Elite Dangerous - Community Goal FSD Reward and Modification/Application of Experimentals

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Deleted member 254248

  1. That someone has decided that with all of the other issues going on with Odyssey that THIS is a perfect time to monkey with relatively inconsequential stuff like this.
I would say that the responses by posters here in this very thread would put paid to the notion that this was “inconsequential”, relatively speaking or not.
yes - just stick to your guns fdev - say no 2 experimentals !
My complaint is not directed towards deciding or not, it is the fact of having a meeting for something so insignificant, when sometimes the quickest and simplest solution is to say: OK, it cannot be added, we will fix it right away.
My complaint is not directed towards deciding or not, it is the fact of having a meeting for something so insignificant, when sometimes the quickest and simplest solution is to say: OK, it cannot be added, we will fix it right away.
Don't change sides now! Stick with us in asking fdev to leave it as it and just remove the error message (y)


Volunteer Moderator
Greetings Commanders, hope you're doing well this fine Wednesday.

So first up, apologies that this may be coming in a little on the late side following your reports from the end of last week, but after catching up today and with further discussion held, I'm here with some clarity on the issue you've been facing with attempts to modify the newly rewarded FSD module as part of a recent Community Goal.

To recap the discussion:
Lots of discussion and confusion around since the release of the CG FSD last week, with many of you attempting to modify/apply experimentals once aquired, only to find you were hitting a 'server error'.

Some clarification:
I can confirm that it is by design that pre-engineered modules cannot be further modified.
As this FSD is a pre-engineered, this falls into the 'cannot further modify/add experimentals category of module.

The Issue ("Server Error"):
There's really no other way for me to word this, other than with raw honesty right now but - we absolutely see that by simply displaying 'Server Error' is not a clear indication that you are unable to further modify pre-engineered modules.
Displaying 'Server Error' only makes things look as though you can further modify the module because the option is available for you to do so, but you can't because to you it looks as though 'something is broken regarding the server'.

While I know this will come as highly frustrating news for many of you, the team have this morning established a priority action plan to address the messaging of this to be clear, as we move toward Update 9. These action points include (but are not limited to, where other options may become available from here on through development toward U9):
  • Players will be prevented from selecting pre-engineered modules for further modification (button greyed out + message in the module selection popup).
  • The proposal of specific indicatation through new iconography, to show which modules are pre-engineered and cannot be further modified or take experimental effect, so that Commanders know in advance of putting all their efforts and hard work into achieving a pre-engineered module which cannot be further modified/tinkered with.
Again, our sincere apologies for the confusion on this - the team have had a really good discussion as I say, this morning, so we can further futureproof against the current scenario you've been experiencing.

Very best as always.
See you in the Black o7
Thanks Sally. Will this be retrospective? I have the very first pre-engineered FSD and also the DSS from back in a day, will these display the new icons too?
If double-engineered modules can't have experimentals added, they should come with them pre installed.

But that's just making things unnecessarily restrictive - as discussed by previous commenters, there are at least three experimentals for the C5 FSD V1 that are beneficial, depending on your intended use.

What possible reason is there to take away that ability? What benefit does it achieve?

I firmly believe that if it had been intended, then attempting it wouldn't result in a server error - it just wouldn't be an option or would put up an in-game message about how you can't do it. To then claim that it was intentional smacks of a lie, and not even a believable one.

The same mechanism that has been working fine since the C5 FSD V1 was released should be applied to all future double-engineered modules, whether offered through CGs or at Tech Brokers.
Greetings Commanders, hope you're doing well this fine Wednesday.

So first up, apologies that this may be coming in a little on the late side following your reports from the end of last week, but after catching up today and with further discussion held, I'm here with some clarity on the issue you've been facing with attempts to modify the newly rewarded FSD module as part of a recent Community Goal.

To recap the discussion:
Lots of discussion and confusion around since the release of the CG FSD last week, with many of you attempting to modify/apply experimentals once aquired, only to find you were hitting a 'server error'.

Some clarification:
I can confirm that it is by design that pre-engineered modules cannot be further modified.
As this FSD is a pre-engineered, this falls into the 'cannot further modify/add experimentals category of module.

The Issue ("Server Error"):
There's really no other way for me to word this, other than with raw honesty right now but - we absolutely see that by simply displaying 'Server Error' is not a clear indication that you are unable to further modify pre-engineered modules.
Displaying 'Server Error' only makes things look as though you can further modify the module because the option is available for you to do so, but you can't because to you it looks as though 'something is broken regarding the server'.

While I know this will come as highly frustrating news for many of you, the team have this morning established a priority action plan to address the messaging of this to be clear, as we move toward Update 9. These action points include (but are not limited to, where other options may become available from here on through development toward U9):
  • Players will be prevented from selecting pre-engineered modules for further modification (button greyed out + message in the module selection popup).
  • The proposal of specific indicatation through new iconography, to show which modules are pre-engineered and cannot be further modified or take experimental effect, so that Commanders know in advance of putting all their efforts and hard work into achieving a pre-engineered module which cannot be further modified/tinkered with.
Again, our sincere apologies for the confusion on this - the team have had a really good discussion as I say, this morning, so we can further futureproof against the current scenario you've been experiencing.

Very best as always.
See you in the Black o7
It felt kinda weird that a pre-engineered module could be further enhanced.
I imagine people with double engineered 5A's with experimentals would be mad if they had to give it up, but c'mon really?
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