FDev - Please Buff Combat instead of Nerfing Mining!

There was an article written (in the 70's) detailing the massacre that occured when an English 'Nobleman' was described to decimate the locals by murdering 9 of 10 people in the villages he 'visited' - it was that which sprang to mind...
The current definition is 1/10 to decimate (reduce by a large factor!) which seems at odds to the definition in my errant youth - although I don't remember the dinosaurs, before you ask...

Extra trivia: The Romans used that later definition. To 'decimate' a unit was to execute every 10th man in the formation.
Extra trivia: The Romans used that later definition. To 'decimate' a unit was to execute every 10th man in the formation.
Harsh... all because they didn't like strappy sandals...

I remember reading such in a book about Roman Britain (with your memory jog), Romans were very inventive when it came to inflicting suffering, maybe the original 'griefers' :unsure:
This thread raises another problem (as I see it) that is far greater than the possible mining nerf. That problem is the game's Influencers and the sheeple who blindly follow them. Do people actually realise that except for one or two (thinking of OA here mainly), the average Influencer has no more insight, no more access to the game than you or me. Yet because they record a clip and post it on You Tube, suddenly they are all knowledgeable, and whatever they say is treated like it is an official FD release directly from DBOBE himself.

I have no problem with Influencers, heck some of them are pretty damn good at what they do, but I also don't blindly accept what they say as 100 truthful. But I am beginning to suspect that some here do exactly that, then jump on the forums or reddit or whatever and start quoting the clip as being 100% accurate. It would stop a lot of the blind, rabid speculation and mis-information that crops up in the forum time to time.

But if it is on Youtube it must be true!

:D S
But if it is on Youtube it must be true!

:D S
You joke about it, but this actually seems to be a thing....

I seem to remember a website that claimed that the Panther Clipper was supposed to be coming in Beyond Q4. When it got to the forums, very few people gave it more than a passing glance before deciding that "no, it's probably not legit". However, the moment someone made a youtube video about the Panther Clipper coming in Beyond Q4 with their only source being the website that everyone had previously dismissed as being speculation (at best), several new threads were created (and continue to be created every so often) with links to the video by people who were convinced that the Panther Clipper was going to be making an appearance in Beyond Q4.

I honestly don't understand it.
You joke about it, but this actually seems to be a thing....

I seem to remember a website that claimed that the Panther Clipper was supposed to be coming in Beyond Q4. When it got to the forums, very few people gave it more than a passing glance before deciding that "no, it's probably not legit". However, the moment someone made a youtube video about the Panther Clipper coming in Beyond Q4 with their only source being the website that everyone had previously dismissed as being speculation (at best), several new threads were created (and continue to be created every so often) with links to the video by people who were convinced that the Panther Clipper was going to be making an appearance in Beyond Q4.

I honestly don't understand it.

Welcome to the Post-Information Age! If something is referenced it must be true as well, apparently. Doesn't matter if the reference is rubbish and/or just a pointer to something the same content creator said elsewhere.

:D S
Oh no....
I posted a 20 second odd clip onto youtube with the beta NS cones...
Does this make me an influenza? 😱
Depends Rat, did someone use your video in a wild speculative post that suggested Doom and Gloom for the game and quote your video as an authoritative source that is above reproach?

Large colourful fonts helps too. And if you can use filthy and hyperbolic language, you are sure to attract a good following.

:D S
Don't forget, put down the game and the developer as much as you like, then wipe the slate clean at the end by uttering the simple statement "but I still enjoy the game". That way you get all the doom and gloomers following you and you can disregard anyone who takes you to task as an over reacting White Knight because of your last statement :D
Nah, you need to either have voice commentary or subtitles. People can't figure out what you're trying to say unless you tell them directly :p
I could probably get Patreon followers to pay NOT to hear my voice... but I could nick one of the dog's squeaky toys... then would have both squeaky noises and an annoyed barker in the background :ROFLMAO: :ROFLMAO: :ROFLMAO:
Oh no....
I posted a 20 second odd clip onto youtube with the beta NS cones...
Does this make me an influenza? 😱
Mind posting a link here? I didn't get a chance to see the new cones animation during the beta, and I keep hearing about how cool they are but haven't been able to find a video showing them.
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