Discovery Scanner [Weekly Update] - 09/05/2022

Regarding ship interiors, I think they did work on it. Go to an Odyssey settlement, enter a Hab block and there are the passenger cabins. Enter a warehouse and there are the cargo racks...
As for what you'd do there... If we had a laboratory module it could be used for exobiology.
The CMs went on strike, hence the short-lived cancellation of the streams. After barracading the coffee machine for a while, management finally caved in and allowed them to release the roadmap and hint about a key feature overhaul.
I wouldn't go so far as to call it a roadmap. More like a faint line in pencil that they can, and will, rub out at a later date.
I'm going to get a steam deck during my birthday later this year. Can't say however if it can run edo ? It would be nice to know before buying.. I know it has the correct hardware and graphics card. Look at their website and check specs. And in case you ask I think you can purchase Odyssey now and use it on steam deck as it will be in your 'library'. Just don't download it to your PC. I have an i5-4440 and nividia 5270 and it crashed and lagged on my PC. Hope I helped! 😉
I'm going to get a steam deck during my birthday later this year. Can't say however if it can run edo ? It would be nice to know before buying.. I know it has the correct hardware and graphics card. Look at their website and check specs. And in case you ask I think you can purchase Odyssey now and use it on steam deck as it will be in your 'library'. Just don't download it to your PC. I have an i5-4440 and nividia 5270 and it crashed and lagged on my PC. Hope I helped! 😉
Had take research on this, only thing what I find about this is, at the moment no, but steam is evaluating this
EDO is way better than at launch (obviously) but to say the graphics look at best 2010s, it requires more resources than you'd think when looking at it. That said, on my rig it works very well. I don't have any complaints. But... then it blummin should for what it is and what it cost me. I must have been mad at the time.
I'm not sure who you ask. Without the TI I'd say no way. But even in this case I would expect running the game with very low settings at best. Don't even dream of Ultra settings.
With a system like this I can only recommend to stay with Horizons as long as possible.
Hmm, I will check it by myself, couldn’t be a thing that EDO needs more power then the recommendet specs for SC

but thanks
I'm not sure who you ask. Without the TI I'd say no way. But even in this case I would expect running the game with very low settings at best. Don't even dream of Ultra settings.
With a system like this I can only recommend to stay with Horizons as long as possible.
Lol what? That system is better than mine (except I have twice the RAM) - and I can run Odyssey fine on medium-high settings, even pushing a couple to ultra.
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