Elite Dangerous | Update 18.06 | Thargoid War overhaul |Tuesday 28 May 2024

Just as a thought, regarding Titan vulnerability, does this two-tier system mean we're moving away from the server ticks being the threshold? We're already using what is effectively a two-tier system as it revolves around that one time in the week. Does it also mean that the Titan won't be quite as weak in that vulnerable state to give a longer window for engagement? If the thing is practically invulnerable until the tip-over point it makes being available on Thursday/Friday the only way to truly engage.
Those modshards are still going to be very useful for interceptor farming, once Orthrus payout is nerfed, I can see AX cz becoming the new (old) money printer. So they aren't a total waste.

I'd certainly be happy to take my shardconda to an AXCZ, although it will need some engineering adjustment, and some experimental excursions have strongly suggested that it will do better with some kind of escort or at least a distraction. The 'goids tend to become buttmad and give chase after being shot at with so many shard cannons.

If Conflict zones efficacy will be appropriate after the update, keep that six-Shards Anaconda around! Use Weapon Focus on the distributor so the higher capacity level keeps it colder, no other Guardian modules, Low emissions power with E-rated life support if you have to, and remember that using a Heat sink also gives a little WEP power.

Cheers. I used Charge Enhanced on my distributor, how silly of me. When you say keep it, does that include the modshards, or would you say that AGF-reisistant standard shard cannons would work better?
Please note that Orthrus destruction at a Spire site is not even much help for the peripheral progress! They have been tested as providing exactly the same progress as one Scout, so Commanders who have a peripheral progress goal should actually just destroy the Banshees and Revenants, chase the Orthrus away then destroy its Scouts instead. If missions are also increasing in progress value, consider augmenting your Credits by stacking those elsewhere for Scout kills before visiting the Spire site, assuming that said missions do not gain system-specific requirements.

If Orthrus-hunting and evacuation missions become more valuable for progress in Alert systems, they will replace much of the Research means in use at present, where kind Commanders do the latter at present for negative Credits.

Finally, a large return to AX Conflict zones will still be paying Credits into the hundreds of millions, especially with missions!

If the thing is practically invulnerable until the tip-over point it makes being available on Thursday/Friday the only way to truly engage.

Nothing stated there would imply that a mid-week completion counts towards reducing the Titan resistance immediately, although that would be a great idea and is something I have suggested before. For the moment, I imagine that the following Thursday still becomes a Titan rush!

When you say keep it, does that include the modshards, or would you say that AGF-reisistant standard shard cannons would work better?

For a low-heat six-Shards Anaconda I had the modified Azimuth Shards in mind, given that their heat is over 1500% higher than a normal Shard!

If you replace any with normal Shards, obviously the heat lowers significantly, but consider also:
  • Much lower shot speed.
  • Quite lower Piercing, even with class 2 modified changed for class 3 normal!
  • Zone protection engineering lowers the damage.
That could be fine if you build specifically to destroy an Orthrus, but the intention was to keep the modified Shards for Conflict zones, where the only reason to make those sacrifices is if Glaives are ever-present after the update.
It was only easy because of highly organized groups like AXI, though. Try getting rich on spires alone in Open play - won't be a fun time at all.

No, it was easy because it's basically just a big fat toothless scout - yet it payed more than an interceptor

If pushing people away from the war is the goal, keep clapping, folks.

it seems to me you were doing it not for the war but for the credits... see this 👇

Please note that Orthrus destruction at a Spire site is not even much help for the peripheral progress! They have been tested as providing exactly the same progress as one Scout, so Commanders who have a peripheral progress goal should actually just destroy the Banshees and Revenants, chase the Orthrus away then destroy its Scouts instead.

And not the least, i say the same about Exobio - it pays too damn much.... Elite rank 8+ Billions credits - Sidewinder to fully outfitted carrier and 2+ years of Upkeep using only the sidewinder and g1 Artemis.
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It was only easy because of highly organized groups like AXI, though. Try getting rich on spires alone in Open play - won't be a fun time at all.
i actually tried.
was a bit more chaotic but otherwise a pleasant surprise. and while it is mainly thanks to organised groups that spread the proper rules and ethiquette for these places, isnt that how social mmos are supposed to work?
It's interesting to see so many people rejoice that one of the few things in game that actually requires group coordination get nerfed, when the success of others in that content doesn't effect them at all. "It paid too much" let's say it did, that doesn't effect you or anyone else, because there isn't an auction house, or any way for people to use that cash to acquire anything better than stock ships, which are just 1 step above slag.
noone is trying to take away from your piece of the pie, no need for all the stabbing around.
everyone knew that oreo spire farming was absolutely insane. the only surprise is that fdev let it go on for this long.
If pushing people away from the war is the goal, keep clapping, folks.
id bet that nerf of oreo and sample abuse and buff of combat impact will actually pull more people back to the war.

bugs that were overlooked and considered features finally got patched. combat efforts got buffed. flower picking is back on the menu.
spires will still have great impact on war efforts and having only 300mil per hour (instead of the 1 bil) is still pretty damn good for shooting fish in the barrel.
No, it was easy because it's basically just a big fat toothless scout - yet it payed more than an interceptor

So you never tried it solo, then, did you? You have to clear the revenants first, and have gear for the inevitable Cyclops that comes in. The only reason it's easy is because people hold the instances in the AXI PG and so the hard work is already done for them.
So you never tried it solo, then, did you? You have to clear the revenants first, and have gear for the inevitable Cyclops that comes in. The only reason it's easy is because people hold the instances in the AXI PG and so the hard work is already done for them.
I did it alone, and I never managed to remove the revenants, they only reappeared again. But I could easily kill Banshee and Cyclops with missiles.
While all the changes sound great, we'll have to see how the actual numbers work out, but even if they somehow don't the stated intent of those changes is on point.

Being more open about the mechanics changes also addresses one of the main gripes I have about things being so obtuse and nigh-impossible to figure out.

That for me leaves the "how is what I'm individually doing contributing to the war" as the main open issue with the thargoid war which is something that can't really be fixed by a simple numbers tweak that's the scope of this update.
I'd certainly be happy to take my shardconda to an AXCZ, although it will need some engineering adjustment, and some experimental excursions have strongly suggested that it will do better with some kind of escort or at least a distraction. The 'goids tend to become buttmad and give chase after being shot at with so many shard cannons.
This is where the 8 utility slots come in handy on the conda. If you just sit in front of the interceptor in silent running while shooting mod shards, the goid will not move (as long as you do not get closer than 500 meters to it and don't break silent running)
I haven't said they are. I've been paid and can happily quit the war knowing it's now a waste of my time.
So you never tried it solo, then, did you? You have to clear the revenants first, and have gear for the inevitable Cyclops that comes in. The only reason it's easy is because people hold the instances in the AXI PG and so the hard work is already done for them.

Not really, go for Orths on the outside of the site so you don't have to get too close to the Banshees, ignore the Scouts, reset the instance by relogging or supercruising when a Cyclops turns up. Also, fun fact, if you take the Thargoid pulse neutraliser instead of the shutdown field neutraliser, it also works on Banshee missiles. Solo is entirely doable, and great for testing builds & tactics.

AXI PG is super chill though, they're well organised. You still get the odd idiot only interested in making money setting off more Oreos while the rest of us are trying to deal with a Cyclops, but hopefully the nerf to the payout (and buff to that of the Cyclops) will see a reduction in this sort of behaviour. When everyone's working together it is immensely fun, profitable, and effective in terms of system progress too - cleaning up the Scouts became extra important when we realised they're worth as much as an Orthrus!
And then what ???????? FDev have backed themselves into a corner with this 'war', having taken the second most valuable aspect of the original Elite lore and thrown it into the trash (Raxxla being the first) now they have to find some way of making the game viable again, no one will 'win' this war the best we can hope for is that they find a way to return Thargoids to their original status in the game as a known but rarely encountered threat to enable other aspects of this once great game to be concentrated on, at the moment the game is stale and needs a new focus.
They can return the Thargoid threat quite easily by
  1. Letting all the Titans and Spires die and the wreckage sights become more and more inert and only useful for photo ops.
  2. Letting some Titans leave the way they came and disappearing beyond our ability to track and follow them.
Then the Thargoids can continue as they have in places like the Witch Head.

I like option 2 as it leaves open the possibility of them returning but upgraded to deal with our weaponry or what’s her name saying something like they have finished what they were doing and are off to their next appointment.
They can return the Thargoid threat quite easily by
  1. Letting all the Titans and Spires die and the wreckage sights become more and more inert and only useful for photo ops.
  2. Letting some Titans leave the way they came and disappearing beyond our ability to track and follow them.
Then the Thargoids can continue as they have in places like the Witch Head.

I like option 2 as it leaves open the possibility of them returning but upgraded to deal with our weaponry or what’s her name saying something like they have finished what they were doing and are off to their next appointment.
What do you mean, go back?
They didn't come to us, we called them.
And then what ???????? FDev have backed themselves into a corner with this 'war', having taken the second most valuable aspect of the original Elite lore and thrown it into the trash (Raxxla being the first) now they have to find some way of making the game viable again, no one will 'win' this war the best we can hope for is that they find a way to return Thargoids to their original status in the game as a known but rarely encountered threat to enable other aspects of this once great game to be concentrated on, at the moment the game is stale and needs a new focus.
And then I will go back to all the things I used to do before the war. More things than I ever have time for. Such bitterness! Maybe this isn’t the game for you?
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