Fleet Carrier FAQ

If you pay for an extra account you get to refuel your FC while your main account is a long way away? Not sure where the winning comes in yet, I am sure it will come to me eventually.
Yep not done it myself but i gather an alt sits in a ship, buys from the hold then donates, boring gameplay if you ask me and unless its galactic fleet carrier racing no advantage at all. 🤷‍♂️

Yep not done it myself but i gather an alt sits in a ship, buys from the hold then donates, boring gameplay if you ask me and unless its galactic fleet carrier racing no advantage at all. 🤷‍♂️


And you still have to do the transfer. Seems like a lot of faff to me, and probably doesn't save much time compared to nipping back to your carrier.

I still don't understand why people need to automate a carrier so far away from them. Unless you're moving a DSSA carrier or something why are you so far from your carrier? Genuine question.
How is this even remotely pay to win? What are we winning?
If you pay for an extra account you get to refuel your FC while your main account is a long way away? Not sure where the winning comes in yet, I am sure it will come to me eventually.
Yep not done it myself but i gather an alt sits in a ship, buys from the hold then donates, boring gameplay if you ask me and unless its galactic fleet carrier racing no advantage at all. 🤷‍♂️
And you still have to do the transfer. Seems like a lot of faff to me, and probably doesn't save much time compared to nipping back to your carrier.

I still don't understand why people need to automate a carrier so far away from them. Unless you're moving a DSSA carrier or something why are you so far from your carrier? Genuine question.
Very simply, it's "pay to win" because by buying an alt you gain an FC-refuelling capability that normal players don't have. Puzzled that "how is it pay to win?" is even a question, tbh.
Disclaimer: I have done this but I don't remember ever actually using it thus far (after an initial test), and I no longer remember the password for the alt account :ROFLMAO:

And wrt "what's the need?": well, personally I bought the alt because I wanted to have the safety blanket of being able to move my carrier more than a few jumps without having to schlep all the way over to it, if one day I got separated from it for whatever reason. It was a very cheap alt, so I didn't lose much sleep over it. Since then, I've gotten the hang of neutron jumping so a couple of 10s of kly no longer worry me so much.

However, if your carrier is (or you want it to be) really far away then the on-board alt could save serious amounts of time and - crucially - free you up from having to be physically there to babysit it all the way from A to B - instead you can just connect a few times per hour to cue up the next jump and continue whatever vastly more exciting gameplay you're otherwise engaged in.
Having your main commander just sitting on a carrier doing nothing for say 40 carrier jumps (probably 14 hours of elapsed time, or a lot more if the hamsters are sulking) simply because you can only fuel it for 10-ish jumps at a time...? Now that's what I'd call boring, and that's exactly the bit that the pay-to-win people can choose to skip.

I imagine that at least some of the deep-space carriers have alts on board for fuelling but perhaps I'm wrong.
Very simply, it's "pay to win" because by buying an alt you gain an FC-refuelling capability that normal players don't have
Your having a giraffe, its not even close, you're not winning anything and everyone has access to refuelling via a ship whether on board or not.
Its not a race so what exactly are you winning? There is no advantage you are still having to manually fuel the tank.
Serious case of clutching at straws to try and push an agenda.

Very simply, it's "pay to win" because by buying an alt you gain an FC-refuelling capability that normal players don't have. Puzzled that "how is it pay to win?" is even a question, tbh.
Disclaimer: I have done this but I don't remember ever actually using it thus far (after an initial test), and I no longer remember the password for the alt account :ROFLMAO:

And wrt "what's the need?": well, personally I bought the alt because I wanted to have the safety blanket of being able to move my carrier more than a few jumps without having to schlep all the way over to it, if one day I got separated from it for whatever reason. It was a very cheap alt, so I didn't lose much sleep over it. Since then, I've gotten the hang of neutron jumping so a couple of 10s of kly no longer worry me so much.

However, if your carrier is (or you want it to be) really far away then the on-board alt could save serious amounts of time and - crucially - free you up from having to be physically there to babysit it all the way from A to B - instead you can just connect a few times per hour to cue up the next jump and continue whatever vastly more exciting gameplay you're otherwise engaged in.
Having your main commander just sitting on a carrier doing nothing for say 40 carrier jumps (probably 14 hours of elapsed time, or a lot more if the hamsters are sulking) simply because you can only fuel it for 10-ish jumps at a time...? Now that's what I'd call boring, and that's exactly the bit that the pay-to-win people can choose to skip.

I imagine that at least some of the deep-space carriers have alts on board for fuelling but perhaps I'm wrong.

Thanks for your answer but that’s not actually answering why people want to be so far away from their carrier all the time and “need” to automate it.

I explore with a carrier, I set it on its way while I go about my exploration. It runs out of fuel. I go to my carrier when convenient, mapping systems all the way, dump my data, swap ships and refuel.

The only real reason I can think of for wanting to do everything remotely is that you want to leave it in the bubble while you’re out and about doing something like PTN missions.

I do see how having to change ships is a pain, but not being within reasonable jumping distance of your carrier. And it’s something no-one has explained yet, just criticise those who think it’s okay as is.
Very simply, it's "pay to win" because by buying an alt you gain an FC-refuelling capability that normal players don't have.

As already stated, what are you winning? Once you explain that you will have a point. Right now what seems to be happening is you are paying extra money to do something I already do for free, so it seems to be play to lose!
Don't bother arguing. Literally any usage of money is pay to win. Even cosmetics: that midnight black paint job makes you harder to see, after all. The definition of "win" doesn't matter for some.
Thanks for your answer but that’s not actually answering why people want to be so far away from their carrier all the time and “need” to automate it.

I explore with a carrier, I set it on its way while I go about my exploration. It runs out of fuel. I go to my carrier when convenient, mapping systems all the way, dump my data, swap ships and refuel.

The only real reason I can think of for wanting to do everything remotely is that you want to leave it in the bubble while you’re out and about doing something like PTN missions.

I do see how having to change ships is a pain, but not being within reasonable jumping distance of your carrier. And it’s something no-one has explained yet, just criticise those who think it’s okay as is.
I'll say two more things on this topic and then I'll probably resume just playing the actual game for a while ;)

Firstly, to the motivation:
Given my particular situation, the next time I use this remote-fuelling capability might be when I get around to a dedicated chunk of exploring in the deep black, within a particular neighbourhood, and want my carrier around for a guaranteed ability to repair and cash in data, plus having the whole fleet around (e.g. canyon-running on newly discovered planets?). If/when I ever do this, I am loosely planning to move my carrier over there in advance of joining it. Let's say I send it 40 kly. Spansh says that would need 82 jumps for a heavy carrier, using over 10 kt of fuel, so more than 10 on-board refuellings, and a total trip duration of 27+ hours of game play (perhaps 60+ when the servers are busy).
If I were to do that without an alt I'd need to be on the vessel every 8-ish jumps to transfer fuel. If I instead get my alt to do it, I can enjoy the game as I please until the carrier is in position, then jump to it at 10+ kly/hour (I'm still a novice neutron jumper!), so after 4 hours of in-game time I'm with my carrier and can engage in the exploration. Of course I could explore along the way instead, but doing all of my exploration in "virgin-ish" territory would feel more valuable.
It's kind of the same story on the way home. Better still, I can jump back to the Bubble double-quick (e.g. if a new event happens, like just occurred in Sol) and let the carrier follow in its own time. This frees up dozens of hours of my time for each of the outward and return trips. Not a minor motivation, in my book, and I'm likely to give it a shot and see how it works out.

Secondly, here's a question to those who think it's OK as it is:
If FD added a button next week to transfer fuel, but said you had to unlock the button for 20,000 ARX, how would you feel about it? I think most players (including me) would be appalled, and I'm sure they'd be flamed all the way to Beagle Point for it ;)
My point is that this button is already available to anyone who buys an alt. It's not even hard or all that much faff (but admittedly it's enough initial set-up faff that I've never yet gotten around to making the process slick). I don't mind the money (I can't recall how much I paid for the alt, so it was probably less than £10); it's just odd that transferring fuel can't be done remotely but can be done with what appears to be an FD-sanctioned workaround that costs RL money. I suspect that not all players regard the cost of an alt as trivial.
If FD added a button next week to transfer fuel, but said you had to unlock the button for 20,000 ARX
Then one just have to do could-head math and calculate that it is about 16 USD ~= cost of purchase of alt account. Where is the win in that? BTW, what is win in ED[O] by itself?
Thanks for your answer but that’s not actually answering why people want to be so far away from their carrier all the time and “need” to automate it.
You expressed a desire in this post for people to explain their reasons for wanting a change, and saying that nobody had done so yet (not sure if that's the case, seems a little hard to believe nobody would have done so after well over 400 posts).
Given my particular situation, the next time I use this remote-fuelling capability might be when I get around to a dedicated chunk of exploring in the deep black, within a particular neighbourhood, and want my carrier around for a guaranteed ability to repair and cash in data, plus having the whole fleet around (e.g. canyon-running on newly discovered planets?). If/when I ever do this, I am loosely planning to move my carrier over there in advance of joining it.
I did so in the post quoted here, but you didn't comment yet on my reasons - do you think they are bogus?
You expressed a desire in this post for people to explain their reasons for wanting a change, and saying that nobody had done so yet (not sure if that's the case, seems a little hard to believe nobody would have done so after well over 400 posts).

I did so in the post quoted here, but you didn't comment yet on my reasons - do you think they are bogus?

I’m sorry did I not give you the personal attention that you clearly require. I mean, I’ve been so active on this thread since then, it must have been some kind of personal slight. 🙄

And yeah, it is a bit. It’s a total contrivance.

Why on earth would you want to move your carrier half way across the galaxy before joining it? That’s not keeping it close! In a large chunk of the galaxy it would be more expedient to head to a station in an emergency than head to your hypothetical carrier.
I’m sorry did I not give you the personal attention that you clearly require. I mean, I’ve been so active on this thread since then, it must have been some kind of personal slight. 🙄

And yeah, it is a bit. It’s a total contrivance.

Why on earth would you want to move your carrier half way across the galaxy before joining it? That’s not keeping it close! In a large chunk of the galaxy it would be more expedient to head to a station in an emergency than head to your hypothetical carrier.
Because you're are away from it, and want to move it, and the main tank is near to empty and you can't refuel it with your stock of tritium.

And don't reply me the funny thing about the fuel barge. I was a merchant seaman, I see a lot of fuel barge, I never see the owner of a cargo vessel travelling across the planet to refuel his cargo with a fuel barge.
Because you're are away from it, and want to move it, and the main tank is near to empty and you can't refuel it with your stock of tritium.

And don't reply me the funny thing about the fuel barge. I was a merchant seaman, I see a lot of fuel barge, I never see the owner of a cargo vessel travelling across the planet to refuel his cargo with a fuel barge.
Uh, excuse me. But don't you think you've answered your own question?
The tritium in the FC warehouse is just cargo, it is no fuel its cargo (as with cargo barges at sea). This cargo can only be transferred to another cargo bay of the ship and that's it.

Just do not ask me how the cargo (tritium) from the cargo compartment of the ship gets into the fuel tank of the FC, I think it's just a convention of the game, which in the ED a lot.
Uh, excuse me. But don't you think you've answered your own question?
The tritium in the FC warehouse is just cargo, it is no fuel its cargo (as with cargo barges at sea). This cargo can only be transferred to another cargo bay of the ship and that's it.

Just do not ask me how the cargo (tritium) from the cargo compartment of the ship gets into the fuel tank of the FC, I think it's just a convention of the game, which in the ED a lot.
If you can transfer the tritium as a cargo from a ship cargo bay to a fleet carrier depot, if the ship is docked at the fleet carrier, it's obvious that the same cargo transfer system can do the same thing beetween the fleet carrier cargo bay and tritium depot of the same fleet carrier. And this without the multi billonnaire owner of this expensive fleet carrier need to travel accross thousand ly and use a fuel barge do doing that.

I don't understand why people try to justify something that is obviously absurd to any people have a minimun of common sens. The only reason I found about that, is the fear of some player that can break the game with automated fleet carrier and only that.

Fear I think was not justified. Player want to automate ther FC just need to have a second account to doing that, and it's just a limitation that can't block him to automate all the other thing can be done remotly with a fleet carrier.
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If you can transfer the tritium as a cargo from a ship cargo bay to a fleet carrier depot, if the ship is docked at the fleet carrier, it's obvious that the same cargo transfer system can do the same think beetween the fleet carrier cargo bay and tritium depot of the same fleet carrier. And this without the multi billonnaire owner of this expensive fleet carrier need to travel accross thousand ly and use a fuel barge do doing that.

I don't understand why people try to justify something that is obviously absurd to any people have a minimun of common sens. The only reason I found about that, is the fear of some player that can break the game with automated fleet carrier and only that.

Fear I think was not justified. Player want to automate ther FC just need to have a second account to doing that, and it's just a limitation that can't block him to automate all the other thing can be done remotly with a fleet carrier.
I know what you mean.
I wrote this to show you why ships at sea are not refueled from cargo fuel barges.

I'm always in favor of more variety in the game, especially if it doesn't interfere with other players.

Personally, I would remove this service (tritium refueling) from the FC, why is it necessary? What is the extra space in me FC? Fuel is immediately taken from the cargo bay of the FC and that's it. You dump fuel there, others sell you fuel. The usual logic and nothing else.

P.S.For those who don't quite get my point, it just might be an additional fuel service that is put in as a service on the FC. They will charge you for each transfer of fuel from the cargo bay to the FC fuel tank, essentially just raising the price of each jump.
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