Elite Dangerous Community Schedule W/C 28 June 2021

In the theme of transparancy between all of us, things like this are genuinely a bit hard to read - I won't lie.

A lot of us in Community Management come from development and dev team roles - several of us with over a decade worth of experience.
Despite your opinions here in this post, I'd like to reassure you that we do know and love the game (we dedicate our lives to it at this point), we do hear and understand what people believe is potentially needed for a greater experience, but that's not for us to then personally sign off as CMs. We can only take hold of it and relay back, keeping in line with how development works, stakeholder wishes, priorities for the wider players - many factors with how a game is developed and how a development team functions. This takes time and careful handling - we ALL want to get it right for you.

We aren't content creators, so wouldn't expect for our roles as CMs to be imagined in line with their awesome work, or us assumed to carry less clout than them if they were the "negotiating buffer". If they spent their time being that buffer (as we do, believe it or not), I can't imagine how they'd have a chance to then be the incredible content creators they are, in all fairness. That would make them CMs.
They're unique and a force in their own right and we cherish (and are hugely grateful for) any amount of time they choose to commit to Elite Dangerous.

We communicate daily with development teams and we read a vast array of comments, feedback, DMs on all platforms, tackle any immediate and nasty issues we see, whilst aligning that with our dev side work - we're not lying to anyone if their particular issue isn't fixed in the update they wish, it's not our decision to make, it's collective and aligned with all core functioning teams and the development cycle at that time.
Decisions on development are made out of our hands as CMs, but these decisions when based on gameplay changes, additions and suchlike, could be better communicated to you, we've spoken out about that fact, we do know it's a source of frustration for you all and we truly are aiming on working harder in this area as we move forward.
We understand why it's a huge deal for you, seriously. We want to do better at this. We're not going to hide that fact.

I hope this at least gives a bit of personal insight from my side of things really.
There's a lot of misconception about the team currently and if I can help settle anyone's frustrations right now, then I'll try and be as human as possible about it.
Thanks for your time, as always.
Thanks, well said and again thanks. I appreciate your efforts and hope you are able to continue what appears to be a seriously hard job. I have been following a few threads, but the more you fix, the harder this reading becomes, I'd rather be flying, trading and mastering the combat skills to enter the PVP world of fun. While I have not yet engaged the ground side (foot ops) of the game, nor the Thargoid combat either, the increased stability and graphics improvements are appreciated and have made this game on PC my preferred choice for playing ED. I'm sure further promised fixes/updates will come - the game is better than ever. I am liking the improved/updated UI much more than I thought I would and I am finding new tricks of the trade buried within it everyday. So as not to go on, thanks for the last 5 days of solid game play; retirement can be fun and I was surprised how quickly my ED hours in the black on Xbox (7.5K) became the alternative gaming choice when I found how much better ED on PC could be -- now EDO has made even that better -- 650 hrs and counting. PS: Power Play could use your support, but then again, improving it and I'll never get to serious exploration and Thargoid combat. And thanks again for your personal commitment to making this game better o7
The Community has appeared to have split into three camps;-
  1. Those that are upset mostly because they're unhappy with the mechanics of Odyssey. That could be the planetary tech, the changes to the elite rankings, the way the suits work, the suit engineering, lack of feature X, etc.
  2. Those that are upset that the game was released in the state it was and angry at developers in general for shipping MVP.
  3. Those that have been lucky enough to get decent performance and are enjoying the content available.
Those that in camp 3 will get shouted at by camps 1 and 2 for being white knights but will carry on regardless.
Those in Camp 2 are the folks on the fence, the ones who will come back to it later when the performance issues are resolved but will require reassurance from Fdev that MVP releases won't happen in the future.
Those in Camp 1 are leaving/left because they feel the game is no longer for them.

I've seen this pattern with every big update that's come up for an MMO. The exception being Star Wars Galaxies NGE; 90% of the player went straight into Camp 1 and never came back. This isn't a "NGE" type update, as the base game is largely untouched (We'll have to see what they do with Horizons). However, Update 5 is where a lot of those in Camp 2 are going to make their mind up.
I don't think so. There is a lot of overlap, and 'just playing Horizons' doesn't quite wash as we know the planet tech and BGS mirroring will be rolled together.

I have decent ish performance, although it's obvious that optimisation wasn't done when we were told it was.

I quite enjoy some of what's done, though I feel it's not nearly as fleshed out as it should be - neither in terms of mechanics nor included content (art / environment design and procgen variations). It feels like proof of concept, not product.

It is minimal. I wouldn't even call it viable for £40. Not enough weapons. Not enough suits. Not enough tools. Not enough variety. Not enough locations. It's... just disappointing overall, even without taking bugs into account.

But it's STILL buggy as all get-out.

This was rushed out, and touted as a 'release', when it's frankly barely alpha level. Unimpressive.

And I paid £40 for it. Yeah, that sticks in the craw a bit.
I've said how passionate we all are about the future of Elite for everyone involved so very, very many times (probably in every response I give in the forums - it's a wonder you're not sick of me saying it by now). I'll keep on saying it, to be fair.
We're working really hard on all corners to get the right information, expectations and accuracy you all deserve for the next comms in regards to Elite moving forward. Changes happen at the frustration of many, I sympathise , I do. We'll just do our best to make sure we get trasparancy with best reasoning for them communicated when we're able.
I do feel really bad for asking this, but isn't what you described under the remit of the Game Director? It almost seems like you have been given the impossible task of not only communicating to the community, but also in the background you are collating all the information and requests for information directly from the individual Dev Teams with regards to questions of features, chasing up bug reports, clarification of game systems as opposed garnering that information directly from the Director and the Producers who would be better suited with helping you communicate that out.

Sorry if I am a dumb dumb for asking.


Senior Community Manager : Elite Dangerous
Well, I feel like a jerkish, pretentious, know-it-all jack-something posting this

I entirely forbid you to feel such ways, Mags - not how it came across at all.

In fact I'm really grateful for the way it's written! Very self and flip side aware, very thought driven and massively appreciated.
It's such a balancing act right now and we have dropped a couple of plates regarding the best places to update on events and a deeper clarity on reasons in the forums the last few weeks. We've held our hands up a couple of times both on stream, here - really trying to be more open when things aren't quite right (either that or it's just me getting overly noisy). I think all of your suggestions should be taken onboard. I'll even wear them on my own shoulders.
Thank you so much for the time.
I am one of those lucky few who were able to refund Elite Dangerous Odyssey even after having played it for more than two hours.
Not being a Consumer or rather victim anymore had put my hopes up that I'd be able to see the good side of this new DLC and especially the way Frontier Development decided to change it's way of communicating.

Sadly I have to say, albeit nice of Sally to respond to many of the questions being asked in this thread, my view has not changed at all.

Setting specific dates on a Road Map and not sticking to them (i.e. moving Update 5 to the 1st of July), not having a dedicated stream for developers but only a post on the forum and talking about providing information about the current state of development - I am not saying "fixing" here because Elite Dangerous Odyssey as it is right now is not a finished product and it is appaling to still see it on the steam store without an "Early Access" batch - as much as possible but also having Community Managers playing the game rather than spending 90 minutes each tuesday and thursday on actually managing the community by talking to players and answering questions that are uncomfortable but rightfully asked is a huge let down for me and I assume many other commanders.

I know that developing Elite Dangerous Odyssey takes time and a huge effort but this is not an excuse for selling a product that is not finished, advertised wrongly (i.e. Minimum and Recommend Specs not being accurate) and a hollow promise.
-> Saying that Elite Dangerous Odyssey will not support VR at launch is in no way equal to "There will be no VR support for Elite Dangerous Odyssey".

To those Commanders that are feeling betrayed, and rightfully so, and wish to get a refund I can only recommend, assuming you are using steam, to contact the steam support directly and having a nice conversation with one of their staff. Telling them about the wrong minimum and recommend specs and lack of content, the former being more important, was enough for me to get my money back.

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its not absurd at all, there is a distinct feeling of a "make or break" moment
In relation to what? How good Update 5 will be or whether there is a dev stream this week or not ?

Any player who says that no dev stream this week will be make or break are either fools or liars.
Now that's me being blunt !

Most of it is hot air. Who is actually going to stop playing Elite because of no dev stream ? Seriously now. Oh there may be the indignant few who will give it a go to make a point (to no-one). There'll be others who say on the forum that they've stopped playing, just for effect, when then haven't.
It's all getting a bit ridiculous.

If Odyssey doesn't get up to scratch with performance and bug removals (still some mission rewards are not paying out) then yes, I can see people becoming dejected with it and perhaps put it down either permanently or until such time as FDev sort out whatever is bothering that person.

But to decide to stop playing because there's no Dev stream... I mean that's just nuts. And if anyone does, they'll do so only until a dev stream does happen :)
What we have hear is a lot of noise from people wanting to be heard in the hopes that their personal grievances can be taken care of. There's a lot of sheep here too just echoing the words or others because it's trendy.

Are people expecting devs on a stream to be a miracle cure for all the issues in Odyssey? It won't be that.
Sure, it's nice to listen to the devs talk but they mainly only chat about the specific area they deal with. Dav and Dr Ross are examples of this. We're not all going to get the dev we want.
What it should be is the community managers collating data from all the relevant devs then re-interating that to the community in a stream. That would be more efficient imo.

Enough 'make or break' bleating. Scaremongering on the most part but yes some people will stop playing because they're not willing to wait any longer for Odyssey to improve. Well that's their issue.

I'm in the same boat as all of you. I want improvements to Odyssey. Mission bugs, performance, Outfitting UI overhaul because the current one is all but useless.
But I try to be realistic here and I'm not on a forum trying to make demands like I own the place.
Nor should it ever be down to one YouTuber to influence the devs based on their opinion.

Let's see what happens in Supercruise news and then you can decide if you are going to carry out your threats.
In relation to what? How good Update 5 will be or whether there is a dev stream this week or not ?

Any player who says that no dev stream this week will be make or break are either fools or liars.
Now that's me being blunt !

Most of it is hot air. Who is actually going to stop playing Elite because of no dev stream ? Seriously now. Oh there may be the indignant few who will give it a go to make a point (to no-one). There'll be others who say on the forum that they've stopped playing, just for effect, when then haven't.
It's all getting a bit ridiculous.

If Odyssey doesn't get up to scratch with performance and bug removals (still some mission rewards are not paying out) then yes, I can see people becoming dejected with it and perhaps put it down either permanently or until such time as FDev sort out whatever is bothering that person.

But to decide to stop playing because there's no Dev stream... I mean that's just nuts. And if anyone does, they'll do so only until a dev stream does happen :)
What we have hear is a lot of noise from people wanting to be heard in the hopes that their personal grievances can be taken care of. There's a lot of sheep here too just echoing the words or others because it's trendy.

Are people expecting devs on a stream to be a miracle cure for all the issues in Odyssey? It won't be that.
Sure, it's nice to listen to the devs talk but they mainly only chat about the specific area they deal with. Dav and Dr Ross are examples of this. We're not all going to get the dev we want.
What it should be is the community managers collating data from all the relevant devs then re-interating that to the community in a stream. That would be more efficient imo.

Enough 'make or break' bleating. Scaremongering on the most part but yes some people will stop playing because they're not willing to wait any longer for Odyssey to improve. Well that's their issue.

I'm in the same boat as all of you. I want improvements to Odyssey. Mission bugs, performance, Outfitting UI overhaul because the current one is all but useless.
But I try to be realistic here and I'm not on a forum trying to make demands like I own the place.
Nor should it ever be down to one YouTuber to influence the devs based on their opinion.

Let's see what happens in Supercruise news and then you can decide if you are going to carry out your threats.
Agreed Rusty - can you imagine a board meeting with all these experts
Agreed Rusty - can you imagine a board meeting with all these experts
Oh jeez, a nightmare mate. I guarantee you a room full of players facing a panel full of Devs, face to face, would be a very calm affair with no-one getting their knickers in a twist.
Give them a forum and it's a bunch of sheep following each other. It doesn't help when certain content creators, influencing those who prefer not to think for themselves, spew nothing but senseless apathy towards a game they won't stop playing despite giving the impression that they hate it.


Senior Community Manager : Elite Dangerous
I do feel really bad for asking this, but isn't what you described under the remit of the Game Director? It almost seems like you have been given the impossible task of not only communicating to the community, but also in the background you are collating all the information and requests for information directly from the individual Dev Teams with regards to questions of features, chasing up bug reports, clarification of game systems as opposed garnering that information directly from the Director and the Producers who would be better suited with helping you communicate that out.

Sorry if I am a dumb dumb for asking.

So, sorry when we say "speak to dev" our main point of contact is the Game Director and/or Production, then if we need to go a layer direct from there we'll go to the teams but we're always first and foremost in tune with Prod. If it's a massive emergency (like a swarm of Orange Sidewinders nipping at our ankles) then I'll bowl straight to the core, but yeah.
Sure we run around with tickets, feedback, thoughts - those are all strong evidence points for decision making on Director and Prod level but they can only make best decisions based on current dependencies, any constraints, update cycles. Whatever comes out of those decisions will then get fed back by us once we fully understand it. We're all truly heavily dependant on one another, it's one heck of a machine.
Tbh Sally.. at this point just speaking for myself, I just want it to work.. You come home after a hard day to play a game to relax. Elite at the mo just ends up in frustration. That's my main problem.

Deleted member 192138

In relation to what? How good Update 5 will be or whether there is a dev stream this week or not ?

Any player who says that no dev stream this week will be make or break are either fools or liars.
Now that's me being blunt !

Most of it is hot air. Who is actually going to stop playing Elite because of no dev stream ? Seriously now. Oh there may be the indignant few who will give it a go to make a point (to no-one). There'll be others who say on the forum that they've stopped playing, just for effect, when then haven't.
It's all getting a bit ridiculous.

If Odyssey doesn't get up to scratch with performance and bug removals (still some mission rewards are not paying out) then yes, I can see people becoming dejected with it and perhaps put it down either permanently or until such time as FDev sort out whatever is bothering that person.

But to decide to stop playing because there's no Dev stream... I mean that's just nuts. And if anyone does, they'll do so only until a dev stream does happen :)
What we have hear is a lot of noise from people wanting to be heard in the hopes that their personal grievances can be taken care of. There's a lot of sheep here too just echoing the words or others because it's trendy.

Are people expecting devs on a stream to be a miracle cure for all the issues in Odyssey? It won't be that.
Sure, it's nice to listen to the devs talk but they mainly only chat about the specific area they deal with. Dav and Dr Ross are examples of this. We're not all going to get the dev we want.
What it should be is the community managers collating data from all the relevant devs then re-interating that to the community in a stream. That would be more efficient imo.

Enough 'make or break' bleating. Scaremongering on the most part but yes some people will stop playing because they're not willing to wait any longer for Odyssey to improve. Well that's their issue.

I'm in the same boat as all of you. I want improvements to Odyssey. Mission bugs, performance, Outfitting UI overhaul because the current one is all but useless.
But I try to be realistic here and I'm not on a forum trying to make demands like I own the place.
Nor should it ever be down to one YouTuber to influence the devs based on their opinion.

Let's see what happens in Supercruise news and then you can decide if you are going to carry out your threats.
We're not talking about threats. Player numbers have dropped off a cliff since EDO launch and are lower now than they were in the build upt to release. Trust in Frontier and the desire to play the game has already been eroded for a lot of people. If you want to ignore it and call it scaremongering then go ahead. But the reality is that this trend will continue if Frontier can't:

1. Demonstrate that they're engaging with player's issues in a meaningful way, more than lip service from CMs (without this being a critique of the CMs themselves who, we recognise, are not themselves individually responsible for the information they're given, nor what the devs actually implement).
2. Demonstrate that they are capable of getting the game to a playable state in a timely fashion, rather than suggesting that things are implemented that we find out, simply, aren't (inadequate culling that was flagged in the alpha which remained in full release, for example).
3. Demonstrate that they're able to meet with the claims they're making about what they have or can do with the game can be met in reality.

The dev stream and patch timed to come out with it takes us to the end of their first roadmap of fixes. That's why a lot of people are viewing it as make or break a break point for EDO launch and whether or not they want to remain engaged with the game and Frontier as a company. Pulling away dev engagement as part of that stream is an issue because it puts us back in a situation where the CMs are the only go-between, relaying information as best they're provided when they're not the ones working on the specific systems. It is not a healthy indicator that Frontier are confident that their updates will be getting to the root of problems that the game is facing.

It looks like a reversion back to a previous situation where the management at Frontier are bunkering down and hoping community loyalty pulls them through without delivering adequately. Discount it as threats and scaremongering all you want, but the player numbers and audience engagement for content creators is what's really speaking here.
In relation to what? How good Update 5 will be or whether there is a dev stream this week or not ?
they way i see it, in relation to the content of the said dev post not on whether its a stream or post as well as update 5
and to be clear, i'm just stating the feeling i get from these forums not what i personally feel
i dont believe anyone has stated it's in relation to whether its a stream or post??

edit, i assume your post was not directed entirely at me given that i have not made 1 demand..
I've said how passionate we all are about the future of Elite for everyone involved so very, very many times (probably in every response I give in the forums - it's a wonder you're not sick of me saying it by now). I'll keep on saying it, to be fair.
We're working really hard on all corners to get the right information, expectations and accuracy you all deserve for the next comms in regards to Elite moving forward. Changes happen at the frustration of many, I sympathise , I do. We'll just do our best to make sure we get trasparancy with best reasoning for them communicated when we're able.
Thanks for this Sal, you are doing a great job in difficult circumstances.

I'm not able to watch the stream so will there be information/summary released on this forum or Twitter?
In relation to what? How good Update 5 will be or whether there is a dev stream this week or not ?

Any player who says that no dev stream this week will be make or break are either fools or liars.
Now that's me being blunt !

Most of it is hot air. Who is actually going to stop playing Elite because of no dev stream ? Seriously now. Oh there may be the indignant few who will give it a go to make a point (to no-one). There'll be others who say on the forum that they've stopped playing, just for effect, when then haven't.
It's all getting a bit ridiculous.

If Odyssey doesn't get up to scratch with performance and bug removals (still some mission rewards are not paying out) then yes, I can see people becoming dejected with it and perhaps put it down either permanently or until such time as FDev sort out whatever is bothering that person.

But to decide to stop playing because there's no Dev stream... I mean that's just nuts. And if anyone does, they'll do so only until a dev stream does happen :)
What we have hear is a lot of noise from people wanting to be heard in the hopes that their personal grievances can be taken care of. There's a lot of sheep here too just echoing the words or others because it's trendy.

Are people expecting devs on a stream to be a miracle cure for all the issues in Odyssey? It won't be that.
Sure, it's nice to listen to the devs talk but they mainly only chat about the specific area they deal with. Dav and Dr Ross are examples of this. We're not all going to get the dev we want.
What it should be is the community managers collating data from all the relevant devs then re-interating that to the community in a stream. That would be more efficient imo.

Enough 'make or break' bleating. Scaremongering on the most part but yes some people will stop playing because they're not willing to wait any longer for Odyssey to improve. Well that's their issue.

I'm in the same boat as all of you. I want improvements to Odyssey. Mission bugs, performance, Outfitting UI overhaul because the current one is all but useless.
But I try to be realistic here and I'm not on a forum trying to make demands like I own the place.
Nor should it ever be down to one YouTuber to influence the devs based on their opinion.

Let's see what happens in Supercruise news and then you can decide if you are going to carry out your threats.
You don't understand the point of the DEV stream.

Let me explain my situation, there are many others that see it this way:
I don't care about the Update 5 or bugs or fixes, low FPS etc.
I don't like the DLC in general, I don't care about the FPS gameplay, this is a game about space ships that's why I play it.
I bought Odyssey because of this: ship interiors not at launch. Ok, so I bought it I will play and wait till they come. I also play in VR: no VR at launch, ok maybe later. I'm a patient guy.

Now there are no plans for interiors or VR.

What I wanted to see in the DEV stream was something that I can look forward to and be excited about. Future plans, not the latest development info.

So yes, I can decide to stop playing because there's no Dev stream.
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