Friends Market

Make pages in the animal market; Public, Friends.

When you place an animal on the market; the first 5-10 minutes, only visible to friends; so that your friends can buy it first, if they need it; after those 5-10 minutes it becomes public.

This option is only recognizable with a checkmark such as: First Friends (as long, as you have not checked this; check mark, it will go public immediately).

And of course outside of everything, you can also just see what friends have placed in the market. To ensure that those pages are useful.
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Friend market would be a bad idea IMO. This encourages illegal trades (money) and can lead to good animals staying off the public market
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Everyone is allowed to post on the forum. I'm sure it's helpful to Frontier to hear all opinions :)
Ok, sorry; I removed that part; and for that, i have edited my post.

Woah, that last sentence was kinda harsh. I take that someone once disagreed with your idea disrespectfully?
I have never discussed this idea with anyone before and it wasn't meant to be that way either. But i have removed that part.
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Friend market would be a bad idea IMO. This encourages illegal trades (money) and can lead to good animals staying off the public market
I already expected this reaction; If you and your friends are on a call, then you can just arrange when you receive it.

So in the end, it comes in the same way you indicate it: illegal trades (money).

So it's not illegal trading. Because in the end, you discuss it nicely with your friends; if your friends don't need it; you can just sell it public, to others. Only now do you have to be very fast; before it's gone of course.
I wasnt talking about you and your friends. Im sure you will use it as its supposed to. But there are others that might abuse the system.
Yes to friends market. I'd love to start breeding projects with friends, instead of paying ridicolous prices to other players. While it might include the problem of animals illeagl sold to players for real life currency. However, honestly, I don't think this would be a long term problem. And not a big one. I don't think Planet Zoo appeals to hard core achievment gamers.
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