Commander, this is Ground Control


Getting these errors when trying to pre-order. There are no options to select from!!!!!

UPDATE: Managed to get it now, it took a few attempts though
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Really? That was IT? THAT was what you hyped us up for? You really thought we would enjoy that?

60 seconds of half-recycled B-roll footage, and a grand total of 15 seconds of gameplay that was mostly just "call of duty HaHa GuNs gO BRRRRR"

you're mental if you think anyone would pre-order based on that. what a disappointment.

Ignored all the shooty bits, I was much more interested in the new planetary generation tech and textures, view distances and etc, way to little of that, but it appears this short bit of footage was more aimed at the combaty people not the exploration people, I will probably do the alpha and beta to see what they've done for us explorers.
Ignored all the shooty bits, I was much more interested in the new planetary generation tech and textures, view distances and etc, way to little of that, but it appears this short bit of footage was more aimed at the combaty people not the exploration people, I will probably do the alpha and beta to see what they've done for us explorers.
hopefully Alpha players will be allowed to share footage and info, otherwise those of us that didnt get into the Alpha are going to be pretty left out.
Ignored all the shooty bits, I was much more interested in the new planetary generation tech and textures, view distances and etc, way to little of that, but it appears this short bit of footage was more aimed at the combaty people not the exploration people, I will probably do the alpha and beta to see what they've done for us explorers.
yeah they do look mint, friend of mine (big SC enthusiast, don't ask) was trolling me that requirements will go up and FPS go down. nvm I will have to finally OC some :)

And yes, I would like to hear more about that new profession...
hopefully Alpha players will be allowed to share footage and info, otherwise those of us that didnt get into the Alpha are going to be pretty left out.

I expect the alpha will start pretty soon after they fix the issues with the pre-order locking people out of the game, and I do hope we can share images and footage, there was no mention of an NDA on the purchase page so I don't think they can enforce that as an after purchase requirement, it would need to be up front.
yeah they do look mint, friend of mine (big SC enthusiast, don't ask) was trolling me that requirements will go up and FPS go down. nvm I will have to finally OC some :)

And yes, I would like to hear more about that new profession...
I mean your friend isn't wrong; I do fear that the hardware requirements will end up going up with the release of Odyssey.
It looks to me like the alpha will be the only thing released in early 2021. Somehow I feel like personal shields is going to make this FPS experience feel awkward. Even in the trailer it looks like players just stand and bullet sponge each other. I hope I'm wrong, I'm really looking forward to this.
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I expect the alpha will start pretty soon after they fix the issues with the pre-order locking people out of the game, and I do hope we can share images and footage, there was no mention of an NDA on the purchase page so I don't think they can enforce that as an after purchase requirement, it would need to be up front.
I'm more concerned by the fact we are only 4 months from its release and it's still being called "alpha" and not "beta."
I expect the alpha will start pretty soon after they fix the issues with the pre-order locking people out of the game, and I do hope we can share images and footage, there was no mention of an NDA on the purchase page so I don't think they can enforce that as an after purchase requirement, it would need to be up front.
I wouldn't read too much into that - the purchase page doesn't give any details about what you're getting in terms of Alpha access. There could absolutely be an early build that comes with a click-through agreement and that would likely be entirely enforceable.

That said, I'd be pretty surprised if FDev did that. They usually don't let anything beyond the company walls until they're ready for the world to have a look. Seems more likely they're banking on Alpha players to create pre-release attention.
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