DLC18 discussion and predictions

The one that's hard to believe here is the sifaka. I'm not surprised by birds getting screwed over, but would Frontier really make an entirely unique rig for something that has basically no wishlist presence (especially if it's the crowned and not the Coquerel's sifaka) at the expense of something both more requested and easier like a coati or walrus, in what's likely meant to be a Zookeeper Collection sort of pack?

Which is why I'll wait and see until Wednesday to see if it's completely accurate or if there are one or more red herrings.
So 3 confirmed, 3 half confirmed not fully as they were released in april, and what I'm getting is an African Spurred Tortoise as the 7th. What I'm guessing is the exhibit being King Cobra so

  • Animal Pack
  • Hamadrya's Baboon [Headliner]
  • Secretary Bird
  • Markhor
  • Tree Kangaroo
  • African Spurred Tortoise
  • Crowned Sifaka
  • Kirk's Dik Dik
  • King Cobra [E]
Too tired to go through the rest of the thread, but just gonna say that if the pack we get soon has not a single Latin American animal in it, I'm still thinking there may be another pack coming. At this point that's probably the only scenario in which I can see 2 packs. Not even a Latin America pack coming would necessarily make me think another "around the world/zoo keepers pack" is coming.

I know the devs don't have nearly the same engagement as before, likely internally as well as externally, but there is no way that whoever is still working on animals is not aware of the general desperation of more Latin American animals. They've have to be willfully ignoring the call for more from the region.

So honestly, an 8 pack with no Latin American animals might be a good thing. Because to me that says there will likely be one more last pack. 100% guaranteed, no of course not. But I think fairly likely.

So this...and then one finale scenery pack or maybe we luck out and get an animal pack out of Latin America.
Black Howler Monkey
Spectacled Bear
Tamarin or Two Toed Sloth (WTE) - this actually would bring us to exactly 200 animals.

animal pack additions:
Spider Monkey/Squirrel Monkey
Patagonian Mara
Greater Rhea

Outlier substitutes - I'd be thrilled if a Brazilian Porcupine made it in, but I'm pretty sure that's very unlikely
Bush Dog - unique looking canid but not a huge push for it compared to other animals
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Can't wait for this to age like milk
Could be that PZ2 has equally bad SA rep haha, it’s just one of the only reasonable explanations I can think of at this point. I don’t think Frontier just woke up and went “I hate this continent in particular”, it’s not like an SA pack would be full of niche animals compared to everything we got last year, and more SA has been an unrelenting request basically since the game launched. It’s just strange.
The one that's hard to believe here is the sifaka. I'm not surprised by birds getting screwed over, but would Frontier really make an entirely unique rig for something that has basically no wishlist presence (especially if it's the crowned and not the Coquerel's sifaka) at the expense of something both more requested and easier like a coati or walrus, in what's likely meant to be a Zookeeper Collection sort of pack?

Which is why I'll wait and see until Wednesday to see if it's completely accurate or if there are one or more red herrings.
I think they got the we want primates message wrong and made another lemur
Never put that in the bingo card, that the community will get upset just by a dictionary, first things first, if in fact all those animals are actually gonna make it to the DLC idk about u, but that is a awesome list-- like 6 of them r in the 25 most requested animals in the Meta Wishlist, and the Dik Dik and The African Spurred Tortoise are a MUST like let's be real.

I can see why u will get upset that there is still no sign of South America Animal, still if It's actually is the last DLC of PZ, there is defo gonna be smth in it that gonna make it more special than the other packs such as more animals than usual or including a huge amount of scenery and then it gonna be maybe a bit more expensive.
Let's not forget also that It's been almost 5 months since the Barnyard Animal Pack soo, tho it can also be cuz of PlanCo2 cause they wanted it to be the main focus.

So in conclusion even if all those animals do make it, it makes no sense to get disappointed first by something that hasn't been announced yet, and still those animals are highly requested because the whole community voted for them- like make it make sense like those are all super requested animals and u still r complaining.. and another point is I don't see frontier finishing the support for the game without bringing the 1# most requested animal rn on the wishlist being the South American Coati, although yh the wishlist is a bit outdated but oh well

Anyway I'm just happy that we still r getting content and if that is list oh bro I'm gonna be over the moon---- like it has basically my two most requested animals for the game being the Goodfellow Tree Kangaroo, African Spurred Tortoise and also the Two-Toed Sloth which still has no sign of it.. but still like omg I can't wait to have such a chaotic week
here is a reminder of what is in the dictionary that is unexplainable using the current games not including planet coaster 2 they are split by when the names were added. Also would like to point out that the update was only for the planet coaster 2 version of the dictionary not the planet zoo version.

  • civet
  • dove
  • vulture
  • hornet
  • moray
  • Coral

  • mamba
  • hamadryas
  • Goodfellow

  • Barnacle
  • Dik - dik
  • Markhor
  • Owl
  • sifaka
Never put that in the bingo card, that the community will get upset just by a dictionary, first things first, if in fact all those animals are actually gonna make it to the DLC idk about u, but that is a awesome list-- like 6 of them r in the 25 most requested animals in the Meta Wishlist, and the Dik Dik and The African Spurred Tortoise are a MUST like let's be real.

I can see why u will get upset that there is still no sign of South America Animal, still if It's actually is the last DLC of PZ, there is defo gonna be smth in it that gonna make it more special than the other packs such as more animals than usual or including a huge amount of scenery and then it gonna be maybe a bit more expensive.
Let's not forget also that It's been almost 5 months since the Barnyard Animal Pack soo, tho it can also be cuz of PlanCo2 cause they wanted it to be the main focus.

So in conclusion even if all those animals do make it, it makes no sense to get disappointed first by something that hasn't been announced yet, and still those animals are highly requested because the whole community voted for them- like make it make sense like those are all super requested animals and u still r complaining.. and another point is I don't see frontier finishing the support for the game without bringing the 1# most requested animal rn on the wishlist being the South American Coati, although yh the wishlist is a bit outdated but oh well

Anyway I'm just happy that we still r getting content and if that is list oh bro I'm gonna be over the moon---- like it has basically my two most requested animals for the game being the Goodfellow Tree Kangaroo, African Spurred Tortoise and also the Two-Toed Sloth which still has no sign of it.. but still like omg I can't wait to have such a chaotic week
Some people just wanted other animals, this if it is the actual roster It will be my most favorite pack of all time. People just overshadow them by the Increase want of South American Animals and Birds. But if I'm being honest, I think people will find a liking for the future animals like Sifaka even if its not a Mara.
I don't really hate this choice though, a Sifaka are really unique. If they actual mess up the Sifaka walking animation and voice department holy....

Source: https://youtu.be/m1fSUM4Kp5Y
We get that You love the Sifaka. I like them too. They are a charismatic primate and very different from the other lemurs we already have but that's not the point.

Making even a clone of the capuchin, like the squirrel monkey or even just adapting the monkey rigs we have to some of the other two species we have been asking for, like howler or spider would have probably be less work load than making the second full new animations set of this proposed pack for the Sifaka. Why? Other than personal preferences of the devs there is no real good reason to go for the Sifaka and not a NWM, unless they just think they would be good selling drives for the sequel.

Because despite everyone else thinking that no LATAM, NWM or more birds in this pack means there is another pack coming, i personally think they are saving them for PZ2 because they need some animals to sell the DLCs and they celreated the demand for these by not giving us any in almost 2 years haha
here is a reminder of what is in the dictionary that is unexplainable using the current games not including planet coaster 2 they are split by when the names were added

  • civet
  • dove
  • vulture
  • hornet
  • moray
  • Coral

  • mamba
  • hamadryas
  • Goodfellow

  • Barnacle
  • Dik - dik
  • Markhor
  • Owl
  • sifaka
Sifaka is super obvious being the Sifaka, Markhor is also super obvious, I don't know about Dik-Dik if its in an African Ungulate's Zoopedia. Hamadrya's is obvious as there's no Hamadrya's plant. Echidna is also super obvious, Goodfellow is kind of obvious but I don't know too much.

Sifaka, Dik-Dik and Markhor is something we can hold towards the pack so far with it literally releasing a day after LQA Update.
We get that You love the Sifaka. I like them too. They are a charismatic primate and very different from the other lemurs we already have but that's not the point.

Making even a clone of the capuchin, like the squirrel monkey or even just adapting the monkey rigs we have to some of the other two species we have been asking for, like howler or spider would have probably be less work load than making the second full new animations set of this proposed pack for the Sifaka. Why? Other than personal preferences of the devs there is no real good reason to go for the Sifaka and not a NWM, unless they just think they would be good selling drives for the sequel.

Because despite everyone else thinking that no LATAM, NWM or more birds in this pack means there is another pack coming, i personally think they are saving them for PZ2 because they need some animals to sell the DLCs and they celreated the demand for these by not giving us any in almost 2 years haha
Probably gonna use South America and Macaw's as there big Selling Point for PZ2. Would 100% make sense but not even a single LATAM animal is insane

[Sorry for ranting about my Sifaka love]
Some people just wanted other animals, this if it is the actual roster It will be my most favorite pack of all time. People just overshadow them by the Increase want of South American Animals and Birds. But if I'm being honest, I think people will find a liking for the future animals like Sifaka even if its not a Mara.
Oh believe me Ik- and I really do hope South America gonna get Its spotlight in this dlc together with Oceania, just nothing has been announced yet like what if there are 11-12 habitat animals and one exhibit animal being 12-13 animals and we only know 8 animals that may gonna make it it means there still can be 3-4 more species and it can be the South American Coati, The Black Howler and maybe also the Walrus like It's just so weird getting mad over a freaking dictionary, like ppl wait for the announcement a least----
No, but the Himalayan Brown Bear taking a slot in the roster when we could have either had the American Black Bear or Spectacled is pretty painful, There's a clear difference and fine line. Dama Gazelle brought zero variety to the roster and was just there to be there, Black Rhinoceros did. If your looking for an Asian Bear call up the Moon Bear/Sloth Bear which imo is way more better.
What is the clear difference? Where is the "fine line"? The gazelle was just as unique compared to other antelope as the ABB or spectacled bear would be compared to the already in-game bears. It's also visually more unique compared to the springbok or Thomson's than the black rhino is to the white rhino.

So I don't really see any problem. Every time someone complains about an animal and tries to boil their issues down to some sort of non-existent, completely arbitrary objective reasoning, all I'm really seeing is, "I wanted a different animal more and I'm upset I didn't get it." Which is perfectly fine, if only people were more honest about it.
To me.

I thought that was very obvious
If it was obvious I wouldn't have asked. "It's more important" is a very different sentence to "It's more important to me." You might have intended the latter, but it's not what you said.

As I've been saying, let's not pretend that members of this community don't have a tendency to make sweeping statements regarding the roster with nonsensical false-objectivity. I'm guilty of it myself, sometimes, after all, but I try not to do it anymore because I've realised it's actually super annoying. Everyone has their own criteria for the things they value. There is no objective right answer. No species is "more important" than any other on a non-personal, indivdualised level.

In any case, given how damned good Planet Coaster 2 is looking, I'm finding my excitement for the final DLC waning considerably in the face of the infinite potential of Planet Zoo 2. I'm more eager to see if that appears in the next two or three years than I am to watch a tree kangaroo stutter around a janky climbing system. I'm even considering buying Coaster 2 just to get a hang of the new features.
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