Capital Starports of Summit Delegates Attacked!

Which is strange as the last one was built by Liz Ryder and she passed on the blueprints and the info to the Imps. No mention that she'd built 100 bombs and they were still out there....
Wrong. Liz admitted she DESIGNED them, but it was the NMLA who build and used them
OK, to to sum up, the NMLA are so stupid that they cannot identify that Lave Radio Network is an independent faction, and attack their home rather than all the prime Alliance factions around it.

I'm not sure how such idiots expect to recruit and gain support when they can't even work that out, unless there is some deeper game behind it.
I mean, every NMLA attack at this point feels increasingly like blatant cointelpro-style ops on behalf of ALD.
Wrong. Liz admitted she DESIGNED them, but it was the NMLA who build and used them
hmmm, what did GalNet say?
“The Eurybia Blue Mafia is protecting demolitions expert Liz Ryder, who we strongly suspect designed the specialist weapons used in the starport bombings. As they have refused to cooperate, a state of war has been declared until she is surrendered to our custody.”
Yeah, not exactly clear that designed here doesnt mean built as well. 8th Oct 3306.
“Under a private contract from what appeared to be the Eurybia Blue Mafia, I designed demolition charges capable of delivering a secondary payload. At no point did I know these would be customised to hold Thargoid caustic enzymes or used in terrorist activities. Until recently, I had no idea that the starport bombings were caused by modified versions of my design.”
12th Oct 3306 - Yeah clearer here that weapons were built & modified from her original plans. Not clear who needed LR to design them and yet was able to modify that design afterwards. Why not design them themselves?
“To help clear the Eurybia Blue Mafia, which has supported me for years, I have provided Imperial investigators with all the data I have regarding this contract
12th Oct 3306. All the data to the now the 'NMLA' & the Imps have the designs and can build them.
The Imperial Internal Security Service confirmed that the warrant for Liz Ryder’s arrest has been rescinded and it is reviewing her information, which may lead to locating the source of the Thargoid enzymes used in the bombs.
12th Oct 3306 - May lead to...we never heard anymore about that did we?

So yeah, maybe wrong that Liz actually built them but right that the Imps have had the designs for 5 months now and were looking for the enzymes used to build one...or nine.

Still doesnt do the NMLA any favours at all to bomb all the SP, does help the Imps get everyone on side against the NMLA though, or does provide the excuse for a joint army run by The Club.

Especially given the implication that Theta was helped from someone very high up outside the prison but inside the system....the system run by the Imps.
I’m not currently equipped for rescue missions, but in the process of zooming about the Bubble to engineer my Mamba; I’ve never actually seen a damaged station firsthand, is it considered bad taste to swing by them for a little... sightseeing, for want of a more appropriate term? Disasters are always good spectator sports!
I'm sure there will be a few others "Rubbernecking" the carnage - they will never notice your good self...
(I said Rubbernecking - not - @Rubbernuke ing...)
I'm sure there will be a few others "Rubbernecking" the carnage - they will never notice your good self...
(I said Rubbernecking - not - @Rubbernuke ing...)

I was on my way to Leesti anyway so I made the slight detour by way of Lave, and once again the sight and sound spectacle of the game made my jaw drop; so atmospheric it was I even needlessly pestered the terrified traffic control for landing permission to see what it was like inside! I’ve just rushed back home to quickly strip out most of the internals of my Anaconda and now I’m making a trip out to fill her belly with passenger cabins... she’s hardly optimised for rescue work but the crew of the Oswald Cyning will do what they can to help, next stop Alioth!
I know the Delta Wave is what Philip J Fry lacked. But he's not been around for about 300 years

Most of the available information on human hippocampal theta comes from a few small studies of epileptic patients with intracranially implanted electrodes used as part of a treatment plan. In the largest and most systematic of these studies, Cantero et al. (2003) found that oscillations in the 4–7 Hz frequency range could be recorded from both the hippocampus and neocortex. The hippocampal oscillations were associated with REM sleep and the transition from sleep to waking, and came in brief bursts, usually less than a second long. Cortical theta oscillations were observed during the transition from sleep and during quiet wakefulness; however, the authors were unable to find any correlation between hippocampal and cortical theta waves, and concluded that the two processes are probably controlled by independent mechanisms.

Studies have shown an association of hypnosis with stronger theta-frequency activity as well as with changes to the gamma-frequency activity (Jensen et al., 2015). Also, increased theta waves have been seen in humans in 'no thought' meditation.[14][15]
Meanwhile in Utopia.....

Harmony. Space. Technology. Peace of mind.

Utopians do not fear such attacks because we have prepared for the eventuality of transcending our physical form in ways no other power or nation or faction has. Aliens, terrorists, it cannot extinguish Utopia.

The Sim Archive is the only way to protect the future of humanity. Come all ye attacked, scared, forgotten and hopeless. Join Utopia and find purpose. Harmony thru Technology, Peace from Unity. Cast off the corrupt lying ways of Sirius Corp and the Empire and the Federation and the Alliance. Utopia doesn't lie to our people, we expose them to the absolute truth (as much as they wish or can handle).

Meanwhile in Utopia.....

Harmony. Space. Technology. Peace of mind.

Utopians do not fear such attacks because we have prepared for the eventuality of transcending our physical form in ways no other power or nation or faction has. Aliens, terrorists, it cannot extinguish Utopia.

The Sim Archive is the only way to protect the future of humanity. Come all ye attacked, scared, forgotten and hopeless. Join Utopia and find purpose. Harmony thru Technology, Peace from Unity. Cast off the corrupt lying ways of Sirius Corp and the Empire and the Federation and the Alliance. Utopia doesn't lie to our people, we expose them to the absolute truth (as much as they wish or can handle).


Good luck with that.
Interesting. Why would the NMLA bomb Federation and Alliance stations?
They bombed a Fed station awhile back, but that was supposedly to prevent their own captives being interrogated. What would be the motive this time?
It does look a lot like a false-flag operation this time. Either not NMLA, or the NMLA are not who they claim to be.

Come in, 007.
Thank you, sir. I came as quickly as I could. What seems to be the problem?
There seems to be an issue with bombs, such as “Who is actually behind them” and such.
Who’s high on the suspect list?
At the moment, NMLA seems to be the primary suspect.
And the reason you aren’t sure is …?
We have reason to believe it MIGHT be them, but there is cause for concern that others may be involved, trying to make it look like NMLA is the culprit when the attack that was recently made appears to be a cover for something more nefarious.
Such as...?
That’s what we’re sending you out to determine, 007. We need to find out if this WAS an NMLA attack, as it appears, or if someone is using a false flag operation to direct our attention elsewhere. It could have a dramatic effect on something in the works known as “Project Odyssey.”
And that is…?
I’m afraid that’s classified, 007, but I’m sure you understand. Just consider that it’s a very important project and nothing must interfere with it. That’s what these attacks could be all about.
I wonder if SPECTER is involved again. When do I head out?
Immediately, I’m afraid. Moneypenny will have your travel arrangements on her desk by now. Please also stop by Q’s section. He may have a few things that may help you on this mission.
Very well, sir.
Oh, and 007?
Yes sir?
Try not to damage the equipment that Q has for you. Some of these items are rather expensive and we don’t have full insurance coverage on them yet. The last thing I need right now is to find you a few months from now in a life pod on some moon somewhere.

Now if we could only get missions like this for real.
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