Community Event / Creation Buckyball Racing Club presents: Chicken Run (03-11 MAR))


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In the Healthy Hauler class, CMDR Ozric in The Littlest Hobo manages an improvement of his overall time. However, the now unfavourable planetary constellation probably prevented him from setting a new record, despite risking it all in a shieldless configuration and with a measly 5% hull left when he arrived at Noriega Station.

I'm out doing some science at the moment, but I'm still determined to have another go before the race ends :D With the amount of time it takes to escape the Gravity Well of Robert Kelly (that sounds weird) I'm certain it will be quicker to find a system you can jump straight to and then go on from there.

All hope is not lost!
I'm out doing some science at the moment, but I'm still determined to have another go before the race ends :D With the amount of time it takes to escape the Gravity Well of Robert Kelly (that sounds weird) I'm certain it will be quicker to find a system you can jump straight to and then go on from there.

This is what I've been doing all along. During the descent to the base try selecting different nearby systems in the nav panel until you find one that's above the horizon. Now get on with the landing. When you take off again having plotted a route to the next bookmark, if your jump is obscured open the nav panel and hey presto, your previously selected non-obscured system is still highlighted and you can just select it, jump there and then re-plot your route.
Ah, a fellow gearhead! When I'm not embarrassing myself demonstrating my Buckyball racing ineptitude, I satisfy my need for speed by taking my Viper ACR to the track and driving beyond my abilities!

W-wait, you casually happen to own a Viper ACR? The 600+ hp, huge intakes, ginormous spoiler one? *That* Viper ACR? :eek:
Oh well you know, not particularly impressed actually as a fellow gearhead myself, whenever I feel my crave for speed I use to bring my, ehm...Fiat...Fiat Tipo, a brutal...ahh, brutal machine, really...on the track, that is...uhh, the 3.5 km road from home to work...lots of bends, braking points, you know, traffic lights, kind of exciting...yes stuff, very exciting...handling the beast, taming all the power, you know...all the 95...95 hp...the need for speed, engine roaring, smell of red-hot clutch...

...aand now I'm sad. Thank you Camisade, THANK YOU!

But no seriously, that must feel awesome. :D
And I'm still a gearhead, even if of the broke, generally failing at life kind [noob]...maybe with a couple better choices along the road that Tipo could have been an Alfa Giulia Veloce by now :rolleyes:...

Have a nice holiday there Alec, smell the gasoline for us!*

*and bring some earplugs!
3) don't win your first ever Buckyball Race unless you have the funds to buy everyone else a round of drinks
When was actually the last time this happened (in a non-SRV event)? I think it might even have been Alot wayyy back in BBR6 :D

I know what you mean there Edelgard... A rushed 45 min circuit showed me that this is a tough one to shave that much time off! I can't see how you would do it in only 35min! Is there a video of this run? I'd really like to take a look at some amazing flying!
From my experience the 2nd attempt is nearly always quite a bit faster than the first, even when there doesn't seem to be that much room for improvement. But getting used to the course and procedures almost always shaves off more than a minute for me :)
In this race I suppose the biggest factor is the Orbital Cruise (OC) approach, as the high g planets really slow you down a lot, so a perfect approach at a constant 0:04 or 0:05 ETA until the last few seconds could be a minute or more faster than a normal one.

You will do. The vast majority of my rebuys are are self inflicted during races.

This still happens. You'll spend the whole week pulling off the best run you possibly can, so going into the final day you'll know that if you can just fix one or two mistakes you're in with a shot.

Then cookiehole turns up. ;)
... and dashes an iCourier and two DBXs to pieces before even starting a run :D
From looking around the course, I'm already pretty sure that this is one of the most difficult Buckyball race courses ever: There's not only the risks associated with high g landings, but also the difficulty in getting the OC approaches just right. I just managed to crash out of OC after having entered the blue zone successfully; apparently you need to stay below 200 km/s vertical speed for the whole time and it really takes big planets like these to even get a chance to pitch down fast enough after blue zone entry to violate that constraint :rolleyes:

Putting on the g-suit:
CMDR Cookiehole
DBX RATtlesnake
possibly also Hauler Tin Can

And now for some galactic weather forecast:
I've created a spreadsheet for the jump targets; feel free to add some data points if you're motivated (really difficult to measure some targets in high g without plummeting into the ground though) :p
The next few days should roughly look like this:

The problem is that at least 3 of the graphs (the ones with an ! next to them in the legend) are at least partially wrong. I haven't located the error yet, but I think the shape of the curves is roughly correct while they're inexplicably offset in the time-direction. I can't find any pattern in the incorrect data and also a second measurement taken a few h later has the exact same planets messing up again... :rolleyes:
It looks like only the jump at Weber will be obscured during the next few days*; the other targets are either never obscured or only changing very slowly.

*My guess is that (if the shape of the graph is roughly correct) the Weber graph is about 24 h "earlier" in reality than in the image, so it could be visible in the early morning of March 10 again.
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After flying the Type-6 and Orca back to back, I've decided the Orca has superior handling characteristics(!), so in spite of the risk to my bank account I think I'm going to focus on that one.

Right now I'm in the familiar position of having done everything well at least once, but so far not all in the same run. ;)
Rebuy tally so far: 1 Type-6, 1 Orca
I forget the exact range of my DBX but I can do all but one of the stages in a single jump (5 G. Capricorni to Ross 905 takes two). I reckon 3 or 4 of those stages might be taking you 2 jumps and each of those is costing you an extra minute. It's not a big issue but it all adds up and could be adding 4 or 5 minutes to your total time.
Yeah, my DBX range right now is 59 Ly, once the race is over I plan on a bit more engineering to push it past 60 (and offloading some extraneous parts, like a silly cargo rack).

I usually assume that each extra jump is 45 seconds for my calculations, that's almost exactly the time for a full jump cyle with no scooping. (or just hot scooping) For most races it seems that jump range > all, since it's difficult to make up 45 or 90 seconds elsewhere, but I'd love to see Cookie prove me wrong with the Crater Creator. (I mean not love, but I'd respect it :p )

That said I think Ashnak has done an excellent job of finding such a nice range of different gravity planets all within 50ly or so of each other.

Indeed. He may claim EDDB makes it easier, but having tried to design a couple races myself, I'm very impressed by the layout and know how much time it can take. Well done sir!

I'm out doing some science at the moment, but I'm still determined to have another go before the race ends :D With the amount of time it takes to escape the Gravity Well of Robert Kelly (that sounds weird) I'm certain it will be quicker to find a system you can jump straight to and then go on from there.

All hope is not lost!

I did this for the first time today! I always mean to but have never figured out a decent way. Today I just spammed nearby systems on the way up with my little hauler Lazarus. Hopefully it'll turn out well.

Thanks Oz - can't wait! (and it'll be nice, once I get past the cold turkey, to take a real solid break from ED!)

I'm still gonna be getting get my mid-week racing fix tho!

Congrats! Welcome to the land of freedom and gasoline, or something. :p I'd happily buy you a round, but last time I checked, Florida isn't very near New Mexico. I should check out our local speedway through, I have a feeling my three year old would appreciate it.

When was actually the last time this happened (in a non-SRV event)? I think it might even have been Alot wayyy back in BBR6 :D
*raises hand* I think I won the stock sidewinder little X class in the BBRX, although that might have been due to lack of competition, because I didn't know anything back then. :D

From my experience the 2nd attempt is nearly always quite a bit faster than the first, even when there doesn't seem to be that much room for improvement. But getting used to the course and procedures almost always shaves off more than a minute for me :)

Same here, although my first complete attempts on this race have been decent. Mainly due to experience from the 6+ aborted ones I think. Speaking of which, I don't think I'll have any videos for this race, since the combination of Elite and OBS seems to be causing my Compy to bluescreen. :'( I'm reduced to screenshots alone, if I can remember to press the key. :p

In this race I suppose the biggest factor is the Orbital Cruise (OC) approach, as the high g planets really slow you down a lot, so a perfect approach at a constant 0:04 or 0:05 ETA until the last few seconds could be a minute or more faster than a normal one.
Definitely, I'd guess 80-90% of the differential in times in this race will come from supercruise. Also, are you talking about maintaining 0:04-0:05 until a few seconds before GLIDE?! [woah]

I thought my approaches were good, but when it comes to King's and Weber, I'm usually unable to get below 0:12s. :( Stupid gravity well slows everything down.

... and dashes an iCourier and two DBXs to pieces before even starting a run :D
Ayup, 4 popped iCouriers here. DBX seems sturdier though. :D Good ol' cheap, cramped, shaky, fizzy, buzzy, lovely, brilliant heap of left over spare parts.

Also, anyone else noticed how they changed the respawn mechanics? It's really messing with me, and is going to make remloking to restart runs way less appealing. :(

From looking around the course, I'm already pretty sure that this is one of the most difficult Buckyball race courses ever: There's not only the risks associated with high g landings, but also the difficulty in getting the OC approaches just right. I just managed to crash out of OC after having entered the blue zone successfully; apparently, you need to stay below 200 km/s vertical speed for the whole time and it really takes big planets like these to even get a chance to pitch down fast enough after blue zone entry to violate that constraint :rolleyes:
Yep, I had that happen once as well, those mechanics are really poorly documented/illustrated. Would be nice if the hud gave some warning about how close you were to dropout, but I guess that would ruin the fun, eh?

Putting on the g-suit:
CMDR Cookiehole
DBX RATtlesnake
possibly also Hauler Tin Can
Now why does Cookiehole's gsuit give me the willies. :p

And now for some galactic weather forecast:
This is amazing, much <3.

After flying the Type-6 and Orca back to back, I've decided the Orca has superior handling characteristics(!), so in spite of the risk to my bank account I think I'm going to focus on that one.

You can never go wrong with an Orca, such a glorious ship. [up]
So much awesome in this thread! As I sip my morning coffee at Gatwick airport it makes me proud to be wearing my Buckyball Racing Club hoodie!

Obligatory on-topic comment:
PSA: As of this morning, Noriega Station seems to be out of stock on 2A FSDs. They are available nearby on Mattingly Station.

Posted intent:
Since my best chance at securing a third place finish is to enter a class that only has two other participants, I'll be flying my (brand new) Healthy Hauler, the "Kamikaze Jart," later today. (Actually, tbh, I flew it this morning, but blew my first insertion, so...)


As for the rest... Hey, Topic Cops! -- Look over there! A squirrel! -->

W-wait, you casually happen to own a Viper ACR? The 600+ hp, huge intakes, ginormous spoiler one? *That* Viper ACR? :eek:

That would be the one. If only I didn't drive so much like I pilot a T-10.... but here're a couple shots -- one on my way to the track, one taken by a very talented photographer friend of mine (without the numbers on it):



Oh well you know, not particularly impressed actually as a fellow gearhead myself, whenever I feel my crave for speed I use to bring my, ehm...Fiat...Fiat Tipo, a brutal...ahh, brutal machine, really...on the track, that is...uhh, the 3.5 km road from home to work...lots of bends, braking points, you know, traffic lights, kind of exciting...yes stuff, very exciting...handling the beast, taming all the power, you know...all the 95...95 hp...the need for speed, engine roaring, smell of red-hot clutch...

Don't knock it -- some of the fastest drivers I know often leave their track monsters at home and bring out their Miatas. ...and some of them are ridiculously fast in them, too! Nothing more embarrassing to someone driving a 'Vette than to have a Miata constantly them through the S's! Low horsepower cars can be crazy fun, in autocross and on the track!

...aand now I'm sad. Thank you Camisade, THANK YOU!

I'm pretty sure that just about any video of my attempting this infernal race could successfully turn that frown upside down ...and then into raucous laughter! :yesnod:

Gearing up for take two in the Kamikaze Jart goes nothing!
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Volunteer Moderator
Definitely, I'd guess 80-90% of the differential in times in this race will come from supercruise. Also, are you talking about maintaining 0:04-0:05 until a few seconds before GLIDE?! [woah]

I thought my approaches were good, but when it comes to King's and Weber, I'm usually unable to get below 0:12s. :( Stupid gravity well slows everything down.

I think he means a few seconds before OC. I've been playing around a lot and my videos show me wildly flaying around trying to judge the entry into OC and then into Glide. I've figured that when it comes to Weber I actually try to enter OC almost directly above the starport, because the gravity slows you down so much you can just fly straight down until you get to about 75Km from the surface and then tilt up to make sure you're not in the red when you drop in to Glide.

As for the rest... Hey, Topic Cops! -- Look over there! A squirrel! -->]

Definitely, I'd guess 80-90% of the differential in times in this race will come from supercruise. Also, are you talking about maintaining 0:04-0:05 until a few seconds before GLIDE?! [woah]
I thought my approaches were good, but when it comes to King's and Weber, I'm usually unable to get below 0:12s. :( Stupid gravity well slows everything down.

I'm talking about it, but I haven't succeded in coming anywhere close to that yet (not sure if that's even possible). :D

I think he means a few seconds before OC. I've been playing around a lot and my videos show me wildly flaying around trying to judge the entry into OC and then into Glide. I've figured that when it comes to Weber I actually try to enter OC almost directly above the starport, because the gravity slows you down so much you can just fly straight down until you get to about 75Km from the surface and then tilt up to make sure you're not in the red when you drop in to Glide.
That's probably the best way to get a consistent and relatively fast approach, although I still have a feeling/hope that entering the OC zone at just the right (shallow) angle with tons of leftover speed can be faster. Needs more testing and, if validated, practice...
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Volunteer Moderator
I'm talking about it, but I haven't succeded in coming anywhere close to that yet (not sure if that's even possible). :D

That's probably the best way to get a consistent and relatively fast approach, although I still have a feeling/hope that entering the OC zone at just the right (shallow) angle with tons of leftover speed can be faster. Needs more testing and, if validated, practice...

Well OK, I mean to be fair given your consistent positions on the leaderboards I should have guessed you would have meant Glide :D

I don't know if it's actually possible to enter OC with tonnes of leftover speed. Every time I come in above 250m/s, I get the too fast for Orbital Cruise. If I end up getting too close to the planet before getting above the station, then I will head straight towards it to enter OC as fast as possible and then use the Blue Zone to overspeed (over 350m/s is possible, at least, but it's tricky in the hauler as the view is rubbish and I'm generally focusing on where the station is rather than the speed), making the approach quicker. Not sure what would be faster out of the two though.
I don't know if it's actually possible to enter OC with tonnes of leftover speed. Every time I come in above 250m/s, I get the too fast for Orbital Cruise. If I end up getting too close to the planet before getting above the station, then I will head straight towards it to enter OC as fast as possible and then use the Blue Zone to overspeed (over 350m/s is possible, at least, but it's tricky in the hauler as the view is rubbish and I'm generally focusing on where the station is rather than the speed), making the approach quicker. Not sure what would be faster out of the two though.

afaik the limit is 200 km/s vertical speed, so you can go a lot faster than that as long as your descent rate stays below that.
Heh -- you might not be so quick to open ranks if you saw my last 42:12 submission where, in my aptly named lime-green DBX "Frog Auger," I manage to pancake into the terrain on EVERY high-G landing (once upside down (!), then right side up, and then actually manage to get stuck half off the pad, cockeyed on the ground at a 45^ angle, on Weber's Legacy, where I flounder around FOREVER trying to get unstuck and back in the air!

Seeing that performance, once one's sides uncramped, it would be entirely understandable if the Buckeyball Racing Commission banned me from using their logo pending submission of proof of "an unspecified (but large) amount of pilot improvement." :O

PS: I'm available for licensing talks for any organization who wishes to use my last race submission as a series of examples in what NOT to do.

LoL nice one...
Wow, you're not alone in thinking that. I would never had assumed that the rift needed an online connection, that's mental! Not wishing to derail the thread too much, but I'm now wondering if all VR sets are the same... Not that I'd ever get one as my motion sickness can't handle it :(

It was an oculus licensing issue that caused this situation I believe... I don't think the Vive has this problem...
And here is today's race update. From the three new submissions mentioned earlier, only two have made it onto this leaderboard, the third is held pending due to some problems with the flight recorder.

However, all three submissions have a few things in common:
  • all pilots have chosen to switch over to a Diamond Explorer
  • all pilots have adopted the lithobreaking approach to planetary landings. Admittedly, there is some room for improvement - lithobreaking next to the pad or indeed on the ground (nevertheless, still in view of the station) is usually not faster than doing a textbook approach. Certainly a novel idea was using the base's superstructure as a chock block, even if it led to a few compensation claims for laundry bills from the base employees.
  • and finally, all pilots have been able to improve their time by a considerable margin:

CMDR ZX Spectrum in DSS Down To Earth IV could improve his previous race time, but not his standing on the leaderboard. CMDR Talion Camisade in Frog Auger was able to jump over two ranks and is now in sixth place.

31:53............... :eek: Are you Serious!
Finally managed to complete a run tonight. 1 interdiction, 2 planetary braking mishaps and obscured jump but I didn't pancake or get the dreaded "Too fast for glide" :)
I'm having major trouble judging the speed to enter the glide.

Good to see a few folk at Noriega and I don't mean to worry anyone but ...

Cmdr Cookiehole in his sleek blue racing Courier "Crater Creator"

Ooohh! Shiny! I want one! :p
It was an oculus licensing issue that caused this situation I believe... I don't think the Vive has this problem...

Oculus has released a patch that fixes this issue.

From their email:
We've just released an Oculus software update that fixes an issue where Rift may fail to start up. If you're receiving the error “Can't Reach Oculus Runtime Service,” you'll need to manually update your Oculus software before you can use your Rift.

To patch your Oculus software, you'll need to download 'OculusPatchMarch2018.exe' at Run the executable, and select “Repair”. When the update is finished, launch the Oculus desktop app to continue the update process. Once the update is complete, you'll be able to use your Rift.

A step-by-step walkthrough is available here:
A manual update is only necessary if you're unable to start the Oculus desktop app - if you aren't seeing an error, the system will update itself to the new version automatically.

We’re very sorry for the disruption today. We’re providing a $15 Oculus Store credit (or currency equivalent) to people impacted by this issue. If you used Rift on or after February 1st, 2018 this credit will be added to your account automatically within the next 7 days. See this page for info about Oculus Store credits.
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