Community Event / Creation Buckyball Racing Club presents: Chicken Run (03-11 MAR))

Video of my DBX run if anyone's interested ..

I've speeded it up x4, edited out the dull bits and slapped a System Seven music track over it so it's hopefully both educational AND entertaining.

Nice going Aken B. That DBX time! Holy hell. I lost a minute to an obscured jump, another 20secs maybe to an interdiction avoidance loop and obviously failed to score either of the two bonuses but even if I can fix all of that ... those times are gonna be hard to catch!

P.S. I spy with my little eye someone beginning with C snooping around in the Medevac thread!
Helpful video (although I wonder how much I might have been able to learn from the 'dull' bits), thanks for posting.
I can see the areas where I'm losing time, although it's a little hard to tell exactly how much since it's sped up. One area is instance loading but there's nothing I can do about that (I think it's down to the speed of my laptop loading up the assets, since simpler stations like the Coriolis and outposts load quickly but surface bases, especially cities, take longer). In terms of flying, I clearly need to speed up my pad approaches - this is the area I need to improve most, both in space and on the surface. I suspect I won't be able to get that much better without changing my control setup, though - I use keyboard exclusively and that means I have two-axis control (roll and pitch, yaw being a bit of a stretch, same with thrust) and I really need three analogue axes rather than the digital on/off of keys. I have always found attitude control very difficult and the shieldless high-g landings really show that up well (as does any attempt to fly FA-off or circle-strafe, which is why I'm so bad at combat and depend on gimbals and turrets in most cases). It doesn't help that on my laptop the night side of planets is absolutely 100% pitch black, although it does at least add some scary atmosphere... .
If I'm feeling more optimistic later in the week I might run another ship, not to be competitive but to improve my handling. Thanks to this race I've already made noticeable improvements in how I approach a surface base quickly (Trader's Rest being on a planet with over 1g). Until then, though, I'll probably just relax and do some mining.
I know what you mean there Edelgard... A rushed 45 min circuit showed me that this is a tough one to shave that much time off! I can't see how you would do it in only 35min! Is there a video of this run? I'd really like to take a look at some amazing flying!

There is!

For the sake of educational value :p, I only cut the inter-jumps parts, hence sorry for the low-quality, 30 mins video:


@Camisade - jump to minute 31:00 to see a practical example of the stone skipping I wrote about earlier in the thread. ;)

I'd have liked to have another go at a Healty Hauler run this evening, but for some reason after years I noticed again the FTL icon sitting on my desktop and couldn't help but click on it. Damn game is a sticky trap. Must be said though, Ozric made one hell of a run in that space coffin, hat off!
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If in a small ship, it's worth memorising that the small pads very close to the mailslot are pads 1, 16 and 31 - I always re-request docking permission if I'm assigned one of those, to get one further back instead.
12, 13, 14, and 36 are my favorite, they line up nicely with the mailslot, so boosting out from them can be very fast (if your ship fits sideways or you can turn fast).

Stone skipping on the inner walls of the mailslot is the answer you're searching for. [yesnod]
I feel like the station manager must hate that we spread that trick around. ;D

One thing I can say for sure: the DBX may boast the bigger numbers for this race, but you can't beat the fun of a properly set up Viper or Courier. [heart]
They're so FUN! And now that new engineering is here, I managed to get Varangian Lightning up to 888 m/s, which makes her insanely hard to handle.

Speaking of which:
Intent to Skip n Smash n Jart
CMDR Bruski
Varangian Lightning
Imperial Courier
Open Unlimited

We love SPOILER tabs [haha]

Ummm... Susie starts to think about iCourier builds. What's the jump range tho? Can't be anything like the DBX?

If you have a nice iCourier build please pm me!
Sent you mine, check PMs.
Although I'm starting to think the DBX might be the winner here.
But I'm running out of time to engineer the RazorBear

LOL -- holy crap! As a rookie, now I see what my problem is! I'm actually trying to land my ship! What a n00b I am! Clearly I've spent WAY too much time in flight sims, because it never even occurred to me to role play a Jart (that's a lawn dart, fer you young'uns) and "stick" the landing pad at over 100m/s, then just let the ship flop down onto it's gear!

It's like I don't even know what shields are for! Talk about a "Eureka!" moment!

I can't wait to tie my Divine Wind head scarf on and give that a try!

Thanks for posting! [Edit: Oh, and nice flying! o7]

^ This guy gets it.

Keep racing, once you get the need for speed, you'll never look back. :D After all, the crazy is contagious.
You don't actually need to use voice commands to take advantage of the plugin. The plugin just reads the player journal and can spit out helpful extra information accordingly (like where your pad is). No need to turn the mic on at all.

That's interesting! I haven't used VA for a while and I wasn't aware that it can give additional in game information like where your pad is. Does it do this automatically or do you need to set it up somehow? Perhaps you could explain how to use VA in this manner?

I stopped using VA because my voice profile kept getting corrupted as I'm not a fan of headphones (I don't find them comfortable) and hence the game audio messes up my voice profile within about a week. Forcing me to reload the trained voice profile again. That just became too onerous to bother doing. If it can provide information though without using the mic, that could be useful!
At the fifth attempt, I eventually managed to bring an intact Courier around the course (thanks to lightweight 2A shields). The time, considering the ship and outfitting, is unexceptional and I feel I must be doing something fundamentally wrong but I have no idea what; I'm just getting stressed when I race, so I'll sit the rest of this out now I've got a time to submit.

Do you have a video of your run? It would be great if we could laugh at see what you are doing! :D
Video of my DBX run if anyone's interested ..

I've speeded it up x4, edited out the dull bits and slapped a System Seven music track over it so it's hopefully both educational AND entertaining.

Nice going Aken B. That DBX time! Holy hell. I lost a minute to an obscured jump, another 20secs maybe to an interdiction avoidance loop and obviously failed to score either of the two bonuses but even if I can fix all of that ... those times are gonna be hard to catch!

P.S. I spy with my little eye someone beginning with C snooping around in the Medevac thread!

Thanks for posting this Alec, very helpful and I entirely agree with the lawn darts analogy made by another cmdr! Four times the speed makes it hard to really see what is going on. I slowed the playback down to a quarter so that I could see what you were doing in real time (the audio is God Damn awful then but it's a such a relief when you put it back to normal speed later lol!).

On approach to the planet you seem to try to keep the target station at the 'North Pole' and approach keeping your eta at 5 seconds. You circle around the North Pole (station) of the planet until you have bled off the excess speed for landing. Interestingly, you don't use pip management during your Lawn Dart manoeuvre and keep it at 240 the whole time instead of 420... It doesn't seem to make much difference, the shields get knocked out but not a big deal.

Thanks again for posting this video! It has been Very 'educational'! :eek: And a salient reminder of just how lazy I am as a pilot and how far I need to improve to even get half way as good! I'll never be an FAoff, All Guns Blazing, flying Ace but there is definitely room for improvement :p
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There is!

For the sake of educational value :p, I only cut the inter-jumps parts, hence sorry for the low-quality, 30 mins video:

@Camisade - jump to minute 31:00 to see a practical example of the stone skipping I wrote about earlier in the thread. ;)

I'd have liked to have another go at a Healty Hauler run this evening, but for some reason after years I noticed again the FTL icon sitting on my desktop and couldn't help but click on it. Damn game is a sticky trap. Must be said though, Ozric made one hell of a run in that space coffin, hat off!

Hi AkenBosch,

Many Thanks for posting this video (and in real time). You use a similar 5 sec - North Pole approach as Alec. I'll practice that one. I liked the technique of using the back blast plate of the landing pad to stop dead and drop on the pad... It looked cool :p

You also use pip management (420) when about to land. Very nice flying there btw! <Envy> it was very helpful seeing your videos and I've learnt a few things today about flying properly! Bit of an ego smash seeing how I should be doing it but I needed the slap across the canopy to get me out of my complacent lazy landings!

Seeing these videos has made me want to get on with my Re-Engineering and get another run or two done! I'll post the video of my next run as soon possible so that you can laugh your socks off at my utter incompetence give me some pointers on how I can improve what I'm doing...

I'm quite comfortable about making a total of myself in public, so don't hold back your laughter carefully worded advice!
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Thanks for posting this Alec, very helpful and I entirely agree with the lawn darts analogy made by another cmdr! Four times the speed makes it hard to really see what is going on. I slowed the playback down to a quarter so that I could see what you were doing in real time (the audio is God Damn awful then but it's a such a relief when you put it back to normal speed later lol!).

On approach to the planet you seem to try to keep the target station at the 'North Pole' and approach keeping your eta at 5 seconds. You circle around the North Pole (station) of the planet until you have bled off the excess speed for landing. Interestingly, you don't use pip management during your Lawn Dart manoeuvre and keep it at 240 the whole time instead of 420... It doesn't seem to make much difference, the shields get knocked out but not a big deal.

Thanks again for posting this video! It has been Very 'educational'! :eek: And a salient reminder of just how lazy I am as a pilot and how far I need to improve to even get half way as good! I'll never be an FAoff, All Guns Blazing, flying Ace but there is definitely room for improvement :p

Hiya, apologies for x4 speed but it would be unthinkable for me to post a race video without a soundtrack and I'm running out of excellent 30min tracks! :p

Luckily it seens Aken has done the honours.

Re: the planetary approach, I'm basically coming in with an approximately 0:04 eta and then using a combination of pitching and corkscrewing (a balance of right yaw, left roll and pitch up) to keep that speed under control (it's all in the sound really, you can totally hear the difference between a speed that's too docile, a barely controlled deceleration and an acceleration that's gonna take you right past the planet and out the other side). I guess ideally I'm aiming to skim under the planet, past the landing spot and then a hard pitch up to leave me heading down at 45 degrees with the eta just this side of 0:06 but invariably it's always a bit more organic than that. The final descent to those high-g landing sites sems to take ages. I haven't quite figured out the "too fast for orbital cruise" cut-off point but I reckon I could probably push those descents a lot harder than I do.

And as for the pad landings, apart from the first couple I think you're probably wasting your time trying to approach from the right side ... just hit the pad and then worry about orienting your ship after you've bounced. Oh, and re: the pips, I did put 4 to shields on my first attempt but quickly found that I wasn't doing enough damage!

Welcome to Buckyball Racing ... it's quite possibly the most underrated learning experience in the game for flight mechanics (especially supercruise).


Volunteer Moderator
A comparison video could be useful to see the difference. Unfortunately, I probably won’t be doing any more runs in this race as I am currently at Sagittarius A*

OK I'll knock something up tonight, although as others have pointed out trying to high wake while upside was probably my biggest mistake :D However from memory my successful attempt was also upside down (I really don't think things through I just do them :D)

LoL... Trying a high wake from that low altitude... [haha] The Race got you there!

I always high wake as soon as I can, "The Race" has permeated my entire game. I'm constantly racing, even if I'm not. I can't even remember the last time I didn't use gravity braking when approaching a station, even if I'm in my fully laden Python which is a real struggle to make work.

To avoid a cargo hatch malfunction and losing your cargo you could deactivate the cargo hatch module. In the event of a malfunction (eg destroyed during combat or other it taking damage upon landing) the hatch does not 'blow out' losing your cargo. It saves you a little bit of power too.

Unfortunately I really don't think that will make a difference, I deactivate the Cargo Hatch and Power Distributor in all of my ships. Once your cargo hatch drops below 80% health there's a low chance of losing cargo, the chance increases the more health it loses.

Came across a tip elsewhere in the forums some time ago that's saved me from doing that: Your FSD will not overheat (nor will you lose altitude) if your ship is right-side-up when you high wake out just over a planetary horizon. If you're upside down, it overheats, but not if you're right-side up. (I guess the FSDs in 3304 are made by the same companies that made carburetors in WW2 fighters; they only work well under positive Gs!)

I would imagine it would be dependant on your thrusters, mass and gravity of the planet. But to be fair I haven't done enough testing to prove that you'd never overheat if you're the right way up. Achenar 3 would be the place to test that :D

You don't actually need to use voice commands to take advantage of the plugin. The plugin just reads the player journal and can spit out helpful extra information accordingly (like where your pad is). No need to turn the mic on at all.

It does need your password though, which isn't going to happen :)

When I'm in a medium ship I just have the pads closest to the slot memorised (also written on a notepad) so I can re-request docking if I get one of those. Obviously I'm always hoping for pad 37 as it's the best :D If I'm in a small ship I'm not as worried, but do try and avoid the closest ones if I can.
Re: the planetary approach, I'm basically coming in with an approximately 0:04 eta and then using a combination of pitching and corkscrewing (a balance of right yaw, left roll and pitch up) to keep that speed under control (it's all in the sound really, you can totally hear the difference between a speed that's too docile, a barely controlled deceleration and an acceleration that's gonna take you right past the planet and out the other side). I guess ideally I'm aiming to skim under the planet, past the landing spot and then a hard pitch up to leave me heading down at 45 degrees with the eta just this side of 0:06 but invariably it's always a bit more organic than that.

I think my brain just exploded. I forecast greater incidents of hull damage in my future. ...and, oh, by the way, I'm not sure my participation in these events will continue to be viewed good-naturedly by the PF Insurance folks (though in my defense, I've not actually lost an entire ship doing this, yet...)

Welcome to Buckyball Racing ... it's quite possibly the most underrated learning experience in the game for flight mechanics (especially supercruise).

Absolutely a best-kept secret. It's amazing how satisfied I was with my pre-Buckeyball conservative lame(!) piloting skills just one week ago! No more!

Keep racing, once you get the need for speed, you'll never look back. :D After all, the crazy is contagious.

I'm with another Cmdr in here, who made the observation that, having now competed, EVERY mission becomes a "race" (and, as a result, I've now blown more planetary insertions by coming in too hot (and overshot more stations trying to figure out gravity braking) in the last week than in the previous two months combined)!
I'm with another Cmdr in here, who made the observation that, having now competed, EVERY mission becomes a "race" (and, as a result, I've now blown more planetary insertions by coming in too hot (and overshot more stations trying to figure out gravity braking) in the last week than in the previous two months combined)!

I normally reserve this for the VR threads but I think, in this instance, it's entirely appropriate to chant ...




Volunteer Moderator
I think my brain just exploded. I forecast greater incidents of hull damage in my future. ...and, oh, by the way, I'm not sure my participation in these events will continue to be viewed good-naturedly by the PF Insurance folks (though in my defense, I've not actually lost an entire ship doing this, yet...)

All of my deaths except for 3 have been from Buckyballing :D

The website does have some good videos it's recommended to watch

I did make this video after I nailed a gravity braking manoeuvre during Yggdrasil, it may or may not help

I normally reserve this for the VR threads but I think, in this instance, it's entirely appropriate to chant ...



Heh -- you might not be so quick to open ranks if you saw my last 42:12 submission where, in my aptly named lime-green DBX "Frog Auger," I manage to pancake into the terrain on EVERY high-G landing (once upside down (!), then right side up, and then actually manage to get stuck half off the pad, cockeyed on the ground at a 45^ angle, on Weber's Legacy, where I flounder around FOREVER trying to get unstuck and back in the air!

Seeing that performance, once one's sides uncramped, it would be entirely understandable if the Buckeyball Racing Commission banned me from using their logo pending submission of proof of "an unspecified (but large) amount of pilot improvement." :O

PS: I'm available for licensing talks for any organization who wishes to use my last race submission as a series of examples in what NOT to do.
(though in my defense, I've not actually lost an entire ship doing this, yet...)
You will do. The vast majority of my rebuys are are self inflicted during races.

Absolutely a best-kept secret. It's amazing how satisfied I was with my pre-Buckeyball conservative lame(!) piloting skills just one week ago! No more!
This still happens. You'll spend the whole week pulling off the best run you possibly can, so going into the final day you'll know that if you can just fix one or two mistakes you're in with a shot.

Then cookiehole turns up. ;)

I'm with another Cmdr in here, who made the observation that, having now competed, EVERY mission becomes a "race" (and, as a result, I've now blown more planetary insertions by coming in too hot (and overshot more stations trying to figure out gravity braking) in the last week than in the previous two months combined)!
Welcome to the Buckyball Racing Club commander! :D

One of us...
That's interesting! I haven't used VA for a while and I wasn't aware that it can give additional in game information like where your pad is. Does it do this automatically or do you need to set it up somehow? Perhaps you could explain how to use VA in this manner?

I stopped using VA because my voice profile kept getting corrupted as I'm not a fan of headphones (I don't find them comfortable) and hence the game audio messes up my voice profile within about a week. Forcing me to reload the trained voice profile again. That just became too onerous to bother doing. If it can provide information though without using the mic, that could be useful!

My brother set it up for me on a visit, and I wasn't paying close attention. :p I *think* this is where you start:
Thanks to Alec Turner, AkenBosch and Ozric for posting their videos, I'm now starting to get an idea of why I'm so far off the pace.

I occasionally do a little gravity breaking, usually when I'm coming in too hot and know I'm going to overshoot but I see you guys plan to do it and clearly can save a chunk of time if you get it right. Then of course there's the act of landing on the pad - I now realise I need to stop approaching like a space-shuttle gliding back to earth and more like a meteorite about to leave an impact creator on the landing pad :)

If I get time tomorrow, I'll give it another run and see how I get on, maybe I'll be lucky and move up to 2nd last on the leaderboard ;)


PS I noticed some talk of jump ranges earlier in the thread, one of the DBXs was doing about 50LY if I recall - my cargo laden Cobra is only making late twenties but I don't think thats a big issue on this track, as the stages all seem fairly close together.
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PS I noticed some talk of jump ranges earlier in the thread, one of the DBXs was doing about 50LY if I recall - my cargo laden Cobra is only making late twenties but I don't think thats a big issue on this track, as the stages all seem fairly close together.

I forget the exact range of my DBX but I can do all but one of the stages in a single jump (5 G. Capricorni to Ross 905 takes two). I reckon 3 or 4 of those stages might be taking you 2 jumps and each of those is costing you an extra minute. It's not a big issue but it all adds up and could be adding 4 or 5 minutes to your total time.

That said I think Ashnak has done an excellent job of finding such a nice range of different gravity planets all within 50ly or so of each other.
That said I think Ashnak has done an excellent job of finding such a nice range of different gravity planets all within 50ly or so of each other.

Thanks - but the actual work had been done by the people behind eddb, and all those CMDRs filling up the database.

And tonight I have a lot of free time - Oculus Rift is down :mad:
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