"Blockade" of Dav's Hope

All true, but if another player attacks me and claims the reason is his RP, I need to decide whether I believe him while my mouse is hovering over "block". If his claimed RP somehow seems to turn out to give him "reasons" to attack mostly unarmed ships, I'm likely to decide that it's an excuse or a rationalisation rather than a real RP justification. <Click>

I'm incredulous at any supposed RP that involves an attempt at communication, because it would be so out of place in any plausible scenario, especially given the constraints of the mechanisms at work in the Elite setting.

Of course, I don't block people, partially because I don't believe that my beliefs are always correct or that I should be able to unilaterally dictate my experience in a multiplayer game.

Really? This is your argument? That this person destroyed my ship because..he was stopping me from a "henious act" of using the resource site left in-game by the very developers? If he was allowed to do so by the game's mechanics, I guess it would be ok for him to destroy ships, say, trying to dock to a random space station?

They put them there for the game's benefit, not your CMDR's personal benefit.

Contention over limited supplies of resource or concentrating players into areas where they are forced to encounter and interact with each other, even in overtly hostile manners, are likely part of that intent.

And yes, as players we're all allowed to have our CMDR do anything possible in the game, within the very light and vague restrictions of the ToS/EULA. Some of these possibilities are undoubtedly more unintended (relogging ad nauseam to fill material bins) than others (having one's CMDR shoot another for reasons that may seem capricious and arbitrary to some), but very few of them are prohibited.

Shouldnt you gank, kill once, then block the noob at last? Or screw the dead is dead narrative.

Dead is dead, but CMDRs never die.

Remlock ejection seats and escape pods have a perfect record, thus far. There is a first time for everything though and my CMDR is wary of ejecting more than absolutely necessary. So, he usually puts some effort into not exploding...and crosses his fingers in hopes that those he does explode will suffer some unfortunate malfunction that makes his shorting of Remlok stock worthwhile (money is still worthless of course, but the "I told you they could fail!" would be priceless) as well as keeping said individuals from annoying him in the future.
This person destroyed my DBX three times today, when I tried to collect some materials at Dav's Hope. Without provocation. As my DBX was set up for exploration only, it didn't even have shields or weapons. He later sent me a message saying the "blockade is over for today and I that I can use the Dav's Hope".

I was just wondering is this type of behaviour sanctioned by the FDEVS and Game Community?
What do you think FDEV should do about it?
I'd buy another account for a hardcore game mode, especially if it didn't have Engineering, but I digress.

Can find keys for less than ten bucks after all the sales, even if multiple saves should be a given.

But then, dont you know you can unlock most engineers in a matter of just a few hours anyway now? Or so I've been told.
I'll take your last paragraph first. I did 48 hours at work in my real life full time job last week, how about you?


This might come as a shock to you but in a game with a player base significantly biased towards the 30+ age group, having a job and stuff to do other than playing computer games doesn't make you unusual.

It does not really. But being aware of other folks having RL obligations (like me and you) is really of little comfort when my own precious time gets (ireplacably) wasted by someone elses wreckless behaviour (which appears you are trying to justify or at least play it down).

As for the rest of it, no that's not my argument. I'm not actually having an argument with you; I'm stating some facts and you're yelling at the wall.

I would say you are, as already noted, really trying to sort of, make an excuse for the guy. As for stating facts, no I don't think you're stating any. You are providing your opinion on this person's behaviour, which is, by its nature, very subjective. (As is, of course, my own).

That was one potential reason (note use of the word potential there) for a player wanting to stop someone from gathering materials at Dav's Hope.

Again, it's a resource site left there by the developers. This person just felt it was ok to ruin it for other players wanting to use that resource site. And now you are trying to make an excuses for this person. Just because I guess.

As for your second paragraph, dear me. What's next are you just going to skip straight to Godwin's Law or do we have more filler content to look forward to first?

I have no idea nor really care what Goodwin's Law is. Filler content? Isn't everybody's opinion on these boards basically a "filler content"? Or you think your opinion does not fall under that category? Is somewhat more special?

Regardless, it's clear that you're completely incapable of understanding that your own guess as to the reasons for someone's actions in a game and the value judgements you then make based on that guesswork don't form the basis for some sort of natural law of gaming, so it's probably best that we leave it here.

First you referenced Goodwin's Law and now you are implying that I am incapable of understanding deep reasoning why someone behaved like a d'ck in-game. Maybe, indeed, it IS best to leave it here.

I'll reiterate what I said earlier - the solution is simple, use one of the two modes where you won't run into unwanted PVP. Or play in open and accept that in doing so you will encounter players who simply don't care what reason you may have for not wanting them to blow you up and more importantly, recognise that there's no requirement for them to convince you that it's legitimate within your headcanon. Deal with the world as it is, not as you wish it was.

It's not really a "world", it's an online game meant to entertain people. You "deal with the world" once you stop playing that game. If you enjoy working 48hrs shift and then be completely OK. with in-game a**holes ruining it for you when you try to achieve something worthwhile ingame (other than shoot someone up), well, you are definatelly a better person than I am, and I wish I had that same capacity for understanding as you do. But I do not. Unfortunatelly. But I do realize it's the "reality" I will have to accept.
Oooh handbags are flying! My favourite type of thread! 😲
I've never been to Dav's Hope....but this thread is so inspirational I might have to pop over......in a heavily armed PvP ship 😜
(Gotta get back from witch head first though!)
My message to OP - want to wing up when I do? No promises....but it might be more fun if you bring guns / friends with you? 😘
Again, it's a resource site left there by the developers. This person just felt it was ok to ruin it for other players wanting to use that resource site. And now you are trying to make an excuses for this person. Just because I guess.

It is OK for another player to not care about what you want to do. It's entirely OK, just as it's OK for you to also not care about what other players want to do. The devs created the content and that is all they did. If you go there in open, players are free to act as players will sometimes act in open. There is no rule that everybody who goes to Dav's Hope has to be left alone to gather materials. The developers didn't add that caveat when they created the content, or if they did they certainly haven't mentioned it.

You're talking as if they left you a birthday present and someone stole it. Nobody created a farming spot that you can expect to have all to yourself, completely unmolested or otherwise troubled by anybody else, when playing in open. That's the reality that yes, you are in fact incapable of grasping based on this post and your previous ones.

I have no idea nor really care what Goodwin's Law is. Filler content? Isn't everybody's opinion on these boards basically a "filler content"? Or you think your opinion does not fall under that category? Is somewhat more special?

Godwin's Law refers to a noted theory that the longer a thread on the internet gets, the more chance there is of someone making a post comparing a person or their actions to a well-known bunch of German gentlemen from the 1930s and 40s. I said it in reference to you conflating me pointing out the reality of playing a game with unrestricted PVP in open mode with the way a psychopath might justify their actions in a courtroom.

You still can't see that you're looking at the entire issue from the starting point of 'I don't like this behaviour therefore it is wrong.' Whether you personally like something or not is no concern of mine, or presumably of the player who attacked you and probably of nobody outside of your house. It certainly doesn't have any relevance to the way someone you've never met will play an online game, or at least it's not reasonable to expect that it will.

Nor does my opinion, as you correctly noted, but I'm not the one complaining about it.

First you referenced Goodwin's Law and now you are implying that I am incapable of understanding deep reasoning why someone behaved like a d'ck in-game. Maybe, indeed, it IS best to leave it here.

Oh wait, so now you do know what Godwin's Law is? Did you google it between paragraphs?

It's not really a "world", it's an online game meant to entertain people.

Well I'm guessing the guy who shot you was entertained, so at least he understands that eh?

You "deal with the world" once you stop playing that game. If you enjoy working 48hrs shift and then be completely OK. with in-game a**holes ruining it for you when you try to achieve something worthwhile ingame (other than shoot someone up), well, you are definatelly a better person than I am, and I wish I had that same capacity for understanding as you do.

Well firstly, if you're so keen on a distinction between 'a game' and 'the world' fine, but I'd suggest you remember it next time you're tempted to start quacking on about psychopaths and attorneys in response to someone who merely has a more relaxed opinion about someone's actions in 'a game' than you do.

I never have to deal with that situation in the first place though because (and I think I may have mentioned this a couple of times already) if I'm doing something and definitely don't want the possibility of PVP, I will play in one of the two modes where I know I won't get it. Can you see how that's a more measured and sensible response than expecting the world to change to suit you?

But I do not. Unfortunatelly. But I do realize it's the "reality" I will have to accept.

Oh good, glad you got there in the end.

Perhaps if you weren't so angry about everything you'd be able to take a step back and get some perspective here. You said you think I'm making excuses for him which shows just how blind you're being - did you just not read my earlier comment when I said his behaviour is lame in my opinion and not something that I would do? It's precisely because I'm not the arbiter of good behaviour in the game though, that I can recognise my opinion on what another player does or doesn't do isn't something that I can reasonably expect the other player to give a crap about. Refusing to condemn it is not condoning it. That's pretty much the definition of an extremist mindset.

Now tell me, how did making this thread move you forward in a positive way? Do you feel it's likely that you've changed any minds here? Do you think that if the player concerned read this thread he would have an epiphany and realise the error of his ways when he failed to take into account that you just wanted a quiet material farming session when he was deciding what he wanted to do? Or was it (as Shakespeare wrote) 'a tale told by an idiot, full of sound and fury, signifying nothing' ?
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Life would be so boring if people didn't set up random roadblocks.

After rebuy #1, I suggest ; note the killed you Cmdr, pick up three tons progenitor cells or similar, get back to c2-23, low wake on the quiet, hail on system wide comms .. and see if you can buy your way past the blockade.

Last blockade I saw was at engineer system. Got past it with some weaving SC and did my engineering, then started winding up on system comms (you'll never take me alive etc etc). Flew up to blockade, got interdicted, high waked then got chased across six systems. As you arrive first you can stay out of interdiction range (even engineered PvP ships have no supercruise speed advantage, mind out for gravity wells) and chat / beg for mercy / call them a thargoid before you (a) turn and take a beating (b) high wake to next system. Hilarious fun and very satisfying when you escape in your distinctly non-PvP ready ship. o7
being aware of other folks having RL obligations (like me and you) is really of little comfort when my own precious time gets (ireplacably) wasted by someone elses wreckless behaviour (which appears you are trying to justify or at least play it down).

Your time was wasted by your own reckless decision. It was no-one else's fault or concern.

Again, it's a resource site left there by the developers. This person just felt it was ok to ruin it for other players wanting to use that resource site. And now you are trying to make an excuses for this person. Just because I guess.

Or maybe they simply like blowing up ships? You can do that in this game you know, and some people find that the most fun thing to do. Which is fair enough. They also find that the hollow squares on their radar seem to be more fun that those filled in ones. Which is also perfectly fine. Don't be their hollow square...
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