Elite Observatory - Search your journal for potentially interesting objects, or notify you of new ones on the fly while exploring!

Where did you reinstall ObsCore to ? Is it definitely somewhere user writeable ?
I did what you said and installed it in the desktop folder under the primary user name. That didn't work either even after installing all new plugins and the like.

So I uninstalled that and went through my system and turns out the uninstaller doesn't really uninstall anything. All the folders and files are still there, or at least a good many of them if it's not all of them.

So I manually deleted everything I could find and did a fresh install to the default program files. I then added every new plugin.

Now all the alerts work, including a "diverse life" alert on a planet that had 8 biologics on it, but it doesn't list anything in the Biologics tab. But at least everything else is working now except for that.

Go to BioInsights settings and tick Verbose Logging. Do a Read All. Once it completes, go back to BI settings and there's a button to Open Plugin Folder - hit that and look for BioInsights.log. Zip it up and send it to me.
Done. It's attached to this post.


  • BioInsights.zip
    910 KB · Views: 132
New behaviour:

After I landed and got some samples, they start to be listed in the Biologics window under the planet I scanned them on.


Again, I still get the alerts as I'm first scanning the system: Landable with atmosphere, diverse life, etc. But used to I would see the planets with biologics and how many where there in this window shown.

That doesn't happen now, even after I get to the planet and scan it directly with the surface scanner.

I still also get all the voice alerts, for example when I scan the first sample it tells me what it is, how much its value is and how far apart the samples need to be taken. (that's actually the part I need the most).

But it doesn't add anything to the window shown until after I get the full sample of three done.

Again, everything else works just fine.
There is a file access issue for the scan database.
26-Dec-2022 17:16:22.094584 Error in [DBH->Connect] 26-Dec-2022 17:16:22.094595 -> The process cannot access the file 'C:\Users\parmi\AppData\Roaming\ObservatoryCore\ObservatoryBioInsights\BIScans.db' because it is being used by another process. 26-Dec-2022 17:16:22.094596 -> at Microsoft.Win32.SafeHandles.SafeFileHandle.CreateFile(String fullPath, FileMode mode, FileAccess access, FileShare share, FileOptions options)

I guess this could be caused by running ObsCore twice - so make sure you've no other processes running Core anywhere (or just reboot), then retry. Another option would be over zealous anti-virus software.
There is a file access issue for the scan database.
26-Dec-2022 17:16:22.094584 Error in [DBH->Connect] 26-Dec-2022 17:16:22.094595 -> The process cannot access the file 'C:\Users\parmi\AppData\Roaming\ObservatoryCore\ObservatoryBioInsights\BIScans.db' because it is being used by another process. 26-Dec-2022 17:16:22.094596 -> at Microsoft.Win32.SafeHandles.SafeFileHandle.CreateFile(String fullPath, FileMode mode, FileAccess access, FileShare share, FileOptions options)

I guess this could be caused by running ObsCore twice - so make sure you've no other processes running Core anywhere (or just reboot), then retry. Another option would be over zealous anti-virus software.
I did a read all and I get this output:

The log says this:
24-Sept-2022 21:17:41.345757 ----------------------------------------------------------- 24-Sept-2022 21:17:41.415936 Codex Companion v0.22.249.925, CodexLib v0.22.249.923 loaded 24-Sept-2022 21:17:41.501898 DB: C:\Users\[redacted]\AppData\Roaming\ObservatoryCore\ObservatoryBioInsights\BioInsights.db 24-Sept-2022 21:17:41.502300 CDB: C:\Users\[redacted]\AppData\Roaming\ObservatoryCore\ObservatoryBioInsights\BioInsightsC.db 24-Sept-2022 21:17:41.637885 Region set to 16, marks = 0, codexentries = 0 24-Sept-2022 21:18:12.579345 Region set to 0, marks = 0, codexentries = 145 24-Sept-2022 21:19:10.486571 Region set to 0, marks = 699, codexentries = 145 01-Nov-2022 06:07:17.499180 ----------------------------------------------------------- 01-Nov-2022 06:07:17.583741 Codex Companion v0.22.249.925, CodexLib v0.22.249.923 loaded 01-Nov-2022 06:07:17.674377 DB: C:\Users\[redacted]\AppData\Roaming\ObservatoryCore\ObservatoryBioInsights\BioInsights.db 01-Nov-2022 06:07:17.674861 CDB: C:\Users\[redacted]\AppData\Roaming\ObservatoryCore\ObservatoryBioInsights\BioInsightsC.db 01-Nov-2022 06:07:17.980893 Region set to 0, marks = 699, codexentries = 150 01-Nov-2022 06:07:32.846087 Region set to 36, marks = 0, codexentries = 17 01-Nov-2022 06:07:35.616185 Region set to 36, marks = 0, codexentries = 17 01-Nov-2022 06:08:16.590454 Region set to 36, marks = 625, codexentries = 17 01-Nov-2022 06:08:43.911087 Region set to 36, marks = 0, codexentries = 17
After a reinstallation, it looks like this:

28-Dec-2022 06:48:25.536298 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 28-Dec-2022 06:48:25.536467 BioInsights v0.22.347.1727, CodexLib v0.22.347.1257, Core v0.2.22347.120 28-Dec-2022 06:48:25.631698 System database initialised [C:\Users\antho\AppData\Roaming\ObservatoryCore\ObservatoryBioInsights\BIScans.db] [mode=direct] (0 cache entries) 28-Dec-2022 06:48:25.829900 [GPNCE] 1.0,25/12/2022 07:30:00,90,57862 28-Dec-2022 06:48:25.834469 [GPNCE] 755 entries 28-Dec-2022 06:48:25.852568 BioInsights Loaded 28-Dec-2022 06:48:27.606754 STATE: (NEW:PreRead),(PREVIOUS:Idle),(FLAG:True) 28-Dec-2022 06:48:28.066733 Error in [JournalEvent:scan] 28-Dec-2022 06:48:28.066753 { "timestamp":"2022-12-28T06:43:28Z", "event":"Scan", "ScanType":"Detailed", "BodyName":"Zumbaa AI-L b49-0 B 3", "BodyID":5, "Parents":[ {"Star":2}, {"Null":0} ], "StarSystem":"Zumbaa AI-L b49-0", "SystemAddress":1032000392105, "DistanceFromArrivalLS":183228.952219, "TidalLock":false, "TerraformState":"", "PlanetClass":"Icy body", "Atmosphere":"thin neon atmosphere", "AtmosphereType":"Neon", "AtmosphereComposition":[ { "Name":"Neon", "Percent":100.000000 } ], "Volcanism":"major water magma volcanism", "MassEM":0.522705, "Radius":6384006.000000, "SurfaceGravity":5.111862, "SurfaceTemperature":38.799465, "SurfacePressure":318.134644, "Landable":true, "Materials":[ { "Name":"sulphur", "Percent":22.274336 }, { "Name":"carbon", "Percent":18.730410 }, { "Name":"iron", "Percent":15.574018 }, { "Name":"phosphorus", "Percent":11.991530 }, { "Name":"nickel", "Percent":11.779534 }, { "Name":"chromium", "Percent":7.004153 }, { "Name":"manganese", "Percent":6.431911 }, { "Name":"germanium", "Percent":3.232805 }, { "Name":"molybdenum", "Percent":1.016974 }, { "Name":"tin", "Percent":1.002537 }, { "Name":"ruthenium", "Percent":0.961795 } ], "Composition":{ "Ice":0.683614, "Rock":0.211235, "Metal":0.105151 }, "SemiMajorAxis":207418209314.346313, "Eccentricity":0.000564, "OrbitalInclination":0.546433, "Periapsis":204.820967, "OrbitalPeriod":125678145.885468, "AscendingNode":129.118521, "MeanAnomaly":251.634722, "RotationPeriod":76320.548161, "AxialTilt":0.148991, "WasDiscovered":false, "WasMapped":false } 28-Dec-2022 06:48:28.066759 Object reference not set to an instance of an object. 28-Dec-2022 06:48:28.066761 at Observatory.BioInsights.BISystem.enrichBrightestStar(ScanMini mini) at Observatory.BioInsights.BISystem.AddOrUpdate(Scan scan) at Observatory.BioInsights.BioInsights.JournalEvent[TJournal](TJournal journal) 28-Dec-2022 06:48:28.076070 STATE: (NEW:Idle),(PREVIOUS:PreRead),(FLAG:False) 28-Dec-2022 06:48:28.076579 PreRead finished, PlanetSpecies contains 0 entries 28-Dec-2022 06:48:28.084860 STATE: (NEW:Realtime),(PREVIOUS:Idle),(FLAG:False) 28-Dec-2022 06:48:33.192699 STATE: (NEW:Realtime, Batch),(PREVIOUS:Realtime),(FLAG:True) 28-Dec-2022 06:48:33.193511 Started Read All 28-Dec-2022 06:48:33.204189 [DBH] Closing handler 28-Dec-2022 06:48:33.206651 Deleted database file [C:\Users\antho\AppData\Roaming\ObservatoryCore\ObservatoryBioInsights\BIScans.db] 28-Dec-2022 06:48:33.208711 System database initialised [C:\Users\antho\AppData\Roaming\ObservatoryCore\ObservatoryBioInsights\BIScans.db] [mode=direct] (0 cache entries) 28-Dec-2022 06:48:33.480459 Error in [JournalEvent:scan] 28-Dec-2022 06:48:33.480467 { "timestamp":"2021-05-21T05:39:07Z", "event":"Scan", "ScanType":"Detailed", "BodyName":"Swoilz PF-T c5-2 4 a", "BodyID":10, "Parents":[ {"Star":9}, {"Star":0} ], "StarSystem":"Swoilz PF-T c5-2", "SystemAddress":633876386610, "DistanceFromArrivalLS":1924.266247, "TidalLock":false, "TerraformState":"", "PlanetClass":"Icy body", "Atmosphere":"thin argon atmosphere", "AtmosphereType":"Argon", "AtmosphereComposition":[ { "Name":"Argon", "Percent":75.862350 }, { "Name":"Nitrogen", "Percent":24.137640 } ], "Volcanism":"", "MassEM":0.107900, "Radius":4131264.500000, "SurfaceGravity":2.519799, "SurfaceTemperature":106.813164, "SurfacePressure":4484.042480, "Landable":true, "Materials":[ { "Name":"sulphur", "Percent":27.422651 }, { "Name":"carbon", "Percent":23.059610 }, { "Name":"phosphorus", "Percent":14.763159 }, { "Name":"iron", "Percent":11.991937 }, { "Name":"nickel", "Percent":9.070198 }, { "Name":"manganese", "Percent":4.952548 }, { "Name":"zinc", "Percent":3.258960 }, { "Name":"vanadium", "Percent":2.944802 }, { "Name":"cadmium", "Percent":0.931228 }, { "Name":"tellurium", "Percent":0.821834 }, { "Name":"molybdenum", "Percent":0.783067 } ], "Composition":{ "Ice":0.878390, "Rock":0.104652, "Metal":0.016957 }, "SemiMajorAxis":25362122654.914856, "Eccentricity":0.000000, "OrbitalInclination":72.009486, "Periapsis":332.879719, "OrbitalPeriod":20288722.515106, "RotationPeriod":73183.782901, "AxialTilt":0.295952, "WasDiscovered":true, "WasMapped":false } 28-Dec-2022 06:48:33.480468 Object reference not set to an instance of an object. 28-Dec-2022 06:48:33.480469 at Observatory.BioInsights.BISystem.enrichBrightestStar(ScanMini mini) at Observatory.BioInsights.BISystem.AddOrUpdate(Scan scan) at Observatory.BioInsights.BioInsights.JournalEvent[TJournal](TJournal journal) 28-Dec-2022 06:48:33.481665 Error in [JournalEvent:scan]
After a reinstallation, it looks like this:

28-Dec-2022 06:48:25.536298 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 28-Dec-2022 06:48:25.536467 BioInsights v0.22.347.1727, CodexLib v0.22.347.1257, Core v0.2.22347.120 28-Dec-2022 06:48:25.631698 System database initialised [C:\Users\antho\AppData\Roaming\ObservatoryCore\ObservatoryBioInsights\BIScans.db] [mode=direct] (0 cache entries) 28-Dec-2022 06:48:25.829900 [GPNCE] 1.0,25/12/2022 07:30:00,90,57862 28-Dec-2022 06:48:25.834469 [GPNCE] 755 entries 28-Dec-2022 06:48:25.852568 BioInsights Loaded 28-Dec-2022 06:48:27.606754 STATE: (NEW:PreRead),(PREVIOUS:Idle),(FLAG:True) 28-Dec-2022 06:48:28.066733 Error in [JournalEvent:scan] 28-Dec-2022 06:48:28.066753 { "timestamp":"2022-12-28T06:43:28Z", "event":"Scan", "ScanType":"Detailed", "BodyName":"Zumbaa AI-L b49-0 B 3", "BodyID":5, "Parents":[ {"Star":2}, {"Null":0} ], "StarSystem":"Zumbaa AI-L b49-0", "SystemAddress":1032000392105, "DistanceFromArrivalLS":183228.952219, "TidalLock":false, "TerraformState":"", "PlanetClass":"Icy body", "Atmosphere":"thin neon atmosphere", "AtmosphereType":"Neon", "AtmosphereComposition":[ { "Name":"Neon", "Percent":100.000000 } ], "Volcanism":"major water magma volcanism", "MassEM":0.522705, "Radius":6384006.000000, "SurfaceGravity":5.111862, "SurfaceTemperature":38.799465, "SurfacePressure":318.134644, "Landable":true, "Materials":[ { "Name":"sulphur", "Percent":22.274336 }, { "Name":"carbon", "Percent":18.730410 }, { "Name":"iron", "Percent":15.574018 }, { "Name":"phosphorus", "Percent":11.991530 }, { "Name":"nickel", "Percent":11.779534 }, { "Name":"chromium", "Percent":7.004153 }, { "Name":"manganese", "Percent":6.431911 }, { "Name":"germanium", "Percent":3.232805 }, { "Name":"molybdenum", "Percent":1.016974 }, { "Name":"tin", "Percent":1.002537 }, { "Name":"ruthenium", "Percent":0.961795 } ], "Composition":{ "Ice":0.683614, "Rock":0.211235, "Metal":0.105151 }, "SemiMajorAxis":207418209314.346313, "Eccentricity":0.000564, "OrbitalInclination":0.546433, "Periapsis":204.820967, "OrbitalPeriod":125678145.885468, "AscendingNode":129.118521, "MeanAnomaly":251.634722, "RotationPeriod":76320.548161, "AxialTilt":0.148991, "WasDiscovered":false, "WasMapped":false } 28-Dec-2022 06:48:28.066759 Object reference not set to an instance of an object. 28-Dec-2022 06:48:28.066761 at Observatory.BioInsights.BISystem.enrichBrightestStar(ScanMini mini) at Observatory.BioInsights.BISystem.AddOrUpdate(Scan scan) at Observatory.BioInsights.BioInsights.JournalEvent[TJournal](TJournal journal) 28-Dec-2022 06:48:28.076070 STATE: (NEW:Idle),(PREVIOUS:PreRead),(FLAG:False) 28-Dec-2022 06:48:28.076579 PreRead finished, PlanetSpecies contains 0 entries 28-Dec-2022 06:48:28.084860 STATE: (NEW:Realtime),(PREVIOUS:Idle),(FLAG:False) 28-Dec-2022 06:48:33.192699 STATE: (NEW:Realtime, Batch),(PREVIOUS:Realtime),(FLAG:True) 28-Dec-2022 06:48:33.193511 Started Read All 28-Dec-2022 06:48:33.204189 [DBH] Closing handler 28-Dec-2022 06:48:33.206651 Deleted database file [C:\Users\antho\AppData\Roaming\ObservatoryCore\ObservatoryBioInsights\BIScans.db] 28-Dec-2022 06:48:33.208711 System database initialised [C:\Users\antho\AppData\Roaming\ObservatoryCore\ObservatoryBioInsights\BIScans.db] [mode=direct] (0 cache entries) 28-Dec-2022 06:48:33.480459 Error in [JournalEvent:scan] 28-Dec-2022 06:48:33.480467 { "timestamp":"2021-05-21T05:39:07Z", "event":"Scan", "ScanType":"Detailed", "BodyName":"Swoilz PF-T c5-2 4 a", "BodyID":10, "Parents":[ {"Star":9}, {"Star":0} ], "StarSystem":"Swoilz PF-T c5-2", "SystemAddress":633876386610, "DistanceFromArrivalLS":1924.266247, "TidalLock":false, "TerraformState":"", "PlanetClass":"Icy body", "Atmosphere":"thin argon atmosphere", "AtmosphereType":"Argon", "AtmosphereComposition":[ { "Name":"Argon", "Percent":75.862350 }, { "Name":"Nitrogen", "Percent":24.137640 } ], "Volcanism":"", "MassEM":0.107900, "Radius":4131264.500000, "SurfaceGravity":2.519799, "SurfaceTemperature":106.813164, "SurfacePressure":4484.042480, "Landable":true, "Materials":[ { "Name":"sulphur", "Percent":27.422651 }, { "Name":"carbon", "Percent":23.059610 }, { "Name":"phosphorus", "Percent":14.763159 }, { "Name":"iron", "Percent":11.991937 }, { "Name":"nickel", "Percent":9.070198 }, { "Name":"manganese", "Percent":4.952548 }, { "Name":"zinc", "Percent":3.258960 }, { "Name":"vanadium", "Percent":2.944802 }, { "Name":"cadmium", "Percent":0.931228 }, { "Name":"tellurium", "Percent":0.821834 }, { "Name":"molybdenum", "Percent":0.783067 } ], "Composition":{ "Ice":0.878390, "Rock":0.104652, "Metal":0.016957 }, "SemiMajorAxis":25362122654.914856, "Eccentricity":0.000000, "OrbitalInclination":72.009486, "Periapsis":332.879719, "OrbitalPeriod":20288722.515106, "RotationPeriod":73183.782901, "AxialTilt":0.295952, "WasDiscovered":true, "WasMapped":false } 28-Dec-2022 06:48:33.480468 Object reference not set to an instance of an object. 28-Dec-2022 06:48:33.480469 at Observatory.BioInsights.BISystem.enrichBrightestStar(ScanMini mini) at Observatory.BioInsights.BISystem.AddOrUpdate(Scan scan) at Observatory.BioInsights.BioInsights.JournalEvent[TJournal](TJournal journal) 28-Dec-2022 06:48:33.481665 Error in [JournalEvent:scan]
I linked a beta version a while back you need to be trying - here.

Before installing it, it might be worth deleting your BioInsights.log as well, so we only capture recent details.
There is a file access issue for the scan database.
26-Dec-2022 17:16:22.094584 Error in [DBH->Connect] 26-Dec-2022 17:16:22.094595 -> The process cannot access the file 'C:\Users\parmi\AppData\Roaming\ObservatoryCore\ObservatoryBioInsights\BIScans.db' because it is being used by another process. 26-Dec-2022 17:16:22.094596 -> at Microsoft.Win32.SafeHandles.SafeFileHandle.CreateFile(String fullPath, FileMode mode, FileAccess access, FileShare share, FileOptions options)

I guess this could be caused by running ObsCore twice - so make sure you've no other processes running Core anywhere (or just reboot), then retry. Another option would be over zealous anti-virus software.
Rebooted the system, disabled anti-virus, still does the same thing. Everything else works though.

On another note, I've disabled that stupid predictive text in Windows 11 on everything I have and it STILL is doing it, so I wouldn't be surprised if it's a Windows 11 thing.
Rebooted the system, disabled anti-virus, still does the same thing. Everything else works though.

On another note, I've disabled that stupid predictive text in Windows 11 on everything I have and it STILL is doing it, so I wouldn't be surprised if it's a Windows 11 thing.
Close ObsCore, then hit Windows Start button and type: %appdata%\ObservatoryCore
In there, you'll see ObservatoryBioInsightsfolder - rename it to ObservatoryBioInsights.old
Re-run ObsCore, do a Read All. If it still fails, send me the logfile (message me is probably better).

I don't have W11 to test against but would be interested to hear if others experiencing issues are also using W11.
Close ObsCore, then hit Windows Start button and type: %appdata%\ObservatoryCore
In there, you'll see ObservatoryBioInsightsfolder - rename it to ObservatoryBioInsights.old
Re-run ObsCore, do a Read All. If it still fails, send me the logfile (message me is probably better).

I don't have W11 to test against but would be interested to hear if others experiencing issues are also using W11.
I will give that a try tomorrow. Thanks.
Close ObsCore, then hit Windows Start button and type: %appdata%\ObservatoryCore
In there, you'll see ObservatoryBioInsightsfolder - rename it to ObservatoryBioInsights.old
Re-run ObsCore, do a Read All. If it still fails, send me the logfile (message me is probably better).

I don't have W11 to test against but would be interested to hear if others experiencing issues are also using W11.
I am on Windows 11.

And I did try the beta. No change in behaviour. Everything else works as expected.
Had a couple of crashes and errors in Elite Observatory that mention Herald. Logs attached.


  • ObservatoryCrashLog.txt
    121.5 KB · Views: 132
  • ObservatoryErrorLog.txt
    10.2 KB · Views: 83
Thanks for these logs. I am seeing several server-side errors in the herald API which I will look into. I should also be able to handle them more gracefully in the client and prevent that crash.

I think I have enough bug reports now for a bugfix release to be worthwhile, so look out for that within the next couple of weeks.
I'm referring to this bug report: https://forums.frontier.co.uk/threads/mattgs-observatory-plugins.589466/post-10058820

I had a look at your code and found:

string effect = reader.GetString();
            //TODO: Find out all possible values
            switch (effect)
                case "+":
                    effect = "Low";
                case "++":
                    effect = "Med";
                case "+++++":
                    effect = "High";

Looking at your comment I searched my journal collection and can add +++ and ++++ to your possible values search.

{ "timestamp":"2021-08-28T02:41:00Z", "event":"MissionAccepted", "Faction":"Brotherhood of Ix", "Name":"Mission_Smuggle_Anarchy", "LocalisedName":"Smuggle 30 Units of Onionhead Gamma Strain ", "Commodity":"$OnionHeadC_Name;", "Commodity_Localised":"Onionhead Gamma Strain", "Count":30, "DestinationSystem":"Piriti", "DestinationStation":"Fadlan Enterprise", "Expiry":"2021-08-29T13:29:33Z", "Wing":false, "Influence":"+++", "Reputation":"+", "Reward":108345, "MissionID":802421497 }

{ "timestamp":"2021-09-01T08:45:58Z", "event":"MissionAccepted", "Faction":"Naren Gold Drug Empire", "Name":"Mission_Smuggle_Anarchy", "LocalisedName":"Smuggle 54 Units of Slaves ", "Commodity":"$Slaves_Name;", "Commodity_Localised":"Slaves", "Count":54, "DestinationSystem":"Piriti", "DestinationStation":"Fadlan Enterprise", "Expiry":"2021-09-03T00:24:59Z", "Wing":false, "Influence":"++++", "Reputation":"+", "Reward":389842, "MissionID":803414867 }
Hello guys, i have a question:
i use an old monitor as secondary to put all Elite helpers there. That thing is not even full HD, and ObservatoryCore UI is .... HUGE. Don't get me wrong, i apreciated it on my fullHD monitor but it takes too much space on that low res one. There's a way to set the UI font size smaller than the current one?
Hello guys, i have a question:
i use an old monitor as secondary to put all Elite helpers there. That thing is not even full HD, and ObservatoryCore UI is .... HUGE. Don't get me wrong, i apreciated it on my fullHD monitor but it takes too much space on that low res one. There's a way to set the UI font size smaller than the current one?
What res/size is your monitor? On my secondary one, I have resized the Observatory window so it takes up very little space.

One very minor new feature and a handful of bugfixes in this release.


  • Complex criteria return statements can now optionally omit the leading true, returning only the description and detail text.
    • e.g., return 'Extra-funky planet', 'Funk level: ' .. scan.Funkiness*


  • Added missing value SRV to VehicleSwitchTo enum
  • Prevent possible fail condition for saved property file upgrading to newer versions which can cause crash to desktop on startup
  • Fix barycentre naming when the concatenated name would span an ordinal rollover
  • More cleanly handle errors during Herald plugin requests to the observatory voice API

* Planet funkiness is not currently an available value


Minor Bugfixes

Small bugfix release for some things that were missed and/or introduced yesterday.
  • Another adjustment to settings migration from previous versions. Should reset to defaults less frequently now.
  • Add handling for wider range of mission effects.
  • Fix error in Botanist for organic scan events with no genus.
  • Fix issue in new barycentre ordinal naming.
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