Catalogue of Galactic Nebulae - submit your planetary nebulae!

Nebula / System nameGalactic RegionFirst discovered by CMDRSubmitted byNicknameGalaxy map screenshot
Eephaik XZ-Y e56Inner Scutum-Centaurus ArmKaiTenHappyRoggerEephaik XZ-Y e56 Nebula 20220620150021_1.jpg

This system has been visited before and included in the EDSM, but without stars. Also, it is not yet on the EDastro map.
Nebula / System nameGalactic RegionFirst discovered by CMDRSubmitted byNicknameGalaxy map screenshotNotes
Dryoea Flyi KC-V e2-2725Odin's HoldTumamaTumamaNone given yet, feel free to be creative.Dryoea Flyi GW-W e1-6647(1 f)_00003.pngWasn't expecting to find a nebula that wasn't discovered yet. It is very, very small, so I guess it was easy to miss.

So small it's almost cute.
On galaxy map with/without grid. the closest star is only at a distance of 1.83ly but nebula's so small it looks farther away.
Dryoea Flyi GW-W e1-6647(1 f)_00002.png
Dryoea Flyi GW-W e1-6647(1 f)_00003.png
Dryoea Flyi TJ-Q d5-4556(AB)_00002.png
Dryoea Flyi TJ-Q d5-4556(AB)_00001.png
Dryoea Flyi KC-V e2-2725(B 12)_00001.png
Dryoea Flyi GW-W e1-6647(1 f)_00004.png

Some vanity photos. There's a nice ringed water world inside (Body B12).
Dryoea Flyi KC-V e2-2725(A)_00001.png

Dryoea Flyi KC-V e2-2725(B 12)_00002.png

Dryoea Flyi KC-V e2-2725(B 12 A Ring)_00001.png
Oh hey, it's been a long while. Congrats on your find! So, how did you notice it? Did you look on the galaxy map, or did you notice it from your ship as you were flying there?
Oh hey, it's been a long while. Congrats on your find! So, how did you notice it? Did you look on the galaxy map, or did you notice it from your ship as you were flying there?
I stumbled upon it while bookmarking nonsequence stars near my location on the galaxy map using map mode, when I noticed this grey dot being puffier and bluer than usual.
I did a large enough update that I thought I should mention it here. First, I changed the reference systems for many (most) nebulae, as an earlier bugfix with Odyssey changed how they look, and also because we can use the in-game search bar on the nebula names now. The legacy GMP data used approximated visual centers, but those have moved. Now, the reference systems should be the ones closest to the actual centers.

Second, something interesting: I added a new nebula entry, because somehow, I missed Bya Phlai AA-A h2 all these years. I'm not sure how I did that, because it's not a small one tucked away in a remote corner. (And I hope I didn't miss any others!) But then, this was apparently quite an unlucky nebula, as the only mention I've found about it so far was a submission to the GMP that somehow fell through the cracks. So, somebody visit this nebula please, so it'd be a bit less lonely! It's not even that far from the Sol-Colonia line.
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