Community guests at FD HQ on 27th for Q4 news

then comes along alec saying it required a lot of explanation for being work in progress (which, otoh, ed honestly said right away describing it as pre-alpha. that's the very first thing you do in a wacky demo, after saying hi: hey, this is work in progress, anything can fail).

Nonsense. There is no contradiction. I am working in IT for 20 years and this is nonsense you are talking my friend. You are trying to parrot your "100 people are not working on ED" line, despite it being in shambles. There is no evidence that FD is not working on ED. But yet you childishly insist.

to be absolutely clear and honest, i don't think frontier is lying about what they are doing now. they are just denying and window dressing what happened before. and that's how business regularly goes, not making a drama about it, just pointing out. then, those ambassadors ... well, fame comes at a cost. they do work (and possibly profit) on frontier's back, and that's ok, but they should be wary on how much they compromise for them. too much and not only would they be doing a disservice to the community, but it could very well backfire. anyway, herding crowds on the internet has always been risky business, i hope they are aware already :D

So it is "ambassadors don't question FD and FD is still lying despite providing evidence of 100 people working in one big room on ED" now? Wow. You are really childishly stubborn.

maybe my comments have been a bit too acid, but it really isn't complicated and i have no hard feelings about this. i'm fine and eager to see what frontier have managed to put up. personally, i will be glad with every little there is that suits me. this is just ... forum play. btw i somehow thought the beta was sooner, but that doesn't really change the matter.

They are not acid. You are basically that guy who can't admit he was and still is wrong.

It is ok to admit being wrong. It is childish to insist some fantasy you and others created because you lack understanding of how ED development works.

edit: also you can have both things - having 100 people working on ED and ED not being to your liking. Those things aren't exclusive.
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I see. FD turns more and more into a rumor generator. As if they have learned from CR. Rumors pay better than facts these days...

If they had learned from CR they actually would have made a fake build, charge you $30 to see it, promise it'll launch in a few weeks than delay to 2020 after trying to sell you another $500 ship that doesnt exist outside of a very fancy commercial. :p

On the scale of 'no PR at all' to 'CR-level horsecrap', FD saying "some people saw some of the stuff, they liked it." seems very, very modest to me.
no, i didn't mean that. i'm sometimes a bit cryptic. just poor expression, maybe, but otoh it prompts questions :)

then comes along alec saying it required a lot of explanation for being work in progress (which, otoh, ed honestly said right away describing it as pre-alpha. that's the very first thing you do in a wacky demo, after saying hi: hey, this is work in progress, anything can fail).

to be absolutely clear and honest, i don't think frontier is lying about what they are doing now. they are just denying and window dressing what happened before. and that's how business regularly goes, not making a drama about it, just pointing out. then, those ambassadors ... well, fame comes at a cost. they do work (and possibly profit) on frontier's back, and that's ok, but they should be wary on how much they compromise for them. too much and not only would they be doing a disservice to the community, but it could very well backfire. anyway, herding crowds on the internet has always been risky business, i hope they are aware already :D

maybe my comments have been a bit too acid, but it really isn't complicated and i have no hard feelings about this. i'm fine and eager to see what frontier have managed to put up. personally, i will be glad with every little there is that suits me. this is just ... forum play. btw i somehow thought the beta was sooner, but that doesn't really change the matter.

I mean..... that is fine tin foilery
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This all seems very positive. Getting hyped!!! But from the streaming schedule, I don't imagine we'll see beta until November and the patch wont drop until sometime in December. But hey, if it's good I can wait. I'd wager a guess that 90% of the dev time has been spent on the Q4 update ever since this was announced at frontier expo. I'm assuming that based on how much content alec and others said they saw, and the fact that the other updates quite small. They said from the beginning that most of there work is going into Q4, so hopefully this means they've kept they're shoulder to the wheel this whole time banking on this release. We shall see!
Denying what?

Window dressing what happened before, what and when?

viajero, tío ... :D

that they have practically neglected elite the whole year (maintenance mode is imo an euphemism) for their dinosaurs and their plans to conquer the world.

however, they have scrambled now and are trying to catch up. perfect! cheers!!!
viajero, tío ... :D

that they have practically neglected elite the whole year (maintenance mode is imo an euphemism) for their dinosaurs and their plans to conquer the world.

however, they have scrambled now and are trying to catch up. perfect! cheers!!!

It would also be quite believable to have 33 people working on the 4 2018 releases, 33 people working on pre-production atmospheres (a small flight sim team) and 33 people working on space legs (a small FPS team) and not be working on dinosaurs or any other title, but I guess that doesn't fit the narrative.
viajero, tío ... :D

that they have practically neglected elite the whole year (maintenance mode is imo an euphemism) for their dinosaurs and their plans to conquer the world.

however, they have scrambled now and are trying to catch up. perfect! cheers!!!

Because it makes perfectly sense not to work whole year for Q4 update like they said they will and will release at the end of the year like they said they will.

Yeah, it checks out.

Also that means rest of 200 people just slacking around I guess.
This all seems very positive. Getting hyped!!! But from the streaming schedule, I don't imagine we'll see beta until November and the patch wont drop until sometime in December. But hey, if it's good I can wait. I'd wager a guess that 90% of the dev time has been spent on the Q4 update ever since this was announced at frontier expo. I'm assuming that based on how much content alec and others said they saw, and the fact that the other updates quite small. They said from the beginning that most of there work is going into Q4, so hopefully this means they've kept they're shoulder to the wheel this whole time banking on this release. We shall see!

December might be right, wouldn't be surprised if they wanna squeeze every last dev hour that they can. But of course that's assuming they'd find a need for it.
to be clear, i'm positive about the game, i love it in spite of its many flaws.

however frontier gathering their 'ambassadors' and giving them a party just so they don't trash them when beta hits is no news. then again alec turner is a guy i really like (honest! work in progress!) but seeing him fall for this manipulation is just depressing. the random internet noise i'm already long used to :D

Salty comments like these are a side bonus of yesterday's visit :D

Thank you FDev for a great day, presentation, and face2face discussing of feedback!

To all the devs reading this thread: keep up the great work and 3.3 looks fantastic, you should feel very proud - here's to the next many years of Elite development & cheers to you all :)
Salty comments like these are a side bonus of yesterday's visit :D

Thank you FDev for a great day, presentation, and face2face discussing of feedback!

To all the devs reading this thread: keep up the great work and 3.3 looks fantastic, you should feel very proud - here's to the next many years of Elite development & cheers to you all :)

Wait! You got an invite as well? Bloody hell... standards are slipping :D
Salty comments like these are a side bonus of yesterday's visit :D

Thank you FDev for a great day, presentation, and face2face discussing of feedback!

To all the devs reading this thread: keep up the great work and 3.3 looks fantastic, you should feel very proud - here's to the next many years of Elite development & cheers to you all :)

"Good for you! I hope you had a great day, and it is good to hear you were impressed with what you saw. I will reserve judgement myself until I see it for myself, obviously, but its nice to hear those who saw bits were happy about."

(thanks for the line, sleutlbos :))
no, i didn't mean that. i'm sometimes a bit cryptic. just poor expression, maybe, but otoh it prompts questions :)

the contradiction is in making believe frontier has had a 100+ man team all along working on this, while the demo still needs a lot of duct tape to not fall apart so close to release. and mostly prompted by babelfish making snarky comments about our 'ambassadors' reporting 'a full floor full of busy working monkeys'. as if that would prove anything. delivery will, no worries! then comes along alec saying it required a lot of explanation for being work in progress (which, otoh, ed honestly said right away describing it as pre-alpha. that's the very first thing you do in a wacky demo, after saying hi: hey, this is work in progress, anything can fail).

to be absolutely clear and honest, i don't think frontier is lying about what they are doing now. they are just denying and window dressing what happened before. and that's how business regularly goes, not making a drama about it, just pointing out. then, those ambassadors ... well, fame comes at a cost. they do work (and possibly profit) on frontier's back, and that's ok, but they should be wary on how much they compromise for them. too much and not only would they be doing a disservice to the community, but it could very well backfire. anyway, herding crowds on the internet has always been risky business, i hope they are aware already :D

maybe my comments have been a bit too acid, but it really isn't complicated and i have no hard feelings about this. i'm fine and eager to see what frontier have managed to put up. personally, i will be glad with every little there is that suits me. this is just ... forum play. btw i somehow thought the beta was sooner, but that doesn't really change the matter.



Volunteer Moderator
viajero, tío ... :D

that they have practically neglected elite the whole year (maintenance mode is imo an euphemism) for their dinosaurs and their plans to conquer the world.

however, they have scrambled now and are trying to catch up. perfect! cheers!!!

Paisa coleguilla.

And since when exactly do you think they started to “scramble” and “try to catch up”?
"Good for you! I hope you had a great day, and it is good to hear you were impressed with what you saw. I will reserve judgement myself until I see it for myself, obviously, but its nice to hear those who saw bits were happy about."

(thanks for the line, sleutlbos :))

As I've repeated many times (and you've definitely read):

Don't hype. Hype is evil. Salt is life. Wait for the livestreams

lost again? [haha]

Getting free beer is always a win ;)
Paisa coleguilla.

And since when exactly do you think they started to “scramble” and “try to catch up”?

probably shortly before zac's (was it zac? oh my poor memory ...) announcement of what wouldn't make it and the blunt discarding of ff (and the new! feedback format, etc.), plus the promise of a bright new era. they have probably been working on some bits, here and there, but imo that's where they got released from other duties, turned full focus on elite again, made inventory and projections, realized how deep in shiet they were and decided to be preemptive about it.
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