there any actual PvE PG players around here who would jump ship for a PvE layer of Open?

I'm actually asking. Like, anyone who's reading this and plays on Mobius for example.
I'll bite :)

Simple and straightforward... I'm in mobius (on 1 account) and play PG on another - but play open on the remaining one.
Would I want an 'open PvE' mode? No thanks... (that is all technically other modes are, just instancing flags changed), if I am in open and see an opposing faction working against me in my home system, I'm going to do something about it... Having the scenario illustrated and being unable to do anything because they are in 'open PvE'... Just no!
This is an interesting point. Are there any actual PvE PG players around here who would jump ship for a PvE layer of Open?

I'm actually asking. Like, anyone who's reading this and plays on Mobius for example.
Me. I had made quite a few friends in the original Mobius group. When it got split into US, EU and APAC groups, I ended up in the APAC group and it turns out most of the friends I made are in the US/EU groups. So I don't see them anymore...
This is an interesting point. Are there any actual PvE PG players around here who would jump ship for a PvE layer of Open?

I'm actually asking. Like, anyone who's reading this and plays on Mobius for example.
Me. I switch between mobius and open based on how big consequences of my death would be. Noticed mobius is much less populated than open. So im all up for default mode being pve open, then as secondary pvp open, then pgs, and as last mode to the right, solo.
Wouldnt mind some restrictions regarding to influencing pp or mf, but remember, now solo player can influnce these two.

Basically default pve open would help with fragmentation of playerbase not interesed in pvp.

Ps: inb4 anyone say something in lines "gAlAxY iS dAnGeRoUs, it is in game's name" - devs dont agree with you, they have created solo an pg alrady
You don't get any profits from killing a clean CMDR. Not even rank or materials.
Seriously? Huh... Well, my ignorance is proof that I don't go around killing clean commanders, LOL. Though I have read you earn 10 free Arx for every PvP kill.
Ps: inb4 anyone say something in lines "gAlAxY iS dAnGeRoUs,
Your use of random capital letters in an attempt to mock PvPers only makes you look immature 🤷

Though if it makes you feel better, I've been taking to task for the use of the word "griefer", which I guess is profanity in Britain based on the backlash I received. If you want to use that word to describe your assailants, I won't judge!
Its no lamer than relogging to grind mats to be honest.
I disagree actually. Relogging to collect mats means he's playing his game his way and not affecting anyone else. With the lame-ass "blockage" (seriously, get over yourself!), the idiot is enforcing his game on others. Yes there are other modes and the Op could have done things differently (especially after the first or second rebuy, I mean come on Op, the clues were there!)
I disagree actually. Relogging to collect mats means he's playing his game his way and not affecting anyone else. With the lame- "blockage" (seriously, get over yourself!), the idiot is enforcing his game on others. Yes there are other modes and the Op could have done things differently (especially after the first or second rebuy, I mean come on Op, the clues were there!)

In open affecting and being affected by other people is a legit part of the game, in any mode you affect them via the BGS and vice versa.
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