Essential Foliage META-Wishlist

1. Asparagus sp.
2. Cupressus nootkatensis
3. Myosotis sp.
4. Lavendula sp.
5. Grubbia sp.
6. Equisetum sp.
7. Polytrichum commune
8. Trifolium sp.
9. Diplotropis sp.
10. Pueraria lobata
11. Euphorbia pulcherrima
12. Fragaria x ananassa
13. Solanum tuberosum
14. Triticum aestivum
15. Coffea arabica
16. Santalum haleakalae
17. Acacia koaia
18. Acacia dealbata
19. Cichorium intybus
20. Bifora sp.
21. Heteromorpha sp.
22. Ocerpulina sp.
23. Chrysathemum
24. Cucurbita sp.
25. Agapanthus praecox

The ones I'd love to see in game: 1-8, 11-15, 20-25 The rest I just like the pictures on free online encyclopedia...
Man, still no California Palms :(

Frontier, please, these are essential!

1. Traveller's Palm
2. Weeping Myall
3. River Red Gum
4. Silk Tree (Albizia sp)
5. Orange Tree
6. Apple Tree
7. Philodendron Plant
8. Jacaranda Tree
9. Summer version of Autumnal and Spring Bloomed trees (eg. Japanese Maples and Cherry Blossoms)
10. Hard Quandong Tree
11. Gingko Tree
12. Japanese Snowbell
13. Juniper
14. Durian Tree
15. Cycads
16. Sword Ferns
17. California Palm
18. Roses
19. Peppermint
20. Morning glory
21. Rhododendron
22. Tassel Fern
23. Rowan
24. Pandanus Tree
25. Sugarcane
😁🌿 A post-1.13 update with a smile:
  1. California Milkweed - Asclepias californica
  2. Buddle"j"a - Buddleja davidii
  3. Downy Birch - Betula pubescens
  4. Norway/egian Spruce Tree - Picea abies
  5. Tussac Grass - Poa flabellata
  6. Common "Duckmeat" Duckweed - Spirodela polyrhiza
  7. Ghaf/Khejri Tree - Prosopis cineraria
  8. Octopus Tree - Didierea madagascariensis
  9. Madagascar Periwinkle - Catharanthus roseus
  10. Traveller's Tree - Ravenala madagascariensis
  11. Darwin's Orchid - Angraecum sesquipedale
  12. Ocotillo - Fouquieria splendens
  13. Desert Fan Palm Tree - Washingtonia filifera
  14. Thatch Screwpine - Pandanus tectorius
  15. Native Turmeric - Curcuma australasica
  16. "Australian" Grass Tree - Xanthorrhoea australis
  17. Fly Agaric - Amanita muscaria
  18. Cep - Boletus edulis
  19. Kauri Tree - Agathis australis
  20. Sundew - Dro"s"era
  21. Giant Lobelia - Lobelia rhynchopetalum
  22. Shoal Grass - Halodule wrightii
  23. Giant Kelp - Macrocystis pyrifera
  24. Red Sea Plume - Asparagopsis taxiformis
  25. Sea Lettuce - Ulva
1. Traveller's Palm
2. Weeping Myall
3. River Red Gum
4. Silk Tree (Albizia sp)
5. Orange Tree
6. Apple Tree
7. Philodendron Plant
8. Jacaranda Tree
9. Summer version of Autumnal and Spring Bloomed trees (eg. Japanese Maples and Cherry Blossoms)
10. Hard Quandong Tree
11. Gingko Tree
12. Japanese Snowbell
13. Juniper
14. Durian Tree
15. Cycads
16. Sword Ferns
17. California Palm
18. Roses
19. Peppermint
20. Morning glory
21. Rhododendron
22. Tassel Fern
23. Rowan
24. Pandanus Tree
25. Sugarcane
4. Added to 'Mimosa Tree - Albizia julibrissin'
8. Added to 'Jacaranda Tree - Jacaranda mimosifolia'
9. Unable to add to the list.
15. Added to 'King Sago Cycad - Cycas revoluta'
16. Added to 'Western Sword fern - Polystichum munitum'
20. Added to 'Island Morning Glory - Calystegia macrostegia'
21. Added to 'Tree Rhododendron - Rhododendron arboreum'
23. Added to 'European Rowan Tree - Sorbus aucuparia'
24. Added to 'Thatch Screwpine Tree - Pandanus tectorius'
😁🌿 A post-1.13 update with a smile:
  1. California Milkweed - Asclepias californica
  2. Buddle"j"a - Buddleja davidii
  3. Downy Birch - Betula pubescens
  4. Norway/egian Spruce Tree - Picea abies
  5. Tussac Grass - Poa flabellata
  6. Common "Duckmeat" Duckweed - Spirodela polyrhiza
  7. Ghaf/Khejri Tree - Prosopis cineraria
  8. Octopus Tree - Didierea madagascariensis
  9. Madagascar Periwinkle - Catharanthus roseus
  10. Traveller's Tree - Ravenala madagascariensis
  11. Darwin's Orchid - Angraecum sesquipedale
  12. Ocotillo - Fouquieria splendens
  13. Desert Fan Palm Tree - Washingtonia filifera
  14. Thatch Screwpine - Pandanus tectorius
  15. Native Turmeric - Curcuma australasica
  16. "Australian" Grass Tree - Xanthorrhoea australis
  17. Fly Agaric - Amanita muscaria
  18. Cep - Boletus edulis
  19. Kauri Tree - Agathis australis
  20. Sundew - Dro"s"era
  21. Giant Lobelia - Lobelia rhynchopetalum
  22. Shoal Grass - Halodule wrightii
  23. Giant Kelp - Macrocystis pyrifera
  24. Red Sea Plume - Asparagopsis taxiformis
  25. Sea Lettuce - Ulva
Added your new choices to the list. Happy to see some of your picks made it to the game. For the next time, please quote your original post and highlight the new additions.

I would also like to ask again for new future submissions if you could add the scientific names for species not yet on the list. This will save me a lot of time and makes it more easy to know for sure which species you mean (as sometimes plant names are used for different genera). However, if this is not possible to you, please don't hesitate to submit your list. I want this wishlist to comprise as many votes as possible to get a good estimate of what foliage is desired by the community.
4. Added to 'Mimosa Tree - Albizia julibrissin'
8. Added to 'Jacaranda Tree - Jacaranda mimosifolia'
9. Unable to add to the list.
15. Added to 'King Sago Cycad - Cycas revoluta'
16. Added to 'Western Sword fern - Polystichum munitum'
20. Added to 'Island Morning Glory - Calystegia macrostegia'
21. Added to 'Tree Rhododendron - Rhododendron arboreum'
23. Added to 'European Rowan Tree - Sorbus aucuparia'
24. Added to 'Thatch Screwpine Tree - Pandanus tectorius'
All good. Can I replace #9 with Gum Arabic Tree Senegalia ssenegal ?
You can put it in any existing one as you see fit😅
  1. Rainbow Eucaliptus (VU) --- Eucalyptus deglupta
  2. Venus Flytrap (VU) --- Dionaea muscipula
  3. Bird of Paradise --- Strelitzia reginae
  4. Jade Vine (EN) --- Strongylodon macrobotrys
  5. Titan Arum (EN) --- Amorphophallus titanum
  6. Socotra Dragon Tree (VU) --- Dracaena cinnabari
  7. European Holly (LC) --- Ilex aquifolium
  8. Pokemeboy (EN) --- Vachellia anegadensis
  9. Taiwania (VU) --- Taiwania cryptomerioides
  10. Chilean Pine (EN) --- Araucaria araucana
  11. Heart of Jesus --- Caladium bicolor
  12. Royal Poinciana (LC) --- Delonix regia
  13. Blue Pinkgil --- Entoloma hochstetteri
  14. Whitebark Pine (EN) --- Pinus albicaulis
  15. Ginkgo (EN) --- Ginkgo biloba
  16. Aloe Vera --- Aloe vera
  17. Golden Barrel Cactus (EN) --- Echinocactus grusonii
  18. Common Coral-tree --- Erythrina lysistemon
  19. Puya Alpestris --- Puya alpestris
  20. King Fern --- Ptisana salicina
  21. Indigo Milk Cap --- Lactarius indigo
  22. Wrinkled Peach --- Rhodotus palmatus
  23. Violet Coral (VU) --- Clavaria zollingeri
  24. Eternal Light Mushroom (bioluminescent mushroom) --- Mycena luxaeterna
  25. Babylon Willow --- Salix babylonica
1. Asparagus sp.
2. Cupressus nootkatensis
3. Myosotis sp.
4. Lavendula sp.
5. Grubbia sp.
6. Equisetum sp.
7. Polytrichum commune
8. Trifolium sp.
9. Diplotropis sp.
10. Pueraria lobata
11. Euphorbia pulcherrima
12. Fragaria x ananassa
13. Solanum tuberosum
14. Triticum aestivum
15. Coffea arabica
16. Santalum haleakalae
17. Acacia koaia
18. Acacia dealbata
19. Cichorium intybus
20. Bifora sp.
21. Heteromorpha sp.
22. Ocerpulina sp.
23. Chrysathemum
24. Cucurbita sp.
25. Agapanthus praecox
  1. Foxtail Fern
  2. Nootka Cypress
  3. Mouse's Ear
  4. Lavender
  5. Idk if it even has a common name
  6. Horsetail
  7. see 5
  8. Clover (might be in game idk)
  9. See 5
  10. Kudzu
  11. Poinsettia!
  12. Strawberry
  13. Potato
  14. Wheat
  15. Coffee
  16. Sandalwood
  17. Koaia
  18. Mimosa
  19. Chicory
  20. see 5
  21. see 5
  22. see 5
  23. the Genus is also the common name
  24. Cucumber
  25. Nile Lilly
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