Console Profile Transfers and 2022 Updates

Happy that I can transfer my CMDR to PC! A little bit sad about the Carriers though. I have well over 200 Thargoid Hearts, SAP-8 Cores, and Trinkets of Hidden Fortune aboard mine for Raxxla research purposes and I guess I have to lose all those now. Still worth it for keeping all my other progress. Thank you FDev, I know I have been very critical (and still will be when you mess up again, lol), but I can at least recognize effort when I do see it. I know sorting all this transfer details out behind closed doors probably took a decent amount of staff hours and took management away from other stuff, so for myself and the console community, thank you for taking the time to work this out for us. While we would have loved to see continued development on consoles, this transfer will be an ok compromise for at least some of the users from these platforms. Hopefully someday in the future, two or so years maybe, Fdev can reassess if Next Gen console support will be worth it, that is if the game is still being developed for at that point in time. Once again, thank you.

Another fellow collector. I offer you my services to store/transfer your goods during the transfer period.
I praise FDev when deserved.
I slate FDev when deserved.

This announcement, and I watched the first half hour on Twitch, is, I believe, really good news.

If nothing else, it shows that the game I love, the game you love, has plans. You might not like the plans, but plans you don’t like is better than no plans.

I watched, and I’m happy.

Long live Elite!
They're just not though. 🤷‍♀️

In Horizons, you truly never knew what you were going to find.

Now, with EDO, you'll find the same tiled variant as a billion other planets.

I would imagine it will be possible for as long as the game is supported by Frontier.

Which looks like (quick check of the 'roadmap')... early to mid 2023.
Putting these two together, I thought you'd be happier. No mentions of any client merges, so you'll be able to enjoy Horizons forever. 👍
3 updates in a year with nothing really concrete to inform, yaay

(when 11 didn't do the trick for me and a few others)?
the good news is that i'll have free storage space for the next 3 months
Hmmm … what if …

Step 1
Liquidate assets of PC CMDR; add credit value to PlayStation CMDR; delete PC CMDR (old transfer process)

Step 2
Full transfer of PlayStation CMDR to PC, where the account name IS now available (new transfer process)

That way I don’t lose the 2 Billion credits I manually transferred to my PC account whilst Frontier were figuring out what they would/wouldn’t provide …
Or, if you have & want a carrier

Transfer the playstation CMDR to pc, get them their carrier, then transfer the credits over once they're on the same platform via the market. Tritium is good because it can be set as high as 500k/t and it will eventually come in usefull.

You can even use Geforce now to have both accounts logged in at once to simplify market juggling.
“major feature overhaul for 2023”. If FDev and the community team have learned anything from the last 12 months it should be to not keep the players in the dark and as a result, disappoint. Instead, involve the community in shaping the future and listen to their ideas for the overhaul. Being far too inward looking and listening to internal project leads has led to where we are today. Time to trust that the community actually know best!
Right! Never had any doubt. DOOM is delayed once again, happy to fly a bit longer with new stuff to come.

Maybe bad for the ones cashing in on the DOOM hype, but I don‘t care. I‘ve canceled all my subscriptions to channels which have overdone the DOOM narrative and calling everyone a white knight who dares to play and like the game.

o7 CMDRs


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FDEV...Can we expect to get a new ship sometime within the 5 years or not? It's been over 4 years, 50 months since Feb 2018, since we had anything with a new flavor. The current line up, while modestly adequate, has gotten stale.

- Don't expect much from this company... They don't even have the logic to sell us ships like Star Citizen to make a little money

- I expected at least the VR for Odyssey in 2022
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