Catalogue of Galactic Nebulae - submit your planetary nebulae!

I found a micro tiny Black Hole:

Name:Perseus' Remnant
Game map search ref:Eephaidst SU-O e6-14
Description:Located in the Perseus Arm region, this system features a beautiful blueish planetary nebula, remnant from a stelar explosion dating some 268 million years ago, that left behind not only the nebula itself, but also a tiny Black Hole, only a few kilometers in diameter, despite having 2.6 times the mass of Sol. Distances: 13K LY from Colonia; 24K LY from Sagittarius A*; 29K LY from Sol.
Screenshot reference:


Sure. @Orvidius imports the nebulae to EDAstro automatically, and has an error log handy, so I went through that.
Also, the following are not yet uploaded to EDSM:
Aishaink DF-A E7897
Aishaink SJ-R E4-2451
Dryi Aoc LX-T e3-1383
Eok Blou RO-Q E5-5987

I just added Dryi Aoc LX-T e3-1383 to EDSM. That's one more peg for the interactive map!
Ah, sorry, since I was away at the time, I missed this. I'd like to fill in the discoverer too, so, were you the first discoverer? If not, who was the system tagged by?


First to discover the main star in FDev data base: EVILHOMER
First to visit the main star in EDSM data base: RUIFO
First to discover all planets in both Fdev and EDSM data bases: RUIFO
First to map out the whole system in both Fdev and EDSM data bases: RUIFO

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An undocumented change, nice find. For the record: the nebula is now called "Dr. Kay's Soul", and has a new model around it. I recall Frontier saying many years ago that nebulae can't get new models, so that's a nice surprise. (The Pleiades nebula did get one a while ago though.) There is no name override area around it though, so the systems still have their original proc. gen. names.

The nebula is also roughly along the Bubble-Colonia line, so it should be easy enough to visit.
Looks like large nebulae all over the galaxy have gotten a model change. Here's an example.


I'm not sure yet that this is an entirely good change. Some nebulae are now almost invisible (see Eorl Auwsy AA-A h72)
Nice catch. I'm not entirely convinced yet that these are new models, and not the old ones having had their colours changed. However, I don't have "before" screenshots to compare them with, and memory is a fickle thing. But the pitch black nebulae look a bit off, really. (Even though there are the dark regions in the game.) A possible explanation could be that the lighting changes in the last update (9) somehow affected nebulae too.

So, since there was nothing about all this in the patch notes, I think we'd better try asking @sallymorganmoore : are these new nebula looks intended and were they just left out from the patch notes accidentally, or should this be reported to the issue tracker instead?
It's in the patch notes:

(At least I think this is the same.)
Huh, looks like I missed that line. Yeah, that could be it, although I still wonder if it's working entirely as intended: after all, some nebulae are nearly invisible now.
Using Odyssey's GalMap, I've added several real Nebulae. They are all unreachable or discovered.

Here's a list:
IC 1297
IC 2165
IC 2448
IC 2501
IC 2553
IC 4663
IC 4699
IC 4776
IC 4846
NGC 1535
NGC 4361
NGC 5367
NGC 5873
NGC 6058
NGC 6572
NGC 6644
NGC 6879
Name:Dragon's Soul Nebula
Galmap Search Ref:CLOOMEIA IM-W E1-142
Description:This is an extremely tiny nebula obscured by the starlight of the Arcadian Stream. Looking at its size, this nebula can't be more than a few thousand years old. The interior has beautiful deep blues. The only close-up view of the nebula you can get is from a star just over one light-year away.
DiscovererCMDR Arcanic
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Hm? It was there already, it was just that the nickname was missing, and it used the forum username instead of the CMDR name.
Before writing here, I checked on the forum for the system name, in edsm and in edastro. This system and nebula did not exist everywhere, except in-game exploration by CMDR_Evilhomer.

Nice one HappyRogger!
As far as I can tell this is a new one for the database.
Thanks! )
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Oh, sorry, I misread osser's post above, and I meant Arcane26's post. That planetary nebula was the one which was already on the list.
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