Fleet Carriers - Patch 3 - Known Issues

Greetings Commanders,

Thanks for your feedback on the latest patch! We understand that some of the changes had unexpected effects and want to address them:

Overlapping Hotspots Commodity Distribution
With Patch 3 we implemented a change that was primarily intended to bring down the effects of multiple overlapping hotspots, especially on rarer commodities (such as Low Temperature Diamonds). We're currently looking at data from the live game to determine the actual impact that it is having and will review this based on our projections. If the data does not meet our expectations we will be making changes accordingly.

One of the most noted points of feedback we've seen so far is that the rarity of Tritium has been negatively impacted. We'd like to make it clear that any negative impact on locating and mining Tritium is unintentional and the intention is for Tritium to remain as accessible as it was prior to Patch 3.

Limited Purchasing on Fleet Carriers
Fleet Carrier purchase orders are now limited to a maximum order of 2bn Credits. This was omitted from the patch notes and we apologise for any confusion this has caused.

Console Players
A small update will take place tomorrow around midday for Xbox and Playstation users. This update won't contain any noticeable changes, but lays the groundwork for future bug fixes.

Finally, we would like to thank you all for your great feedback, we have been listening and watching and we appreciate your patience and support.

o7 Commanders.
Mining Tritium has been cut by 50%. Before the patch it was 1Ton per limpet now it is 0.5 ton per limpet. Not doing anything until it is fixed. Fired off 100 limpets and not one sign of tritium in a so called Hot spot. Get it fixed
Greetings Commanders,

Thanks for your feedback on the latest patch! We understand that some of the changes had unexpected effects and want to address them:

Overlapping Hotspots Commodity Distribution
With Patch 3 we implemented a change that was primarily intended to bring down the effects of multiple overlapping hotspots, especially on rarer commodities (such as Low Temperature Diamonds). We're currently looking at data from the live game to determine the actual impact that it is having and will review this based on our projections. If the data does not meet our expectations we will be making changes accordingly.

One of the most noted points of feedback we've seen so far is that the rarity of Tritium has been negatively impacted. We'd like to make it clear that any negative impact on locating and mining Tritium is unintentional and the intention is for Tritium to remain as accessible as it was prior to Patch 3.

Limited Purchasing on Fleet Carriers
Fleet Carrier purchase orders are now limited to a maximum order of 2bn Credits. This was omitted from the patch notes and we apologise for any confusion this has caused.

Console Players
A small update will take place tomorrow around midday for Xbox and Playstation users. This update won't contain any noticeable changes, but lays the groundwork for future bug fixes.

Finally, we would like to thank you all for your great feedback, we have been listening and watching and we appreciate your patience and support.

o7 Commanders.
Please get someone to tell us about VR going forward we know it's not going to be a on Odyessy at first will it be available in the future ? If so when? Or if FD is done with VR say that as well.
Fired off 100 limpets and not one sign of tritium in a so called Hot spot. Get it fixed

Lol, go check an LTD hotspot - out of 90 prospected asteroids i found a single asteroid with more than 20% LTD as primary material, but multiple asteroids with either tritium or water in percentages over 16% as primary material.

TL: DR you'll find more tritium in an LTD hotspot than you will find LTD in the same LTD hotspot
Limited Purchasing on Fleet Carriers
Fleet Carrier purchase orders are now limited to a maximum order of 2bn Credits. This was omitted from the patch notes and we apologise for any confusion this has caused.

Why on earth anyone would think its good idea. How????? Only reason i can think of is because devs couldnt fix some overflow but i refuse to believe that too.

Oh, here we have some explanation, lets see...
Players with unlimited funds were putting buy orders up too close to the maximum possible sell price, like for 20000 ltds at 1.5mil
Modestly rich players couldn't compete with those prices, and after sucking up all the diamonds those carriers were able to see a profit through sheer volume alone.
A 2bil buffer is probably what most carrier pilots are sitting on so everyone has a better chance of competing. The ultra rich can still pull the same tactic but they can no longer set and forget it.
How "Modestly rich players couldn't compete with those prices"?
You mentioned LTD 1.5 mil. Is that price "modestly rich players" cant compete????
100k-200k profit per tone by doing NOTHING is so bad that poor carrier owners cant compete? Gimme a break.

I'm carrier owner, with like 4Bn and was doing fine, and i didnt put carrier in mining system itself.
Just put your carrier in inara/name it properly and there will always be someone who will deliver. Unless u are just greedy and want get 400k profit per tone.

I mean u already have carrier u dont need money, so if u get 10k per tonne (hell, trading trit i had like 6k/t) and you enjoy that it should be enough!
Why on earth yearning for so much more. Oh and then complain that noone wanna sell stuff to you. So instead trying to compete and enjoy simulated capitalism u are satisified with artificial limits.

Btw such limit mean there is no reason to have more than 2bn. I mean prior to that u could have a goal - reaching capability to set order for FC full of LTD.
<rant off>

PS 2Bn = 1333 LTD assuming 100k/t profit = 133Mln. And that is not enough for you, given the fact you consider it as price hard to compete with. Gimme a break.
Also all this rant assumes we had miners + market as prior to FC patch 3. I guess FC trading will surely be slowed down as infinite demand is no more.
Ppl had fun with hauling stuff between stations/carriers, not is no more cause realism + some whiners having problem with others getting too much. I mean yeah wealth growth was too fast but now when markets are so dynamic it might be next to impossible for FCs and haulers to sync together. Hopefully they will greatly slow down market.
However, mapped mining might still save the day in a close double - that is for people that can do mapped mining (i personally can't stand it)

I can't stand it either, primarily because IT IS NOT A MECHANIC OF THE GAME, nor is there any aspect of the game that allows for spreadsheeting locations. For as much as I can appreciate its efficiency, it is time consuming, and practically ruins the element of immersion for me. This is what the player base is left with though? A workaround that not everyone enjoys, and the burden of it placed on the players. I mean am I missing something in the pursuit of successful game development, in that a game should be entertaining to play, as well as immersive, and engaging? Or am I just being way off base? I wish this code was written in stone, when stuff like this last patch surfaces, because then it would force the game designers to be more responsible with long term goals of of the game, as well as not changing existing function, but enhancing it instead. These patches just seem riddled with regression.
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So, I now have an Orange Sidewinder error each time I attempt to use Frame Shift Drive. I literally cannot travel anywhere now. Congrats FDev, you have broken the damn game for me. A game I had loved. This is getting really lame.
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Speaking as a professional dev with 37+ years of coding experience, it is now pretty clear that we've established that it IS utter incompetence on the part of your Dev teams and QC that they keep rolling out broken patch after broken patch after broken patch. Please explain how such a thoroughly broken implementation managed to get past both dev-testing AND through a QC cycle? This is not the first time you have completely broken the game, though it is, admittedly, the most extreme.

Here's the thing... how is it, that without the benefit of access to the code or the algorithms used to generate these rings, that miners from /r/eliteminers on Reddit can gather data and generate graphs that show just how severely broken this patch is in a matter of hours and yet your own dev team WITH access to the code AND the full details of the procedural code can't figure out how badly they broke things? There's something seriously wrong with your teams. Maybe you should consider closed betas that allow the miners to black box analyse your systems prior to release? Just a thought.

One last thought: GET YOUR S**T IN ORDER.

Absolutely spot on Cmdr!
What shame they will ignore, and not even have the decency to respond to your very valid points.
The salt is strong on this thread/patch. I understand why and I'm a little disappointed there hasn't been a fix yet or, at least, a "we see the problem and there'll be a resolution in a short while".

Mind you, it IS the weekend now...
Fleet Carrier purchase orders are now limited to a maximum order of 2bn Credits. This was omitted from the patch notes and we apologise for any confusion this has caused.
why tho?

We're currently looking at data from the live game to determine the actual impact that it is having and will review this based on our projections.
why not testing a patch? ED is not in beta no?

Finally, we would like to thank you all for your great feedback, we have been listening and watching and we appreciate your patience and support.
feedback doesn't matter in the end, if you draw false conclusions.. we still don't know why fdev is completely immune to things concerning "balance", since years..
Mind you, it IS the weekend now...
Oh, you meen when more players want to play the game with the new gameplay but can't do it because the nerf hammer hit a nuke and destoryed everything in the neighborhood? Yeah, it IS the weekend.

When I work on larger software, you either rollback a big mistake or deploy a fix for it immediately (same day at least). You do not leave the users unable to use a large portion of the software during the weekend/several days.
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Oh, you meen when more players want to play the game with the new gameplay but can't do it because the nerf hammer hit a nuke and destoryed everything in the neighborhood? Yeah, it IS the weekend.

When I work on larger software, you either rollback a big mistake or deploy a fix for it immediately (same day at least). You do not leave the users unable to use a large portion of the software during the weekend/several days.

Well yeah. I've worked plenty of weekends when patches or system-wide upgrades went bye-bye, even though they were exhaustively tested. Why did it go wrong then? Oops, we deployed the wrong, untested version live.

That said, I don't profess to know FDEV's working practices; may be it's company policy not to push code live at the weekend.
Just spent a couple of hours in a single void opal hotspot now, after my 100 limpits in the triple LTD yesterday. 150 limpits searching for hotrocks and mining them.

My LTDs rose from 9 to 20, so about as effective as the triple LTD hotspot.

Tritium rose from 22 to 77, so more effective than the triple LTD hotspot.

I also picked up 11 Grandidierite from the only non Bromilite core found, although as that created 13 indestructible Grandidierite surface deposits it wasn't as good as it could have been.

As I expected following "Michael Barrymore" nerf though, zero void opals in the void opal hotspot.
Why on earth anyone would think its good idea. How????? Only reason i can think of is because devs couldnt fix some overflow but i refuse to believe that too.

Oh, here we have some explanation, lets see...

How "Modestly rich players couldn't compete with those prices"?
You mentioned LTD 1.5 mil. Is that price "modestly rich players" cant compete????
100k-200k profit per tone by doing NOTHING is so bad that poor carrier owners cant compete? Gimme a break.

I'm carrier owner, with like 4Bn and was doing fine, and i didnt put carrier in mining system itself.
Just put your carrier in inara/name it properly and there will always be someone who will deliver. Unless u are just greedy and want get 400k profit per tone.

I mean u already have carrier u dont need money, so if u get 10k per tonne (hell, trading trit i had like 6k/t) and you enjoy that it should be enough!
Why on earth yearning for so much more. Oh and then complain that noone wanna sell stuff to you. So instead trying to compete and enjoy simulated capitalism u are satisified with artificial limits.

Btw such limit mean there is no reason to have more than 2bn. I mean prior to that u could have a goal - reaching capability to set order for FC full of LTD.
<rant off>

PS 2Bn = 1333 LTD assuming 100k/t profit = 133Mln. And that is not enough for you, given the fact you consider it as price hard to compete with. Gimme a break.
Also all this rant assumes we had miners + market as prior to FC patch 3. I guess FC trading will surely be slowed down as infinite demand is no more.
Ppl had fun with hauling stuff between stations/carriers, not is no more cause realism + some whiners having problem with others getting too much. I mean yeah wealth growth was too fast but now when markets are so dynamic it might be next to impossible for FCs and haulers to sync together. Hopefully they will greatly slow down market.

It's not about the amount we can make, one of the main reasons for buying Cmdr's diamonds is saving them travelling 100's of LY's ... and its been extremely popular or we wouldn't be doing it, and if people want to compete then the best way is to offer the same price and buy less (just like you said for owners) and slowly with each new order/sale run they can offer to buy more etc it's how I started, no point trying to low ball and complain you cant sell any (not you personally).
Safe close delivery, 0% tariff on R,R,R, being able to compete with the stations was to give Cmdrs a fair price for their efforts, I didn't feel right trying to buy @ 500k p/tn it was a rip off to miners, So I didn't start buying until I could offer a good price.
A lot of us are content to redistribute our credits, offering more during a low market price really made me feel like we were able to keep good profits rolling in for people who hadnt yet got their carriers or just happy to not have to go far to get a lower price than a couple of days before. And in turn we then have to wait ourselves for the price to go up again which could take some time before we can get those credits back, pockets are not endless and would take about 28bn to fill up, and it takes HOURS to deliver so many or it can do for me I'm disabled, but its worth the risk, I was then planning to kit it up with the other services and do the same again.

For me the 2bn limit isn't about profits earned, its about unnecessary micromanagement. It hasn't stopped me filling up, it's just slowed it down a bit, and to be honest if that's given the Cmdr/Carrier market a bit more 'of the moment' choice then that IS a good thing I just feel it would have been better to fix the number you can order not the price it's backwards IMHO. The feeling is though that this limit was introduced because they couldn't fix the code properly so had to hack in a hard-coded value to force it to behave as they want it too, and yes as a coder sometimes that is needed until you can fix it the right way or rewrite it entirely, not as a way to limit the Carriers from making huge orders. As usual FDev drop it in quietly and with no further info released.

o7 Cmdr
So am I right in thinking that the last month spent mapping hotspots from Barnards to the guardian sites has been a complete waste of time because all my data is useless as they have all changed?
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