News Content Recap - Beyond Chapter One Livestream (16.01.2018) - Part 1 Recap

Quick point to make - my last murder bounty was given because a poor Asp which was nearly dead but not quite rammed me in his haste to escape - and died. I was not shooting at the time. I hope that this will be noticed by the code and treated as friendly fire.

And is it only murdering of players which results in notoriety? Not NPC's?
The victim always faces consequences - the rebuy screen in the case of destruction. Up to now the attacker has had very little in the way of consequences to deal with - that would seem to be about to change....

Yes and the victim should always face consequences no matter if i am in a killing spree or not. The Attacker should just face more and more consequences. But lower rebuy is a nonsense regarding the cut throat galaxy context. It is just enforcing safe space and laziness of CMDRs who are not using defensive modules intended to protect themself and available to everyone equally.

Don't get me wrong, i am really happy with consequences for crimes (it was about time). I am really looking forward for rewards aspects for crimes now (including murders).
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Is it safe to say that there will be no option for the player in question to simply sell said 'hot' ship, and thus avoid paying the penalties?

This was asked but not fully answered on the stream, Sandy was not 100% on if a) you could not sell the ship or b) you could sell it but at a massive loss.

It sounds like it needs to be finalised.
Spacecat; That's what it appears like said:
Be interesting to see how it scales. I guess it is very difficult to distinguish this from a deliberate act/carelessness, both by the shooter and the ship affected. (Could be nice for griefers since you have to pay more than before and part of the cost of their rebuy - if I understood the stream.).
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great recap.

Thx for the topic.

You forgot to mention ... Ed don't read the mission destination starport [big grin]:x

so funny ^^
The way I understood it (based on the stream and this recap) is that it will depend whether you were "brought to justice" or not, which I interpreted as being synonymous with being sent to a detention centre. So that gives two scenarios here:
1 - You get blown up in your cheap Sidewinder. In this case you don't have a bunch of crimes attached to that ship, so there's no punishment, and no drop in notoriety.
2 - You get blown up (by your mates) in your expensive murder Corvette. In this case, have your mates really done you a favour? You'll get a drop in notoriety, sure, but you'll also have a big rebuy cost, a trip to a detention centre, and you'll be forced to pay all of your bounties. Oh, and your mate also gets to pay for some of your rebuy cost too, as a little thank you for the "favour". Not exactly motivational. [big grin]

I guess FD need to consider what happens if you're blown up in a cheap Sidewinder that has a *small* amount of crime attached (relative to your other fleet of expensive murder ships). In this case, I'd *hope* that your notoriety value is also only reduced by a small amount. Otherwise, yeah, there's a potential loophole there.
Surely, the issue with this is that for a lot of players, money is not an issue and so paying off huge bounties and rebuy costs will be little disincentive?
I am thinking: switch to a clean Sidewinder after a long day of ganking noobs, and get your mates to blow you up until your notoriety is gone?

Doesn't work like that. In order to escape incarceration, you'll still have to pay the bounty on top of the usual rebuy cost of the ship that was hot. Suicidewinder won't work anymore.

No because if you use correct defenses (to survive in a cut throat galaxy) you are not an easy/soft target. Yes i am responsible for destroying them but not for their bad decision. I should face consequences for my crimes not for my target bad loadout choices. It is fair that the victim face consequences as well.

Anyway we will see how it goes. (thinking about station ganking and detention center atm).

Have you considered that their 'poor' loadout means their rebuy will be less than a 'properly' configured ship and therefore the consequence to you of destroying them will scale proportionately with their module costs ?
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Still kind of wondering what's stopping someone just going on a murder spree, docking the ship, ripping out all their engineered modules and putting them into storage and then buying another generic hull and cramming their engineered modules into the new hull? Is part of the 'limited station services' meaning no outfitting functionality?

Keeping in mind for most long standing players and those that have exploited broken elements in the game at one time or another, buying a half dozen base FDL hulls and similar isn't really going to hurt their wallet.

Or is that Frontiers idea of 'consequence' for criminals? That it will introduce a much needed credit sink into the game finally.
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Still kind of wondering what's stopping someone just going on a murder spree, docking the ship, ripping out all their engineered modules and putting them into storage and then buying another generic hull and cramming their engineered modules into the new hull?

Keeping in mind for most long standing players and those that have exploited broken elements in the game at one time or another, buying a half dozen base FDL hulls and similar isn't really going to hurt their wallet.

Or is that Frontiers idea of 'consequence' for criminals? That it will introduce a much needed credit sink into the game finally.

I believe Sandro covered it....putting a 'Hot' module in a clean ship makes that ship 'Hot'.
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Still kind of wondering what's stopping someone just going on a murder spree, docking the ship, ripping out all their engineered modules and putting them into storage and then buying another generic hull and cramming their engineered modules into the new hull? Is part of the 'limited station services' meaning no outfitting functionality?

Keeping in mind for most long standing players and those that have exploited broken elements in the game at one time or another, buying a half dozen base FDL hulls and similar isn't really going to hurt their wallet.

Or is that Frontiers idea of 'consequence' for criminals? That it will introduce a much needed credit sink into the game finally.

Modules will be hot too. If you install a module from a hot ship to a clean ship, that ship will become hot too. You can't just scape from the bounty.
Is Notoriety going to be visible in the same way a Scanned Ship shows the Commanders Name ? - that would help inform my decision to run or not (fight/flight)?
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Still kind of wondering what's stopping someone just going on a murder spree, docking the ship, ripping out all their engineered modules and putting them into storage...

As far as i understand it there will be "hot modules" too, not 100% sure though.

Edit: Ninjad, twice [noob]

On the concern of Criminals kill each other to soften their notoriety/bounty...
Maybe it would be a good idea that Cmdrs are not able to claim bountys for people they were Winged with while commiting the crime, no idead if this is doable though.
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Doesn't work like that. In order to escape incarceration, you'll still have to pay the bounty on top of the usual rebuy cost of the ship that was hot. Suicidewinder won't work anymore.

That's if you wait until you hit max notoriety. You only incur a portion of the rebuys with each kill so basically when you go back to the station to re-arm/repair pay the small fines, switch to sidewinder and get a colleague to blow you up to reset your notoriety and then go back to incurring small percentage fines..

Basically, notoriety should decrease over time, not on ship destruction.
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That's if you wait until you hit max notoriety. You only incur a portion of the rebuys with each kill so basically when you go back to the station to re-arm/repair pay the small fines, switch to sidewinder and get a colleague to blow you up to reset your notoriety and then go back to incurring small percentage fines..

Basically, notoriety should decrease over time, not on ship destruction.

Does 'Notoriety' increase in Anarchy systems ?, it seems to be a count of 'Clean' ships killed, so getting a mate to kill you would just add Notoriety to them ???

Edit....Use of secondary accounts to clean a main account maybe a loophole here ???
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Does 'Notoriety' increase in Anarchy systems ?, it seems to be a count of 'Clean' ships killed, so getting a mate to kill you would just add Notoriety to them ???

Edit....Use of secondary accounts to clean a main account maybe a loophole here ???

Nope, nothing is taken into account in Anarchy system regarding notoriety, same as now : killing ships in anarchy systems means noone is looking, no bounties/wanted status. Thus no notoriety changes to occur in chapter one.

Also, in the game right now, just suicidewinder and all your bounties are gone. No big rebuy, no mandatory payment of your fines. The new system will not be perfect but it's a start : killing yourself with an alt account will decrease notoriety... but you'll still have to pay your fines to clear the bounties which is just not the case at all at the moment.
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