Failure Developments at it again

Deleted member 182079

I remember the update where we lost all our exploration data.
Or the one that introduced Skynet AI with impossible weapons that could kill you in seconds. Or the skimmer bug....
Bottom line is, FDev don't seem to engage in any lessons learned procedure which is difficult to understand. I wouldn't get away in my work consistently producing stuff that's wrong or doesn't work. I'd at least get a stern talking to from my boss/client to ensure this doesn't keep happening.

And with Elite updates, it feels to me that the trend is pointing downhill with regards to 'getting it right first time'. Which surely isn't the best way to run a business.

Edit - and one more thing. The one feature as an online business you want to get 100% right first time is store related changes/updates. I never really had any issues trusting Frontier with my personal and particuarly credit card details, but seeing how much of a shambles the whole thing is right now, that's taken a bit of a hit now.
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Let's be fair, the majority of people complaining simply do not understand the complexities involved in developing, upgrading and managing "Elite Dangerous" and all of it's supporting components.

Collective moaning is one of the prime functions of a forum, of course, though. So carry on... :)

As costumers, is it required of us to be understanding?

We payed for a product, that at this point are more then a year old.

This is no beta, it's a minor patch.
There was Beta testing once, it was 5£ in FD store to access Beta.
Ppl were complaining so they removed Beta testing before releasing the update!

But hey that Blue STORE button in station menu could be preparation for bringing back BETA testing ;)

Kudos to the forum, it's fun to see whiteknights in full action....much more fun than actual game is!
Bottom line is, FDev don't seem to engage in any lessons learned procedure which is difficult to understand. I wouldn't get away in my work consistently producing stuff that's wrong or doesn't work. I'd at least get a stern talking to from my boss/client to ensure this doesn't keep happening.
Yep, nothing like a good old fashioned bollicking to sort out a wayward employee! Betcha someone/several someones are gonna get a rocket after the dust settles!
We don't know if that ever happened.
Either way it is at least concerning from a customer's perspective.

Bottom line is, FDev don't seem to engage in any lessons learned procedure which is difficult to understand.
At least they stopped releasing those broken patches right before leaving into weekend.

Bottom line is, FDev don't seem to engage in any lessons learned procedure which is difficult to understand. I wouldn't get away in my work consistently producing stuff that's wrong or doesn't work. I'd at least get a stern talking to from my boss/client to ensure this doesn't keep happening.

And with Elite updates, it feels to me that the trend is pointing downhill with regards to 'getting it right first time'. Which surely isn't the best way to run a business.
Well, that case you could be thankful...I guess.
I'm just furious. It is necessary to be so disabled to release a patch that breaks half a mechanic. Breaking so it is impossible to play. Did you want the money - have you entered what players least need? I’m silent about the time when players have been fed promises for many years. I am silent about the content. Spit on their requests for minor improvements, at least on the interface - for example, to adjust the colors of the cockpit. Poor brain invalids.
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Deleted member 182079

Yep, nothing like a good old fashioned bollicking to sort out a wayward employee! Betcha someone/several someones are gonna get a rocket after the dust settles!
I'm not an employee, so if I screw things up at work my client is well within their rights to let me go if they feel like I'm not up to the task. It's ok to make mistakes, but not more than once ideally. I'm not saying that staff should get treated badly, but you need to review what went wrong, and address it accordingly.
As costumers, is it required of us to be understanding?

We payed for a product, that at this point are more then a year old.

This is no beta, it's a minor patch.
Wow, so you have NEVER f@#$ed up at work! Please enlighten the rest of us: how do we imperfect mortals become perfect like you?
Oh, FYI: it's "paid", not "payed"! 😃
I'm not an employee, so if I screw things up at work my client is well within their rights to let me go if they feel like I'm not up to the task. It's ok to make mistakes, but not more than once ideally. I'm not saying that staff should get treated badly, but you need to review what went wrong, and address it accordingly.
I agree, in my company we always make some brainstorming at the end of big projects to review what was good and what was bad to enrich our "Lessons Learned" experience. I don't think FDEV got anything like that. How come they even broke things that were not supposed to be part of this update...
Have you never been through an up-date/patch with an online game before? This is how it goes. Just as bugs were expected, so were these bitter threads expected.

no, never. i've read about some notorious cases but those were usually blockbuster type games i'm not interested in.

i've been playing games for over 40 years. i've hundreds of games. about a dozen of them get updates every week, small and large. nothing like this, ever. frontier's incompetence is truly noteworthy but please go on telling me that "making games is sooooo difficult" and "elite is soooooo complex", these attempts at whitewashing are truly pathetic but still hilarious.
I was good all the way up to VPN’s, then you lost me. That’s not Frontier’s problem, and they don’t do anything for you, except create the illusion that your connection is better because they lie to you and show you the connection to your host. But if you still have a crap connection to the VPN host, you still have a crap connection.
This update was a total failure. You broke almost everything. You broke outfitting (can't see the engineering on stored modules). You broke engineering. You broke mining. You tried to break instancing. You broke the codex. You broke VPNs. Fighters are still broken. Buying arx is broken. The arx prices were broken (not that I'm complaining on that one). You broke the wing UI.

And theres probably more you broke that we haven't discovered yet. Its mind boggling. How in the everloving frick did this get past QA. Do you even test things at all? Maybe you do and you just don't give a enough to fix it. Doesn't matter what the reason is though, you fricked up. Big time.

And this isn't the first time. April was really bad too. Beyond saw the removal of multiple types of missions because you were so bad at balancing them. If it was a one time I could dismiss it as just a mistake or accident, but its almost every update now. This many total failures of an update is inexcusable and shameful.

Shame on you fdev.

I played last night running passenger missions and doing some RES combat and didn't run into any issues BUT I didn't try anything you mentioned, and really appreciate you sharing these bugs with them!

Hopefully they will be fixed quickly.
Alright, so I've played plenty of games right around big patch drops. Stellaris, Civilization, Final Fantasy XIV, Minecraft, Titanfall 2, and so on. None of them are as bad as this. This is absolutely unacceptable quality control from FDev. My day job is a quality control engineer, if one of our suppliers gave us something this broken we would literally sue them.

My gold standard for "Excellent online game patch deployment" is the MMO Final Fantasy XIV's update this summer, Shadowbringers. There were no noticeable bugs, exploits, or issues. The deployment's only hiccups were the long wait times and a couple DDOS attacks. This is not "normal" this is straight up incompetence.
If I would screw just 1/4 of what FD is doing in my job, i ll get fired... What a nonsense we should be more lenient because it is a game... THAT we pay for... I ll be curious to seel shat to my customer and say no big deal, i ll fix it.
They do not care about the players. First of all, they think about saving. You have already bought the game and improvements - you are not interesting to us. Very good update and testing mechanics have EVE online and FFXIV.
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