Thanks for this.
The turtle has a touchscreen I believe, which will make supporting this device non-trivial.
Can't put a timeline on it at the moment.
I'd like to second the Turtle Beach VelocityOne FlightDeck as well.
Having said that, I would suggest simply not supporting the touchscreen element because it would be a major project to do so. The screen is entirely customizable - you can create up to 3 "panels", with each containing 3 rows of buttons (first row has 3 spaces, then the next 2 have 5 spaces). You can then place momentary buttons, toggles, or a dial in any of those places (the dial takes up 2 stacked vertically). You'd have to determine how many panels, and what is in each space before you could do anything else.
The one upside is that all the buttons and toggles simply map to keyboard inputs, though the default layout seems to be sequential across the keyboard and wrapping to the next line.
For example, here is a single panel. The top row and the first 2 buttons in the 2nd and 3rd rows are momentary buttons, the red and switch looking items are toggles, and then the last element is a dial.
If you look at the 2nd picture you can see the equivalent keybindings.
Frankly, I wouldn't expect someone to put in the effort for this for a single stick unless it was
EXTREMELY popular, and even then I am not sure it would even be possible. I'd be happy to just have the normal buttons/switches on the controller, and even then it might be complicated because some of the dials and knobs can be toggled between acting as a single analog axis, or a pair of digital buttons - thankfully they are consistent so you either have a Z axis or B24/B25.