Patch Notes Fleet Carriers Update - Patch 4 Patch Notes

Yeh, I know...still counting time to mine, it is possible to FSS like 100-200ly around.

So, all it takes to ruin your plan is one unexpected "side" jump in FC.

And the only sensible order is first scanning, then mining, what makes attempts to "stay ahead" even more futile.
So, FC is NOT a "quick" deep space exploration tool.
How does it make FCs "generally" broken?
Also if memory serves - your carrier that you are 'exploring' with is fully loaded with Tritium PURCHASED from the BUBBLE

The isuse raised by FDev was mining Tritium and supply problems in Colonia

So i'm not sure what you have to contribute as you are clearly in a position to sidestep the 'trituim bug'
So, all it takes to ruin your plan is one unexpected "side" jump in FC.

And the only sensible order is first scanning, then mining, what makes attempts to "stay ahead" even more futile.
Nobody said it will be easy 1 day go :) That should be careful planed operation. Jump with carrier or so.
Not sure of your maths. My exploraconda below does 70Ly per jump fully laden. Each refuel/jump takes 1 minute approx. A carrier can only make 1 jump every 20 minutes. So by the time the carrier has jumped 500Ly my Conda can jump 1,400Ly.

I said including scans. You do FSS on the go, and sometimes DSS.
Also something not right there, I do 72ly with full fuel and SLF installed. If remove SLF and empty slot - 76+ly. With 16t extra fuel - 74ly.
And I think I have more defence, have better shield and guardian shield booster.
And that is not limit, can do more if visit Colonia engees.
Yeh, I know...still counting time to mine, it is possible to FSS like 100-200ly around.

Currently I stay ca 500-1000ly behind/away FC scanning systems in my Phantom.
What makes picking FC as an approximation of what I am scanning useless.
And If I ever see your name, I will start exploring in path more or less parallel to the path of FC.
This would force you to scan a corridor 1000x1000ly wide.
GL with that.
So basically everybody want be FC same as Cobra? They cannot equip all repairs to some small ship like Cobra, but want agility of Cobra, that's why everybody want FC to move as slow as Cobra so they get exploring in Cobra style but with full repairs like Anaconda can do? Nice plan.
And why can't I ask to have same speed style as Anaconda do? Why is it bad? Just don't use it.

I said 'for better or worse, I'm not judging', anyway...
An exploconda will always be better, if not, what's the point spending hundreds of millions in discovery ships ?
A 'vanilla' sidewinder with basic exploration modules (fuel scoop and shield not required) would be sufficient to explore everyhere with your carrier.
That would be unfair in many ways.
I said 'for better or worse, I'm not judging', anyway...
An exploconda will always be better, if not, what's the point spending hundreds of millions in discovery ships ?
A 'vanilla' sidewinder with basic exploration modules (fuel scoop and shield not required) would be sufficient to explore everyhere with your carrier.
That would be unfair in many ways.
Same as unfair to delivery 25000t of cargo to sale point or collect rare commodities without having to jump 150ly to engee.
Also if memory serves - your carrier that you are 'exploring' with is fully loaded with Tritium PURCHASED from the BUBBLE

The isuse raised by FDev was mining Tritium and supply problems in Colonia

So i'm not sure what you have to contribute as you are clearly in a position to sidestep the 'trituim bug'

I feel like in endless

loop infinity
{send "Colonia Tritium supply, LASER mining Tritium and LTD are broken. Rest if mining has changed but still gives reasonable yields if you know where to mine and you choose right tools for the job"}
Same as unfair to delivery 25000t of cargo to sale point or collect rare commodities without having to jump 150ly to engee.
First thing I did after purchasing FC on new account.
Was getting the
...any way, just want final solution eventually. Awaiting kills. Then can decide if trash it or use it.
After beta state it was usable. Because ltd-to-trit was like 1 to 200 ratio of time spent. So it was like 1 day for 65000ly which was ok.
Now it is not.
I feel like in endless

loop infinity
{send "Colonia Tritium supply, LASER mining Tritium and LTD are broken. Rest if mining has changed but still gives reasonable yields if you know where to mine and you choose right tools for the job"}
You are in this thread lording about with a belly full of Purchased Tritium

There is no reasonable way of Mining Tritium, i'll loop infinity for you
10 Print "There is no reasonable way of Mining Tritium"
20 goto 10

Because... if there WAS a reasonable way to mine Trituim you would NOT have Purchased it!

Can someone call a Doctor?
Nope still broken

What way is that? Can opener?

Because they DID say Solo Explorers specifically

Nope still broken
So you need to read more carefully "Tritium SSD mining is not broken (by the patch)" - this sentence of mine is in this thread several times, and this is my context.
And I stand by this as true.

Because they DID say Solo Explorers specifically
Did they say "ANY kind of explorers, even those who want to fly 60.000 ly on one tank ?"
...actually I think it was something like next story:

Last autumn they changed old vision to carriers, including for exploration. It was build to transport middle-sized expeditions, like 16 cmdrs at once (amount of pads is a hint).
So as expedition gathers they had to fund upkeep, put miner ships.
Next on beta they figured that many commanders can afford buying it. Here managers/directors stepped in with "good, if each 1 can buy carrier, each 1 can buy arx for that".
Here they added UC to allow solo use, and made tritium x2.

Next what happened we all know. However, once it is supposed to be solo used now - current trit x2 is not enough. 100 man * hrs for 65000 is too much.
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