Community guests at FD HQ on 27th for Q4 news


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Boring answer but ... yes. I can however express what I've seen through interpretive dance movements, alas I don't have the bandwidth to convey the extremely vigorous movements I'm making right now.

P.S. you remember late night Beat Saber at Lavecon? Well double that!

Oh yes I remember that well... kinda :D

No further questions then. Guess we have 2 weeks of waiting now :(
This place is INSANE.

That we could end up with a thread about some elite streamers visiting Frontier (a nice, good thing) and it turn into WE WERE LIED TO! and OA is soooo toxic (!), not to mention the jealousy and apparent personal offence some seem to have taken at the rest of the player base being excluded ... brilliant.

Frontier should shut the forum and just have a blog where they post updates, with comments switched off. A forum is a waste of their time and a massive waste of salt.
Tbf, we were not all streamers. Although I'm awful at remembering names, IIRC there were 17 of us visiting today.

This thread has been odd to read, although I've enjoyed laughing at some of the craziness posted within it.

I disagree with your last part - salt is life! :D

If anyone has any sensible questions - yes, we're NDA-locked - I'll look at answering them tomorrow.
It's Mmm mmm nmmm mmn nmmmm ... David! What the hell are you doing in my room? Zac! What's that length of hosepipe for? Oh go ... no! ARGHHHHHHHH!

Boring answer but ... yes. I can however express what I've seen through interpretive dance movements, alas I don't have the bandwidth to convey the extremely vigorous movements I'm making right now.

P.S. you remember late night Beat Saber at Lavecon? Well double that!

I do have a question about your visit and it may be a difficult one to answer (if it is, just get someone to delete it!)

What was the mood of the staff at FD, were there feverishly pounding the keyboards under immense pressure and time restraints, or were they sitting back, feet up, with beaming smiles? Did it seem they were happy to be there or were they counting down the minutes until knock off time? To put it another way, did the work environment seem a happy place or one that the staff were under extreme pressure?

The reason I asked this was post my military career when I did a lot of consulting I found I could find out more about a company by just walking through the offices on the way to the meeting room than I did when sitting down with the Project Director or MD. Just curious!
Did you see any new HUD colors, Alec?

I did see some new colours ... I'm not saying where tho!

You know what guys, I seriously need to sleep now. My main takeaway from today is that Frontier are not the bad guys (I knew this already but it's nice to be reminded). They're a large, passionate and commited team of people who are genuinely trying to do right by this game to the best of their ability. They're talented good good people, not infallible, just human. They read what we write, constantly strive to be better and you know what ... if I was 20 years younger and not already working in a job I love, would probably have received my CV by now. On balance ... I reckon' the reaction to Q4 will be Mr Kipling. ;)

I do have a question about your visit and it may be a difficult one to answer (if it is, just get someone to delete it!)

What was the mood of the staff at FD, were there feverishly pounding the keyboards under immense pressure and time restraints, or were they sitting back, feet up, with beaming smiles? Did it seem they were happy to be there or were they counting down the minutes until knock off time? To put it another way, did the work environment seem a happy place or one that the staff were under extreme pressure?

The reason I asked this was post my military career when I did a lot of consulting I found I could find out more about a company by just walking through the offices on the way to the meeting room than I did when sitting down with the Project Director or MD. Just curious!
I think my comment about sending them my CV (which was deeply genuine by the way) says it all.

I did see some new colours ... I'm not saying where tho!

You know what guys, I seriously need to sleep now. My main takeaway from today is that Frontier are not the bad guys (I knew this already but it's nice to be reminded). They're a large, passionate and commited team of people who are genuinely trying to do right by this game to the best of their ability. They're talented good good people, not infallible, just human. They read what we write, constantly strive to be better and you know what ... if I was 20 years younger and not already working in a job I love, would probably have received my CV by now. On balance ... I reckon' the reaction to Q4 will be Mr Kipling. ;)

I think my comment about sending them my CV (which was deeply genuine by the way) says it all.


Cupcakes confirmed ! Wow !
Hi everyone, I'm finally back at a hotel room. I have ~25mins of free wifi. Waddya want to know?

I have literally tons of questions, but after reading the responses you've been giving here and the NDA you are under I don't think I'll bother asking any of them. You won't be able to answer them anyway.

This does give me pause though:

I believe the feedback highlighted the issue, the solution (which I believe has been added since said feedback) was not one I'd read on the forums.

I take it this is regarding the honk only showing the main star? The community has generally agreed upon some semblance of a compromise (between the live honk and 3.3 honk) being a satisfactory solution, yet you make it sound like Frontier has decided to do something entirely different? This worries me greatly, as I'm not convinced Frontier understands the reasons for the uproar in the first place. Hopefully their elegant solution addresses the real problem for actual exploration.... :(

I suppose what I would really like to know is this: Why can't we all know what elegant solution Frontier has come up with? Why must it be kept secret? o_O
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