Modes ED "Beyond" Disappointing, anyone have similar feelings?

We’re into a whole new level of logic here people..!

again very useful post, very interesting and educational. +rep

As you guys do not understand what i wrote. Im sorry for bad english, maybe that is why you do not understand, but i think problem is somewhere else.

players in open are dangerous - player may have engineered ships, unpredictable maneuvers, etc... = dangerous then npc

you won't meet a lot of players in open - now, open play is pretty empty, because lack of content, people play groups more likely

we need more players in open because playing with others is fun - yes, this game need more players in open

my mind is fine.

Im tired of explain simple suggestion.
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No amount of incentivizing will encourage me to join a mode of play where I'm simply there to be fodder for types like you.

Choosing to be fodder is on you bro. It's just not that hard to avoid other players in Open if that is your wish (over simply going to Solo).
Well these new changes specifically to open play has really brightened up my elite dangerous experience. Great building blocks for future Player vs Player activities. Especially with the guilds that are coming. And this is only the beginning.
The one thing I hope Squadrons bring into Elite is a more streamlined communication system. Not that I'll be using it, but I can see the sense of it for those who enjoy playing in groups.

Not sure what you mean by: this is only the beginning.

Are you guys ready to join the fun!?!
I won't be caught dead in a guild :)
Open are now easy because of low population. Its funny, you play open but you cant support suggestion about how fill open mode with more player. Basically you play OPEN but in reality you play solo because "nobody are there". But what is worse, you dont even make other better suggestion or put some interesting counter-posts.

i also played open more a long long take ago. When players actually play open.

When you have fun, then why you dont support suggestion about filling open mode? LOL
It is not counterproductive?

Because people play in the different modes for different reasons. It's none of my or your business why and neither of us should judge them for it either.

If people want to play in open, they will play in open.
Well these new changes specifically to open play has really brightened up my elite dangerous experience. Great building blocks for future Player vs Player activities. Especially with the guilds that are coming. And this is only the beginning.

Are you guys ready to join the fun!?!
The squadron and fleet carriers is really, really cool. That will take the game up to a new level. A group of players could pick a star system that's not populated and make their own (at least so I think it'll work).
again very useful post, very interesting and educational. +rep

As you guys do not understand what i wrote. Im sorry for bad english, maybe that is why you do not understand, but i think problem is somewhere else.

players in open are dangerous - player may have engineered ships, unpredictable maneuvers, etc... = dangerous then npc

you won't meet a lot of players in open - now, open play is pretty empty, because lack of content, people play groups more likely

we need more players in open because playing with others is fun - yes, this game need more players in open

my mind is fine.

Im tired of explain simple suggestion.

Why the constant bickering?

What exactly do you mean lack of content forcing players to play open?
Would that not apply to private and solo modes as well?
I'm sure there's plenty of players in open, the matchmaking server and instancing usually play a big part on how many other players you meet in open.
The usual systems (old beta bubble) like asellus primus, lave, LP98-132(oh freeport, glorious freeport) are usually riddled with players, same goes for active CG delivery stations.

Also space is big. Exploring in open, somewhere 20kly+ from sol away from your run of the mill landmark destinations, you might as well win the lottery before randomly meeting another player.
The one thing I hope Squadrons bring into Elite is a more streamlined communication system. Not that I'll be using it, but I can see the sense of it for those who enjoy playing in groups.

Not sure what you mean by: this is only the beginning.

I won't be caught dead in a guild :)

The crime and punishment stuff is a platform to build on. Yall know that right? They are about to unleash tons of different options. Stuff that can be done in solo and private but also, and mainly Open play. Giving meaning to PVP.

There are some nasty ways to opt out of PVP once engaged they need to fix. As well as fixing the problem with attacking another player faction using specific game modes. Since they are ADDING things, I would assume they would add player faction stuff to go along with these guilds. Instead of touching the precious BGS systems. Giving people that enjoy multiplayer experiences options.

The BGS stuff though will still play a major factor when it comes to player vs player. Im interested to see how the handle it. But with the editions to the stuff announced yesterday and the talk about players. Tells me there will be even MORE CHANGES! You know like the ones I was talking about before that were never going to happen? :)

Just saying, there is some cool stuff on the way. =P
The crime and punishment stuff is a platform to build on. Yall know that right? They are about to unleash tons of different options. Stuff that can be done in solo and private but also, and mainly Open play. Giving meaning to PVP.

There are some nasty ways to opt out of PVP once engaged they need to fix. As well as fixing the problem with attacking another player faction using specific game modes. Since they are ADDING things, I would assume they would add player faction stuff to go along with these guilds. Instead of touching the precious BGS systems. Giving people that enjoy multiplayer experiences options.

The BGS stuff though will still play a major factor when it comes to player vs player. Im interested to see how the handle it. But with the editions to the stuff announced yesterday and the talk about players. Tells me there will be even MORE CHANGES! You know like the ones I was talking about before that were never going to happen? :)

Just saying, there is some cool stuff on the way. =P
I'm sure there are. But I'm reading what I think are a lot of assumptions there which you seem to be sure to be heading our way ("I would assume they would add player faction stuff to go along with these guilds). I'd advice caution, because if you convince yourself these changes are exactly that, you might be disappointed. And then somewhere in 2018, we'll read: "FD said they'd add guild stuff, where is it?"

On the other hand, I might be woefully uninformed, since I don't know what announcement there was yesterday.
So for instance: "As well as fixing the problem with attacking another player faction using specific game modes."

Did FD talk about a) this needs fixing, and b) they are going to fix it?

edit: Ian Dude! For frogs sake man, I am being on topic. Don't make go to: modes. I checked out long ago! They don't serve wine, I don't wanna be there.
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I'm sure there are. But I'm reading what I think are a lot of assumptions there which you seem to be sure to be heading our way ("I would assume they would add player faction stuff to go along with these guilds). I'd advice caution, because if you convince yourself these changes are exactly that, you might be disappointed. And then somewhere in 2018, we'll read: "FD said they'd add guild stuff, where is it?"

On the other hand, I might be woefully uninformed, since I don't know what announcement there was yesterday.
So for instance: "As well as fixing the problem with attacking another player faction using specific game modes."

Did FD talk about a) this needs fixing, and b) they are going to fix it?

Well lets use a minds here. They are letting us into a small glimpse of what they are doing with PVP changes. Something they already had in the works.

Hotel California open for 5 years? Cmon now. This is simple stuff. And I didnt know they would be making these changes so quick. Compared to when I came to the forums to speak about it. But its something thats been around for a very long time.

Point is you cant add stuff without directly balancing player activities. To think this wont be addressed is crazy!

So, no they havnt said anything and wont until they are ready. But to say its not a problem? HAH! you were in those threads, and here we are talking about it now. Chances are they are laughing at us because they already have the problem solved. But they need this foundation first. Its going to be fun!

So, this got quite a few clicks, replies and people off.

Also alot of people +1 me, (far more than the amount of zealous defenders in the following thread), so i am not alone stating that "Blaze your way" should be charged with "false advertisement" and renamed to "Grind your way".

I have removed and reorganized the content of this post, so it, hopefully, shows better what i mean and removed the "rant" away.

1. Combat
- single building block present
- CZ/RES/crime sweep is the same renamed instance
- no higher goal nor scenarios/defences/invasions/battlegrounds, just chaotic 1v1 ship grind.
- theres alot of existing mmos showing what can be done to change tech-demo into a campaign that keeps the player having fun
- combat gets boring as it looks exactly the same, single aircarft or wing farming endlessly for claims/coupons/cash

This is not a lot of existing MMO's. I'm glad it's not. I hate to have to rendezvous at some system on the opposite side of the galaxy from where I am at a specific time to take part in this afternoon's raid.

2. Trade
- clicking a slider and jumping between stations
- to ease the grind, people use third party tools to find the best trade route
What? This lacks comprehensible material to try to discuss.

3. Exploration
- some find it fun
- after scanning N plantets in X systems you have seen everything.

I can't argue the tedium that is Exboring. It has so much potential that has yet to be tapped.

4. Engineers
- no alternative gamestyles, just +% upgrades
- easily recogniezed as the new base powerlevel
- no "options" in the end, more grind to unlock, grind to get mats, grind to get good rolls
- a supposed "fix" - change the lower limit to the current roll - not a fix for anything
I'll admit I was hoping for an actual crafting system - I'd love to build some custom, rotary lasers, plasma cannons with a frag-cannon dispersal pattern, and all manner of other customized modules, but we have a different system. For better or worse, it is what it is. But finding materials really isn't that hard or time consuming. It just requires a bit of clever.

5. Magic material storage
- why 1000?
- why teleporting between ships?
- just a lot of why's...
To prevent packrat hoarding of everything that exists. That's just stupid.

6. Powerplay
- dead.
No, Powerplay is alive. It's not all that exciting, but it is alive. CQC is dead.

7. Community goals
- more grind, just a single "scenario" (material tran sfer/bounties)
- each one revolving around people doing space-trucking
There have been some other kinds of CG's - there was one to bring in Exploration data a while ago. But honestly, there is only so much variety in what we can do in the first place. This holds true for pretty much every single game made.

8. Guardians
- one mission that is done by 0.00001% of community on their own
- 1% (maybe) did it with printed out cheatsheets
Cannon is much larger than .00001% of the community. It's not their fault the rest of the community is too lazy to take the initive and strik out on their own instead of waiting to be handed everything.

9. Thargoids
- awesome idea
- game is lacking content
- thargoids have nothing to interfere with as players are either farming red ships in CZ or shoving cargo over.
Aside from still being released in bits for whatever reason, this isn't even worth addressing at this point.

10. Mining
- limpet design, insanely cumbersome "make 200 tonnes of limpets into 200 tonnes of cargo"
- prospector limpet role design, leads to even greater limpet cargo hold needed
- better than trading - a minigame
- with current rewards, has no impact on the game itself, like petbattles in wow (except pet battles in wow has more content than entire ED)
You're certainly welcome to go back to playing World of Pokemon if you prefer. You can also mine without limpets if you like. Let's see how long you can do that. And if you're half-decent, 200 tons of limpets will yield a lot more than 200 tons of cargo.

11. Flying -
- any explanation for maximal speed limits on ships?
- acceleration should be used instead (of max speed) when a more agile ship has to outrun a bigger ship
- yaw/roll/pitch on some ships make no sense. theres no sane explanation for a space craft to have different speeds there
There are plenty of reasons for different ships to perform differently. Mass being the largest portion, inertia, you know, science?

12. People are watching NETFLIX while playing your game and claim they are having fun.
Guilty as charged. Ask my wife when else I've been known to watch Netflix and have fun. It's called Multi-tasking, and some people are good at it. Others are barely able to single-task.

13. Ship design
- why most ppl fly pythons / anacondas?
- there are some niche ships but largely ignored (or treated like stepping stone for python/anaconda/cutter/corvette)
- module sizes are broken. If we take x2 modifier based on cargo racks sizes then it quickly gets ridiculous when you try to estimate the efficiency of given module in regards to its size.
- how much aircraft space does a ADS needs? Size-1. Why big ships have modules sizes down to 3. Unable to split them, leading to a fun situation when a giant craft like cutter can choose between docking computer OR ads but not both, coz there is no space.

Most people fly Pythons because Pythons are supreme in their ability to outfit for multi-role operations. It's rather what they were designed to do. Most people fly Anacondas because they're big ships, with high price tags, and assume, like in most other games, that the more it costs the better it must be. That's just people being stupid and lazy again.

Module management is part of the game. It's not going to be changed, so learn to do it, accept that there will never be a single be-all-do-all-end-all ship. That's really all there is for that.

14. Ranking with empire/federation
- people complain about loosing sanity when they want to reach the big2 "fast"
- "slow" way means "never", at least for me. (missions are repetitive, restarting in a new system for a new rankup mission feels like a slap)
- no incentive to go thru this grind other than the ships... but even then, anaconda is still pretty good, so why bother.
People complain about having nothing to complain about too - I know, I divorced one like that. The Cutter and the Corvette are not intended to be handed out to just anyone, and they've never been intended to be unlocked after that first hour of puttering about in a sidewinder simply because "oh, look how big and expensive that is, it must be the best." The community would be improved 10000% if those with that line of thinking simply uninstalled and went back to WoW or EVE or wherever they came from in the first place.

15. Right now the best way to experience this game is to watch ObsidianAnt's videos.

Right now the best way to experince the game is to close your browser, get in your ship and get out there and experience the game. If you have to, block your access to youtube, reddit and even these forums until you've seen and done at least one thing completely on your own. Because that's Experiencing.

My main pain with ED is that in a world of possibilities to choose from we got a game that is bare bones with questionable design choices.

Fixes might be coming, eg mining fix is scheduled to happen in q4 next year.

Initially i was making fun of Star citizen, but now im not sure whats better: release a full but incredibly dull grind game, or release modules that are playable, albeit very very short.

Thanks! Fly safe.

Fixes are coming. Improvements are coming. Elite was never released as a "complete" game, start-to-finish. It has no storyline, it has no end game. It's not that kind of game. You cannot "win" Elite. You can only enjoy it. Or you find that you can't and you find something that suits you better.

Elite has been a work-in-progress since its release. But unlike Star Citizen, work is actually getting done. The only thing Roberts is getting done is making veiled promises - Sean Murry has delivered far better and far more than I suspect Roberts ever will.
Well lets use a minds here. They are letting us into a small glimpse of what they are doing with PVP changes. Something they already had in the works.

Hotel California open for 5 years? Cmon now. This is simple stuff. And I didnt know they would be making these changes so quick. Compared to when I came to the forums to speak about it. But its something thats been around for a very long time.
Sorry but that thread doesn't support your point. You're acting as if it is filled with the community going: the modes are borked. But that's not true. The thread turned into a threadzilla because there is disagreement about the matter. I like the way the modes work, and I was active in that thread arguing that point of view. You are ignoring that entirely and turn my contributions into support for your point. I'll not have them hijacked like that. The Hotel thread is not support for your point. FD's statement still is: the modes are equal.

But you can never leave.

Point is you cant add stuff without directly balancing player activities. To think this wont be addressed is crazy!

So, no they havnt said anything and wont until they are ready. But to say its not a problem? HAH! you were in those threads, and here we are talking about it now. Chances are they are laughing at us because they already have the problem solved. But they need this foundation first. Its going to be fun!
Yes I was in those threads. And it seems you only read the posts that agreed with your point of view.

I'm amazed at your certainty, especially since it's based on guess work. But unfortunately, there is no discussion in certainty. So I'll not engage in it anymore.

My head grows heavy and my sight grows dim
Sorry but that thread doesn't support your point. You're acting as if it is filled with the community going: the modes are borked. But that's not true. The thread turned into a threadzilla because there is disagreement about the matter. I like the way the modes work, and I was active in that thread arguing that point of view. You are ignoring that entirely and turn my contributions into support for your point. I'll not have them hijacked like that. The Hotel thread is not support for your point. FD's statement still is: the modes are equal.

But you can never leave.

Yes I was in those threads. And it seems you only read the posts that agreed with your point of view.

I'm amazed at your certainty, especially since it's based on guess work. But unfortunately, there is no discussion in certainty. So I'll not engage in it anymore.

My head grows heavy and my sight grows dim

Why would I not agree with change. Cause what we had was not working. These new changes is the start of something better.
Got a new song for you, because if you cant tell they will be killing this meme.

13. Ship design

- how much aircraft space does a ADS needs? Size-1. Why big ships have modules sizes down to 3. Unable to split them, leading to a fun situation when a giant craft like cutter can choose between docking computer OR ads but not both, coz there is no space.

I do think they can fix this by providing a module that will break up a class 3 slot into two class 1 slots.
There is also going to be paid DLC content release during Beyond in 2018 with new features, only the core updates to existing features are free.

I do agree though that development on Elite seems to have slowed over the past year or two, with a few features being implemented in a less than finished state (Multicrew). The likely reason is that they have many of their people working on the new franchises instead. While I think the stuff they've announced for Beyond does sound promising so far, it still seems to be taking a long time for any of it to be released. The planets were broken with 2.2 over a year ago, and they will have remained broken for over a year and a half before they get fixed five months from now. Exploration will finally be getting some development, but it will have taken four years since 1.0 until any of it goes live. Frontier is still working on Elite, you only need look at the store DLC to see evidence of that and they are probably still making some pretty good money off the game honestly so they will most likely continue to support and develop for it, BUT development is taking longer than it should, and the reason is probably because they are sharing resources with the new franchises.

I have hope that Beyond and 2018 will be a good year for Elite, but I fear that their level of effort into the core mechanics development will be more of a Multicrew-like effort and less of a Horizons-like effort, and if that happens then we will most likely have Dinosaurs to blame for it.

Has FDev really clearly stated there will be a DLC release in 2018? This comment started appearing by inferring some vagueness that was stated during the 'event'. But if they've actually clearly stated there will be paid DLC in 2018 that would certainly be good news. (But I think it's a rumor based on hope...)

Edit: lol holy thread-bury Batman! Just noticed where this thread got moved to - talk about 6 feet under! :)
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Honestly, I'm most excited about the changes to planets and perhaps having my own little station, or whatever, somewhere on the other side of the galaxy. I'm saving up my credits and just left the bubble to scout for a system to my liking. 'Beyond' sounds pretty good to me so far.
Has FDev really clearly stated there will be a DLC release in 2018? This comment started appearing by inferring some vagueness that was stated during the 'event'. But if they've actually clearly stated there will be paid DLC in 2018 that would certainly be good news. (But I think it's a rumor based on hope...)

Edit: lol holy thread-bury Batman! Just noticed where this thread got moved to - talk about 6 feet under! :)

It has been clearly stated by Frontier that there will be Premium content in 2018 in addition to the 'free' Beyond updates. This was in response to a Concern Thread in which people who have a LTEP (Lifetime Expansion Pass) were concerned that the aforementioned LTEP would be 'worthless' because the Beyond updates are free to existing players.

Frontier responded by saying Beyond is a fleshing-out of existing game mechanics, and in addition there will be what they called Premium content - ergo: yes, there will be paid-for DLC in addition to the Beyond updates.

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