Community Event / Creation Buckyball Racing Club presents: Chicken Run (03-11 MAR))


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Forgive the stupid question but is it the case that I'm unable to play a locally installed VR game because the Rift somehow needs to talk to an on-line Oculus server every time I want to use it? Well that blows goats! Ignorance is was bliss.

Wow, you're not alone in thinking that. I would never had assumed that the rift needed an online connection, that's mental! Not wishing to derail the thread too much, but I'm now wondering if all VR sets are the same... Not that I'd ever get one as my motion sickness can't handle it :(
Ok, this one prapgraph only regarding the rift - it's more of a Windows feature than a Rift problem. Win 10 requires driver level software to be equipped with a signed security certiificate. In the case of the Rift, one of these certificates has expired. So it's not a question of the Rift SW requiring an active online connection - you can apparently "fix" this bug by setting the Windows clock to a date before the certificate expiry (a case where the cure is probabyl worse than the disease).
Could happen to any other SW package that brings along a driver level dll and doesn't get updated in time.

Back to our scheduled race coverage - I got three new submissions from Bucky's Stunt School.
And here is today's race update. From the three new submissions mentioned earlier, only two have made it onto this leaderboard, the third is held pending due to some problems with the flight recorder.

However, all three submissions have a few things in common:
  • all pilots have chosen to switch over to a Diamond Explorer
  • all pilots have adopted the lithobreaking approach to planetary landings. Admittedly, there is some room for improvement - lithobreaking next to the pad or indeed on the ground (nevertheless, still in view of the station) is usually not faster than doing a textbook approach. Certainly a novel idea was using the base's superstructure as a chock block, even if it led to a few compensation claims for laundry bills from the base employees.
  • and finally, all pilots have been able to improve their time by a considerable margin:

CMDR ZX Spectrum in DSS Down To Earth IV could improve his previous race time, but not his standing on the leaderboard. CMDR Talion Camisade in Frog Auger was able to jump over two ranks and is now in sixth place.

CMDR Talion Camisade in Frog Auger was able to jump over two ranks and is now in sixth place.

...despite having at least three landings that are destined for the blooper reel (including Weber Legacy, where I first pancaked in having managed to miss the entire base (I'm afraid that's becoming my trademark maneuver). Then I fell off the pad and got stuck leaning against a wall sideways and couldn't get free for almost a full minute! In short, from my first frog auger at Weber's until I managed to dock on the pad was a full THREE minutes. Three painful minutes of some of the most inept low-altitude flying I've ever witnessed! LOL

So, I definitely have a sub-40:00 run in me, if I can just manage to lawn dart into the pad on the first try!

Ah, this is too much fun. ...but (weirdly), I also find flying this course exhausting! So I'm gonna take a short break and go do something relatively relaxing, like trying to string a second Thargoid Cyclops solo kill into my personal combat record... (with my last solo attempt, I improved my AX record to 1 for 12...). Because even while flying with a few million in bounties and exploration credits, a Thargoid fight is easier to survive (if not win) than this course!

FTR, I bought and engineered a DBX yesterday, just for this course, because I determined that its thrusters and lateral/vertical maneuverability would out-perform my AspX (and it does -- especially with the DBX's ability to almost stop on a dime; that takes some getting used to!). As outfitted for this race, the Frog Auger only boosts to about 480m/s or so, but has an effective jump range over 60ly, and a max of over 62ly. So I have no interim jumps between planetary landings anywhere on the course.
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Volunteer Moderator
Well I attempted 3 shieldless runs tonight in the (not so) Healthy Hauler, 2 of them ended in disaster. But I got to race alongside some other competitors. Cmdr ZX Spectrum was coming in to finish as I was leaving on my first run, which I ended up running alongside Ikaru until I crashed. I saw Mrdragonraaar on my second run, which also ended in disaster... None of my deaths was even at Weber Legacy :D

I went out for a walk to clear my head, came back, and got a very scrappy run in including an obscured jump leaving Weber Legacy and shoddy landings, but which should be just faster than my submitted one :D


I honestly don't think I'll get another chance as I don't think the jump system from Weber Legacy will be in plain view again before the race ends... maybe on the last day...
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Finally managed to complete a run tonight. 1 interdiction, 2 planetary braking mishaps and obscured jump but I didn't pancake or get the dreaded "Too fast for glide" :)
I'm having major trouble judging the speed to enter the glide.

Good to see a few folk at Noriega and I don't mean to worry anyone but ...

Cmdr Cookiehole in his sleek blue racing Courier "Crater Creator"
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Two shieldless DBX runs completed and that's it for me, I'm flying off to the USA tomorrow so no more Elite for the next 10 days.

Run submitted but ...


Godammit, one more bump would've done the trick but the docking clamps got me!

Fly Fast and Land Hard everyone!
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Volunteer Moderator
Good to see a few folk at Noriega and I don't mean to worry anyone but ...

Cmdr Cookiehole in his sleek blue racing Courier "Crater Creator"

As long as he doesn't turn up in a Hauler :p

Another excellent instructional video. You should post that in the Buckyball Flight Academy thread and we should get it on the website.

Ah you flatter me sir, but alright then :D

I hope you have a great time in the US of A
Have a great time Alec.

Never been to drag racing myself, but I had a friend at work who used to talk for hours about Sammy Miller and funny car racing at Santa Pod I think? :D
Yeah have a good time away Alec. What's the longest break you've had from the game? I have a month once or twice and I really enjoy it more on return
Good evening, commanders, and welcome to today's race update.

Let me start with some good news: due to a shortage in production, the price for Crystalline Spheres has fallen drastically, so you you even get the chance of turning a small profit on these test runs (No, I'm not an econimist. I don't understand this, either).
The bad news is that some pilots reported that the rotation of Robert Kelley now demands you to first escape the gravity well of this planet before attempting to jump out of Ross 905.

Nevertheless, we have some exciting updates to both leaderboards.

In the Open Unlimited class, CMDR Alec Turner in his Diamondback Explorer Bananery Fandango, braving the odds of going shieldless, was able to make an improvement on his previous time, but missed the double of also gaining the Crash Pilot bonus through a slightly too smooth landing at Weber Legacy.
However, he still dropped one place down to third, thanks to CMDR Cheetah in his Diamondback Explorer Homestar Runner. Through adding both the Shieldless Suicide and Crash Pilot boni on top of his remarkable race time, he managed to jump up from 8th to second place. Congratulations, CMDR.


In the Healthy Hauler class, CMDR Ozric in The Littlest Hobo manages an improvement of his overall time. However, the now unfavourable planetary constellation probably prevented him from setting a new record, despite risking it all in a shieldless configuration and with a measly 5% hull left when he arrived at Noriega Station.

Topic Cops, move along -- nothing to see here! :cool:

Ah, a fellow gearhead! When I'm not embarrassing myself demonstrating my Buckyball racing ineptitude, I satisfy my need for speed by taking my Viper ACR to the track and driving beyond my abilities!

In fact, the Buckyball Racing Club has extended my short list of success criterion! It used to be:

When I played golf, a successful golf shot was, "Positive yardage, not behind a tree."
A day at the track is a success if I and my car finish, "Shiny side up, not against the wall."

And now a Buckyball success is: "Right-side up, in one piece, somewhere near the pad." :D
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