DLC18 discussion and predictions

Wait are they that common over there? In europe there is just two holdings i think
Without heading over to zootierliste or Zoochat, for my knowledge they are common enough for me to have it as one of my most wanted African animals. All the major zoo projects I have lined up (at least 6 big zoos), they all have sifakas mixed with other lemurs (add blue eyed black lemur while we are it lol) or have indoor habitats inside a Madagascar house.
Its not a bad roster...
My favorite would be either the adorable dik-dik or the exotic echidna. The Markhor is majestic and the secretary bird is pretty. I just really hope if this is the next pack that it isn't the last one...
Actually, the more I think about the dictionnary, the more logical it seems to me (considering Oceania as new world this time):

Old World Animal Pack:
  1. Hamadryas baboon
  2. Secretary bird
  3. Markhor
  4. African spurred tortoise
  5. Crowned sifaka
  6. Dik-Dik
  7. Eurasian otter
  8. King cobra
New World Animal Pack:
  1. Spider monkey
  2. American Black bear or Spectacled bear
  3. Bush dog
  4. American flamingo
  5. Goodfellow's Tree kangaroo
  6. Short beaked echidna
  7. Howler monkey
  8. Green anaconda
Gosh I need some news soon before i go crazy 😱
I hope your right!
About the speculated pack of baboon, tree kangaroo, secretary bird, dik dik, markhor, spurred tortoise, echidna, and sifaka I think it’s highly likely they do a duo New World and Old World packs, I don’t understand why all of you jump to these conclusions. My only issue with the pack is the lack of a European animal/ another Asian. It is sad to know that this is how Africa and Asia will end but we will see. I like the possible addition of the sifaka.
Here’s a new world pack concept:
American Black Bear
Howler Monkey
Greater Rhea
Patagonian Mara
Mexican Spider Monkey
Burrowing Owl / Brown Pelican
New World
  1. White-nosed Coati
  2. Musk Ox
  3. Howler Monkey
  4. Greater Rhea
  5. Patagonian Mara
  6. Wild Turkey
  7. Wapiti
Genuinely, I see this pack as a GENIUNE WIN!!!! R.I.P. South America and Ducks but Sifaka, Markhor, Hamadryas and Tree Kangaroo is like heaven coming upon me.
Don't get too excited yet.
Its not a bad roster...
My favorite would be either the adorable dik-dik or the exotic echidna. The Markhor is majestic and the secretary bird is pretty. I just really hope if this is the next pack that it isn't the last one...

I hope your right!

New World
  1. White-nosed Coati
  2. Musk Ox
  3. Howler Monkey
  4. Greater Rhea
  5. Patagonian Mara
  6. Wild Turkey
  7. Wapiti

Don't get too excited yet.
If I get no Sifaka, this may be the first time I cry about an Animal :(

Unless South American Coatimundi replaces it :)

[I equally love them]
Wait are they that common over there? In europe there is just two holdings i think
We get two sifaka species in Europe, Coquerel's and Crowned. Crowned sifakas have been around for many years (Currently at six zoos) and Coquerels arrived in 2021 (I think) from the United States to three zoos, and they are still kept at those. Not an easy to keep lemur and crowned sifakas are seemingly being phased out (which is a pity, lovely animals) but they are very much still around.
So what I'm getting is so far 3 of the 8 roster is comfirmed with Dik Dik, Markhor and Crowned Sifaka. There's no Coquerel's but you can easily obtain it probably like how we got Golden Takin by Leaf like a day after DLC.
So what I'm getting is so far 3 of the 8 roster is comfirmed with Dik Dik, Markhor and Crowned Sifaka. There's no Coquerel's but you can easily obtain it probably like how we got Golden Takin by Leaf like a day after DLC.
Huh? Goodfellow's, hamadryas and secretary we're all new additions as well. Not the newest, but we're added AFTER the packs they would've fit we're released.
Huh? Goodfellow's, hamadryas and secretary we're all new additions as well. Not the newest, but we're added AFTER the packs they would've fit we're released.
So 3 confirmed, 3 half confirmed not fully as they were released in april, and what I'm getting is an African Spurred Tortoise as the 7th. What I'm guessing is the exhibit being King Cobra so

  • Animal Pack
  • Hamadrya's Baboon [Headliner]
  • Secretary Bird
  • Markhor
  • Tree Kangaroo
  • African Spurred Tortoise
  • Crowned Sifaka
  • Kirk's Dik Dik
  • King Cobra [E]
I mean if we have considered that "crowned" has been added to the dictionary because of the crane instead of the sifaka, I'm well aware it would be a great addition to the game
Crowned and Sifaka were entered at the same time, a Crowned Crane is impossible at this point unless the DLC is Bigger, there's no exhibit and its fully 8 habitat animals, or as an Anniversary gift
I mean if we have considered that "crowned" has been added to the dictionary because of the crane instead of the sifaka, I'm well aware it would be a great addition to the game
My mistake lol, yeah the crowned meaning crane would be a far better addition considering how valuable the addition the crowned crane is to african savanna habitats. But then crowned crane already exists for the red crowned so...
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maybe it’s cause it has the baboon but idk seems like a pretty good roster to me.
As i said, the problem with this pack is the fact it's the last one and we aren't receiving some animals that were very high in my personal list, aka SA animals, or received those instead of similar animals, like the sifaka or the markhor.

If this pack wasn't the last one or if those animals had come from other packs (hamadryas on arid, for example), than sure, they are fine, but in the final pack? Without more SA or more important animals? Doesn't sound as interesting to me.
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