Elite Dangerous Update 14.01 Deployment Imminent.


Senior Community Manager : Elite Dangerous
You can only book short distance shuttles. Long distance shuttle is broken. When you select another system and try to select a drop off point menu disappears.

See here: https://issues.frontierstore.net/issue-detail/55901

Hope it gets enough votes to be fixed soon. Actually it is in "confirming" state. Has to be on "confirmed" to finally can be voted on.
Maybe it gets fixed soon without enough votes.
I do absolutely do have the Apex issues noted from U14 but if more contributions to this ticket can be made then I'll keep tracking it for sure o7 Not forgotten o7
Hey Aquilla! I'm really desperate to catch up on the UI issues. Just trying to find the best way to do it around the waters steadying.
I may end up being really annoying and asking for tracker tickets (sometimes repeatedly) just so I can reset myself a bit. I hope you don't mind o7
I think this is the main one for the comms panel problem. There are quite a few of them now.

I believe there's some evidence to suggest it may be something to do with having the windows tabbed?
I'm really interested in anyone who's exo rank has reset to 0%. Can you reply/quote this with your experience if you've had it please? So I can keep track. Sorry to be a pain o7

Elite 18% yesterday
Now Elite 0%

Not an issue* per se for me, but i would assume it is quite an issue for people that were really close to Elite rank and now they're really far from it (Like Geneticist 90% and now Geneticist 0%)

*(i really feel rebalancing the ranking for exobio post factum was quite a bad call, even tho it was quite logical. You could have increased the ranking up to Elite X instead)
I'm really interested in anyone who's exo rank has reset to 0%. Can you reply/quote this with your experience if you've had it please? So I can keep track. Sorry to be a pain o7
My exobiologist rank is Elite 0%, but I guess it should still be Geneticist. It was Geneticist 2% before U14, and after that I got a very rapid promotion to Elite. Since U14, I have sold samples worth a rough 500 M Cr.
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I'm really interested in anyone who's exo rank has reset to 0%. Can you reply/quote this with your experience if you've had it please? So I can keep track. Sorry to be a pain o7

Yep. I am Elite in Exobio and was about 30% towards Elite I from pre-update 14. I have not sold any data in U14. As of yesterday the bar is back at 0% (but still Elite). I assume this is down to the change yesterday as the "developer note" even says "Your Exobiologist rank progress may appear to be greatly slowed until your next rank is achieved in order to adjust to the new tiers." - though I would have expected any rank earned before U14 to carry over, but not hugely fussed if that's the cost of having ranking being fixed.
I'm really interested in anyone who's exo rank has reset to 0%. Can you reply/quote this with your experience if you've had it please? So I can keep track. Sorry to be a pain o7
Commander Roger J Smith
Before U14 dropped I had just reached ~71% in Taxonomist since then I sold just two samples mainly to see how much the payout had increased and yesterday before U14.01 dropped had collected two or three systems worth of data around a dozen samples which I sold at my carrier after the update when I checked after that my rank was 0% Taxonomist.
I'm really interested in anyone who's exo rank has reset to 0%. Can you reply/quote this with your experience if you've had it please? So I can keep track. Sorry to be a pain o7
I have been Taxonomist with 75% progress before the update, now I am Taxonomist at 0%. CMDR name is the same as the forum name.



Edit: I took the images before and after the API import on INARA. Cannot check in game before sometime tonight.
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Senior Community Manager : Elite Dangerous
Yep. I am Elite in Exobio and was about 30% towards Elite I from pre-update 14. I have not sold any data in U14. As of yesterday the bar is back at 0% (but still Elite). I assume this is down to the change yesterday as the "developer note" even says "Your Exobiologist rank progress may appear to be greatly slowed until your next rank is achieved in order to adjust to the new tiers." - though I would have expected any rank earned before U14 to carry over, but not hugely fussed if that's the cost of having ranking being fixed.
It's lovely of you to reference the note but there's "slowed" and then there's "reversed" hehe o7
I am currently on Elite 3 0%, it should be more than that but I don't make it a habit of checking often, I just see the notification popping up, but it's highly unlikely to be exactly 0%.
"Attempting to use carrier management to jump to any location within a system map will be met with "Not a Valid Carrier Destination" until player re-enters this menu"

it is not fixed for me. I still have to open / close / reopen a system map to select a body for a FC destination
but not hugely fussed if that's the cost of having ranking being fixed.

This is what i find quite interesting.

1) Post U14 some people were overly fussed about something that is basically a tag with almost 0 effect in game - and i refer to Exobio ranking.
How is getting a tag "too fast" or "faster" going to affect the game balance?
The answer is really simple. It not going to affect the game in any way.

2) Some other people were concerned not with ranking, but with credits balance.
Getting 234 millions from a single system plus an whooping 4x first discovery bonus, totaling 1.1 billions - for an activity that does not require any ingame character progress (it can be done equally effective in the started sidewinder with a g1 store-bought artemis suit) and pose 0 risk whatsoever and requires 0 skill felt waaaay too much
With this sort of monetary rewards, they could as well remove the credits from the game and replace the BUY buttons with GET buttons.

Even 234 millions plus a 1x first discovery bonus feels a bit too much for an activity that requires 0 skill and 0 character progress.
But at least it was sort of better than 4x first discovery bonus

And no, dont ever get to, but balancing and getting the monetary rewards in line with the rest of activities.
What activities?
Stacking massacre missions (to get 100-200 millions credits per hour) requires a good combat skill and a good engineered ship - so a certain solid level of character progression
Mining platinum to get 150 millions per hour requires unlocking and engineering a Cutter and also good flying skills and not at last, resorting to mapped mining.
Bulk trading also requires a solid engineered large ship and solid flying skills.

Exobiology, as i said - does not requires anything of this.
It's the new road-to-riches for new players, Spansh even updated its magic plotter :)

So, to conclude - the faster increase in ranking system is not a real problem - or at least not a problem that really needed fixing, not at the cost of people losing apparent progress over it
But getting billions due to payout increases and 4x first discovery was a real problem (IMO ofc)
I'm really interested in anyone who's exo rank has reset to 0%. Can you reply/quote this with your experience if you've had it please? So I can keep track. Sorry to be a pain o7
Good morning!

CMDR Tyres O'Flaherty

I was at 19% towards Elite II (being Elite I currently) and have now had my progress set back to 0%


EDIT: 1st shot from Inara (2 days ago), 2nd from ED (today)


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Guys, I'm pretty sure there was no "reset" to 0% - it's just the thresholds that have moved. I don't know the new limits yet, but I'll try to give an example anyway.

Let's say you were rank Geneticist and have made 50% progress towards being Elite. That meant you have submitted about 300m credits worth of data with the old numbers. If the new limit for Elite is now 5b instead of 400m, the lower ranks would have changed as well. With your 300m of submitted data you wouldn't even be Geneticist. But Frontier won't take away acquired ranks. The result is the progress now shows 0%. For a long time. You will have to "earn" the Geneticist rank again, before the counter will show progress towards Elite.
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