ANNOUNCEMENT Elite Dangerous: Odyssey Announcement

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I've been living under a rock for a long time (not played E: D for about a year...), but just noticed the Odyssey announcement.

Please forgive my not going through the whole of this thread, but is it known whether the Lifetime Expansion Pass will include it?
🤣 🤣 FD has the actual numbers. You don't. You just don't want to accept the obvious. VR is a niche technology.
Hang on, you don't have the numbers, FD do so if it's niche why didn't they say no VR ever? Saying at launch suggests it isn't niche and may be brought in later, they just haven't figured it out yet. FD would really clear all this up if they gave us some more details on numbers and likelihood of it actually being brought back in.
As you keep repeating, completely ignoring the fact that neither you or me have the actual numbers. Even if FD has taken a strategic decision based on actual numbers of VR players, that does not mean that they have judged that player pool's intentions or state correctly. But I suppose you are just a numbers guy without actual numbers and think nothing apart from numbers can translate to numbers.

Even if VR is niche, the VR player base in Elite is significant. Whether you like it or not. In fact, you have added very little in terms of actual content to this thread apart from antagonizing the VR population.

None of you are mathematicians either it seems (I am pulling your leg btw)
I wasn't going to dig him up on that... But I did notice he stated there were 5 in the wing, with only 4 professions listed, I wondered did two of the wingmates share a profession?.
I've been living under a rock for a long time (not played E: D for about a year...), but just noticed the Odyssey announcement.

Please forgive my not going through the whole of this thread, but is it known whether the Lifetime Expansion Pass will include it?
I've been living under a rock for a long time (not played E: D for about a year...), but just noticed the Odyssey announcement.

Please forgive my not going through the whole of this thread, but is it known whether the Lifetime Expansion Pass will include it?
Of course, the pass is made for this. ;)

I wasn't going to dig him up on that... But I did notice he stated there were 5 in the wing, with only 4 professions listed, I wondered did two of the wingmates share a profession?.
Not to mention wing max is 4. But like I said just pulling his leg. (My PG also has half a dozen members so I realise I was being obtuse but got to have some banter as my ED love affair dies....... And yes I realise that sounds overly dramatic but what else would you call 2500 hrs in a game you had planned to play another 2500 but will now likely not make another 100. just think what I could have done with that time! 🥺
Allegedly the main reason ED self published was precisely so FD could support a niche and not play it safe like a big publisher would.this was why I really doubled down when FD were cap in hand wanting cash to make the game. They asked us to take a leap of faith with them and buy sight unseen. I was happy to do so but it seems that faith was misplaced.

Are you trying to claim that they didnt create a game in 2014 and that some how your voluntary cash donation is still funding the development?
I don't have a problem with you sharing an opinion - but stating its the death of Elite is overly melodramatic, really? Smacks of the usual salt and I called it for what it is. We can debate the minutia of every bit of our back and forth all day long, but my T-9 is loaded and I've got cargo to haul. I'll agree to disagree with your opinions and leave it at that. Adios and fly safe CMDR o7 (y)
And? It's my opinion. If you don't like it, too bad. You don't have to agree with it, but I will post it and you can't stop me, so don't tell me I have to go somewhere else.
I do like the game. if I didn't I would bother posting when something concerning gets announced. That would be stupid. Almost as stupid as telling people they can't voice their opinions on a discussion forum.

I guess it depends on how many times the same opinion is copy and pasted
I only popped on to propose another attempt at ameliorating the VR kerfuffle - 4.0 Odessy could launch with "VR Support in Beta" - we could play, but expect glitches / rough edges etc. We could then feedback the bugs like beta testing, but as we'd be beta testing only one feature it wouldn't need an expensive server setup to host a parallel gameverse. Sure, there'd be disadvantages, like VR players experience more crashing to desktop, of VR glitches causing something akin to the "head-look hack" guy had when his head camera malfunctioned* etc. We'd probably eat a heap of rebuys because of glitches, for example, mid-way through a fight and your VR viewpoint randomly attaches itself to the enemy ships thruster nozzle, or in a first person shooter firefight your controller inputs move the camera but your character stay still taking enemy fire or whatever...

...but I think a glitchy at first, but gradually being improved upon VR experience would be a much better outcome than no VR at all.

*Head look hack guy later confessed that he found an analogue mini stick on his flight controller was mapped to emulate a mouse, so when he was reaching for an adjacent button he was catching the mouse mini stick knocking his viewpoint off.
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And dumped the investment of a lot of players in the process.
What we spend on our private hardware is not Frontier's concern. No, they are not obligated in any way to maintain support, and they are not "dumping your investment."

That, is squarely on anyone who decided to buy themselves a headset. None of that money goes to FD. It is literally, and legally, nothing for them to worry about.

If it were their problem, you wouldn't be the one who owns your Rift or whatever headset you use. Frontier would be the legal owner.
I only popped on to propose another attempt at ameliorating the VR kerfuffle - 4.0 Odessy could launch with "VR Support in Beta" - we could play, but expect glitches / rough edges etc. We could then feedback the bugs like beta testing, but as we'd be beta testing only one feature it wouldn't need an expensive server setup to host a parallel gameverse. Sure, there'd be disadvantages, like VR players experience more crashing to desktop, of VR glitches causing something akin to the "head-look hack" guy had when his head camera malfunctioned* etc. We'd probably eat a heap of rebuys because of glitches, for example, mid-way through a fight and your VR viewpoint randomly attaches itself to the enemy ships thruster nozzle, or in a first person shooter firefight your controller inputs move the camera but your character stay still taking enemy fire or whatever...

...but I think a glitchy at first, but gradually being improved upon VR experience would be a much better outcome than no VR at all.

*Head look hack guy later confessed that he found an analogue mini stick on his flight controller was mapped to emulate a mouse, so when he was reaching for an adjacent button he was catching the mouse mini stick knocking his viewpoint off.
Absolutely, come on FD don't drop us.
When will Elite Odyssey be playable in v, 2022? I really do not understand why Odyssey is not VR from the launch it is the main asset of this game, also being terribly disappointed I think I will definitely stop this game if it goes in 2D. Such a waste....
Really hoping Frontier reconsiders not incorporating VR support for Odyssey with its release. Odds are Odyssey is still a good year away as I'm sure the "early 2021" will eventually turn into "late 2021" becuase that's simply just how most big software projects end up... Anyway, plenty of time to work VR into the mix. And VR is still gaining traction - should have an even bigger following by then with more players entering the market and more HMD options... ED simply is so good in VR. Would be a real shame to not continue to lead in this genre of space combat sim.
Are you trying to claim that they didnt create a game in 2014 and that some how your voluntary cash donation is still funding the development?
Where did I say that? FD pitched a game they wanted to make and it had certain features I wanted to see...... But they wod.only make that game if they were convinced there was a market so we were asked to pledge as much as we could. How FD balance the books is not my business tho they seem to be doing pretty well.
That said I believe they hold back certain chunks of cash to add in over each DLC but am not certain on that.
What we spend on our private hardware is not Frontier's concern. No, they are not obligated in any way to maintain support, and they are not "dumping your investment."

That, is squarely on anyone who decided to buy themselves a headset. None of that money goes to FD. It is literally, and legally, nothing for them to worry about.

If it were their problem, you wouldn't be the one who owns your Rift or whatever headset you use. Frontier would be the legal owner.
I actually agree with that, and in another thread on the VR topic I made that distinction that we cannot level the price of our kit at Frontier. Although that was meant more from a point of view of we didn't spend £XXXX with frontier, we spent £100 for example (game + paints) and £XXXX-£100 on hardware.

But yeah, even though I am one of the more vehemently vociferous in the protest against removing VR from Odyssey, I'm pragmatic enough to admit that what you've said is 100% correct.
Hello Cmdrs o7,
Dangerous Odyssey does not support / offer VR from the start. I seriously ask myself whether the supposedly subsequent addition is still coming / is working properly. I would like ED Odyssey to offer VR from the beginning, because I fear that it will be difficult to insert VR afterwards / that it will be completely forgotten
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