Found an error. I think most of the ship cost values are from a person who has elite. If I use just 15% in edsy I get them from Li space is the same price as I payed for with my 15% and 2.5% elite bonus.
I know the corvette at 15% is 155mill in EDSY, which is the exact price I payed for my original one at Li space before christmas for 15% and my 2.5% bonus. So a bunch of ships needs a 2.5% increase to get the correct base price.
Is this still the relevant thread for EDSY errors BTW?
Edit: Also, Imperial hammers have their Sustained and DPS values wrong. I think the current sustained DPS is the correct value for actual DPS using only the 1.2second charge and fire time of the burst and any intervals.
I can't figure out what the damage per second is. And not completely sure if any of it is correct as I can't tell if Burst Interval is applied to non High capacity version before the reload time is added. Not sure what else is correct or incorrect.
High Capacity; Plasma Slug: Burst ROF: 6/s=0.166666; Burst Interval=0.36s; Charge time=1.2s; Reload time=1.2s; Damage=13.5; BurstSize=3; AmmoClipSize=6;StatedDPS=21.39/s; StatedSustainedDPS=36.39/s<-This is the correct regular DPS. And regular DPS should always be higher than sustained.
1.2 Chargetime + (0.16666 * 2 BurstSize-1)+0.36BurstInterval + (0.1666666 * 2 BurstSize-1)= 1.2 + 0.33333333... + 0.36 + 0.3333333333... = 2.22666666666s
13.5 Damgepershot * 6= 81 / 2.226666666666s =
36.37724550898203592814 rounded to 36.38 in EDSY
This is the current sustained DPS value for this weapon setup. This should be normal DPS if I'm not mistaken.
Sustained DPS should be:
81 / 2.2266666666666666s+1.2s = 81 / 3.42666666666666666666s = 23.63813229571984435844/s?
I think all versions of the imperial hammer have this wrong. And the DPS is not the correct sustained DPS from what I can tell. Unless I missed something. They are not simply reversed.
I'm not sure how the ROF and Sustained ROF values are calculated either. The ones that say x/s in time as opposed to damage. Currently 1.5845/s and 2.695/s.
I'm not currently sure how all of the in game stats are produced either... 8\
BTW, High Capacity fires as you would excpect. Charge time, First burst of three, Very small pause, Second burst of Three, Reload time. Or from what it appears to do.
DPS in game is calculated as:
15*4.09090909090983471074 = 61.3636363636475206611
13.5*4.3269230769230769231= 58.41346153846153846185
This means it has a 10% reduction in the burst interval...(.4*.9=.36<-Already in EDSY) But does it even use the burst interval outside of High Capacity? I couldn't find any alternatives to the 10% reduction to burst interval.
Also, does this mean that the burst interval is always present before the reload time starts or is this just a cheap way to calculate DPS?
Does the screen when you engineer give any more info away or the one when it's equipped. I'm too far away to get them atm. And too lazy.