Fleet Carriers: not a new speculation post, just a feedback request to FDEV on major points


I wouldn't expect FCs to have a jump range in excess of 100 LY, otherwise they'll become a 'must have' for exploration.

I dunno.

500Ly and then the need to collect, say, 500 Selenium to refuel it could put a serious crimp in your plans for exploration. ;)


And if somebody's willing to do that to get to a new system, good luck to 'em. (y)
I wouldn't expect FCs to have a jump range in excess of 100 LY, otherwise they'll become a 'must have' for exploration.
Unless they only move on the server ticks once a day or something. 500 is nothing in a day, but still useful if you want to move a number of different ships at once.
i would like to know if we will have differents size in fleet carriers. A squadron of 5 do not need 16 landing pads.
maybe 3 size would be nice, small (8 landing pads) medium (12) large (16)
Would be cool if the carriers were modular and you could increase or decrease the size depending on your squadron roster.
1. ...... or can they be used also by single players as a moving base for their own fleet?

Urghhhhhh.. 🤮

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Question 1 is a false dichotomy, as one player in Solo can form a squadron. So they can be limited to squadrons and be available to solo players.

Also, having reviewed what was said about refuelling, they can jump when they have enough of a "resource", not a "material" (which of course has a specific meaning in ED). That resource might be a purchasable commodity, and might be hydrogen, we don't know.

They also might not have a "jumprange", because they are likely to have a hyperdrive rather than a FSD. What little we know about hyperdrives suggests they work very differently, allowing long but time-consuming voyages in witchspace. Jacques went from the Bubble to Colonia in one jump (duration unknown), and ship transfer is supposedly done by megaship.
I wouldn't expect FCs to have a jump range in excess of 100 LY, otherwise they'll become a 'must have' for exploration.

Or the "resource cost" to jumping includes engineer materials dropped from killing ships, just like they sabotaged heatsink synthesis for explorers. :(
Question 1 is a false dichotomy, as one player in Solo can form a squadron. So they can be limited to squadrons and be available to solo players.

Also, having reviewed what was said about refuelling, they can jump when they have enough of a "resource", not a "material" (which of course has a specific meaning in ED). That resource might be a purchasable commodity, and might be hydrogen, we don't know.

They also might not have a "jumprange", because they are likely to have a hyperdrive rather than a FSD. What little we know about hyperdrives suggests they work very differently, allowing long but time-consuming voyages in witchspace. Jacques went from the Bubble to Colonia in one jump (duration unknown), and ship transfer is supposedly done by megaship.

The question is very specific, if you can have them as a single solo player you don't need to form a Squadron. Also the fact that you need a squadron implies also certain requirement and limitation which are not submitted to a single player (for example a squadron could not allow ship transfer, instead a personal fleet base could allow this).
Concerning the jump range, in game we have right now megaships with a 500 ly range. So the question is if these have the same type of drive or something different.
I didn't want to clutter this thread up given it WAS for a serious discussion rather than hype train caboos speculation.... But, since that ships already sailed, while I was out doing the gardening, I was wondering about solo carriers, if they are available to solo players, what would stop individuals players buying them then joining a squadron, endowing their new squadron with yet another carrier?
I didn't want to clutter this thread up given it WAS for a serious discussion rather than hype train caboos speculation.... But, since that ships already sailed, while I was out doing the gardening, I was wondering about solo carriers, if they are available to solo players, what would stop individuals players buying them then joining a squadron, endowing their new squadron with yet another carrier?

There will almost certainly be a limit of one Carrier per squadron, and there's already a limit of one squadron per CMDR. So if you have a Carrier, you have your own squadron, which disbands if you leave (if you were the only member). You'd lose your Carrier.


Not necessarily. If the rumour is true that materials will be needed to refuel a FC rather than docking (too big) or scooping then that would put the kibosh on exploration. Would anyone want to risk their shiny, new FC jumping to a system not knowing if there are planets with the required raw mats to refuel?

That's why squadrons would prob send a few of their ships to that star system to scout for fuel stars or threats before Big Mama jumps in.
It's only logical, right?
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