[FSD] Add Star Class to Jump display

So to summarise. Let's make the game as unfriendly to the player as possible. Any suggestion for improvement should be outlawed and the game account suspended. Why not...

I agree with OP, this would be very nice addition, I missed that information few times myself and would like to see it more permanently displayed...

The info is already there, nobodies fault but the pilot if they miss it. I have no problem with adding things to the game, just a problem with things that already exist. The less FDev mess with the code, the less issues there are.

Having run into the exclusion zone of a black hole because I missed the perishable message and, as a result, neglected to zero my throttle, probably has something to do with it.

I've been dumped into a superhot zone in the midst of a trinary system, I barely escaped, but I don't feel I need to be warned about it, just an oddity to be aware of while out in the black.
The info is already there, nobodies fault but the pilot if they miss it. I have no problem with adding things to the game, just a problem with things that already exist. The less FDev mess with the code, the less issues there are.

I've been dumped into a superhot zone in the midst of a trinary system, I barely escaped, but I don't feel I need to be warned about it, just an oddity to be aware of while out in the black.

This, as an explorer there is no reason to NOT be running heat sinks as well to dump heat in case of something like this, i have had it happen before as well, its not a big deal, OH NO im between two stars and buring up, pop heat sink fly away problem sovled
Was asking myself again today why is this not implemented yet. I had some other infos displayed at the same time & missed the star type
And lot & lot of people against any change on this forum even as tiny as this one... Is the code on this game so bad that you fear a small change like this one will mess it up all ? Well I can't disagree with that actually.
Was asking myself again today why is this not implemented yet. I had some other infos displayed at the same time & missed the star type
And lot & lot of people against any change on this forum even as tiny as this one... Is the code on this game so bad that you fear a small change like this one will mess it up all ? Well I can't disagree with that actually.
Because its not needed, ED is a space sim game, people play this game because they enjoy that type of game. Having all these changes reduces the immersion of space sim.

It would be like taking a flight sim game and saying lets remove a bunch of the complex tasks you need to do in order to take off and land, so that the game does all taht for you and you just take off and land. Your taking out the point of why people play Flight sim games.

These little changes take away the point of why we are playing a space sim game.

On top of that, its literally already in the game, you initiate a FSD jump its going to tell you what the star you are jumping too, HELL iirc if you have a route plot it will even tell you what the next start type in in the route when you get to the system, and it will even warn you when its the last fuel star in a route.
Because its not needed, ED is a space sim game, people play this game because they enjoy that type of game. Having all these changes reduces the immersion of space sim.

It would be like taking a flight sim game and saying lets remove a bunch of the complex tasks you need to do in order to take off and land, so that the game does all taht for you and you just take off and land. Your taking out the point of why people play Flight sim games.

These little changes take away the point of why we are playing a space sim game.

On top of that, its literally already in the game, you initiate a FSD jump its going to tell you what the star you are jumping too, HELL iirc if you have a route plot it will even tell you what the next start type in in the route when you get to the system, and it will even warn you when its the last fuel star in a route.

So this change will kill the space sim game genre, but at the same time it's already in the game. Thank you and btw less trolling, more flying space ship please.
So this change will kill the space sim game genre
Thats hyperbolic, stop that, i did not say that, nor did i ever suggest that, nor did i even suggest it would kill ED.
What i said it it removes from the immersion of the game, and that the feature already exists in the game.

Lack of of using in game features, that literally already do this, is not an excuse to add more obvious ones.
Read your hud.
Thats hyperbolic, stop that, i did not say that, nor did i ever suggest that, nor did i even suggest it would kill ED.
What i said it it removes from the immersion of the game, and that the feature already exists in the game.

Lack of of using in game features, that literally already do this, is not an excuse to add more obvious ones.
Read your hud.

It just kill me to see so many CMDR opposed to even the tiniest change like this one. I never saw this kind of behavior in any other game, is it because it is played by a lot of old people from the first elite, and the average age is greater than for many other games ? This suggestion forum is as good as dead anyway, and I don't see any of those implemented in the game ever. But it's still fun to discuss about what could be done, and yet so many are against everything
I never saw this kind of behavior in any other game
Because its a Sim game, people dont like sims having more of the things that make them sims removed from the game. Its the "Death by 1000 paper cuts" thing, change this little thing, then this little thing, then this, then next thing you know, you get a watered down version of the game that the original crew that started playing it no longer recognize

is it because it is played by a lot of old people from the first elite, and the average age is greater than for many other games ?
No, its because of above.

his suggestion forum is as good as dead anyway, and I don't see any of those implemented in the game ever.
Because most of the suggestions are bad, some of them do, but they are the ones that collectively address a real issue of the game.
This is not a real issue in the game, because as i have said, and others have as well.

This already exists, failure to use the hud, is not the fault of the hud, its the fault of the CMDR not looking at their interments.
Its the same thing jumping to a star that you cant fuel at, and you are out of fuel to jump, thats not the games fault, thats the CMDR fault for not reading their interments and map.
It just kill me to see so many CMDR opposed to even the tiniest change like this one. I never saw this kind of behavior in any other game, is it because it is played by a lot of old people from the first elite, and the average age is greater than for many other games ? This suggestion forum is as good as dead anyway, and I don't see any of those implemented in the game ever. But it's still fun to discuss about what could be done, and yet so many are against everything

No, because I have seen hundreds or even thousands of "demands" for tiny little changes and these add up, eventually, to a lot of work and add irrelevant and entirely unnecessary stuff to the display. Do you expect FDEV to implement every "tiny little change" demanded by a user, even though the same information is available in 3 or 4 different places and ways?

I am sure FDEV sees requests like this and thinks, "well we already tell them in 3 different places."
No, because I have seen hundreds or even thousands of "demands" for tiny little changes and these add up, eventually, to a lot of work and add irrelevant and entirely unnecessary stuff to the display. Do you expect FDEV to implement every "tiny little change" demanded by a user, even though the same information is available in 3 or 4 different places and ways?

I am sure FDEV sees requests like this and thinks, "well we already tell them in 3 different places."

This. holy crap 100% this.
Yet this one is still relevant, since as stated above, by a failure of HUD (too many different information displayed at the same time) you can miss this one, and it's not displayed anywhere else (unlike star system name displayed 4 times)
Yet this one is still relevant, since as stated above, by a failure of HUD (too many different information displayed at the same time) you can miss this one, and it's not displayed anywhere else (unlike star system name displayed 4 times)
Its literally not though, it stays on your hud for 10 seconds which is more then enough time to glance up at the corner of your screen to read it.
I use a massive 49" Ultra wide monitor and if i can jump, and manage to have to turn my head to look at the upper corner of my screen, there is literally no excuse for anyone else to not see it.

Failure to use your hud, is not a problem with the game, its a problem with the CMDR.
Well you two gave your tought about this change, and 34 other gave their, saying they would like this to happen. This forum need a dislike bouton but for now you're underwhelmed. Be glad tho this still won't happen
What a lot of aggro against a little suggestion. How about a compromise - let's swap the "anarchy press J to abort" message into the upper right text message and swap the star type into the middle, where that wording was and let's face it a much more sensible place, especially out in the black.

(Edited a typo)
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Familiar with this kind of alert ? If you get two or three at a time, and it happend a lot, you can be unable to see the info panel for 10 to 15s, missing entirely the star info we're talking about. HUD failure.


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Familiar with this kind of alert ? If you get two or three at a time, and it happend a lot, you can be unable to see the info panel for 10 to 15s, missing entirely the star info we're talking about. HUD failure.

And yet that only comes up after the jump and honk. It has never stopped me seeing the star info because I honk while I am scooping and while the FSD is cooling down. By the time FSD has cooled down ready for the next jump, if indeed I am ready to jump, that's all done with. While we are here what else would you like added to the HUD;

I know this has come up several times but will you Dev's please add, somewhere near the throttle, an indicator showing weather the ship is in reverse or forward.
This would be very helpful in combat situations.....o7

Right now, one has to open the left side panel, switch to the contacts tab and select the correct contact after using the kill warrant scanner on someone. I think the scan results should be on the small lower left HUD panel along with the other target information (ship type, name, wanted status, ...)

It would be great if we could have the time-to-target readout (like 0:06 or whatever) repeated on the Speed/Distance panel at bottom left.

Add a Hardpoints HUD indicator that lights up if your Hardpoints are deployed, positioned below the indicators for landing gear, mass lock and cargo scoop. I think this could help new players and old.

This set would be detailed data about the current main star and while the FSD is charging and while in hyperspace it would display the next star in the jump route. The information would be the stellar classification, the spectral subclass, the luminosity subclass, the surface temperature, and the size

Along with this, I'd like to recommend they write "scoopable" or "not scoopable". I'm tired of trying to remember which star is which when I go exploring! It tells me what kind of star is coming up next, and I know the computer knows if it's scoopable or not already... just tell me on the stinky display lol

That's just a selection, why should your change get priority over all these others? Why is your change more important than all these others?
It is on the hud already I, i really dont get how you dont see this, it sticks around in the upper corner for a while, telling you what class star.

Hell if the system followes the naming convetion you dont even need to see the message on the hud, you can tell just from the same. Like the screen shot above,

SD-Y is your star classification, its a sub dwarf brown star. You literally can just see that from the name in the screen shot.
Yes, not all naming conventions follow that, IE the HIP HIC star Catalog. The problem here is its just a feature that does not need to be in the game.....because its already in the game in multiple ways, if you as a player fail to utilize the very obvious and clear star type indication, thats not a problem with the game.....that's literally a just read your hud.

I just tried it, after selecting target you get 10 seconds for the message in the top right corner right after you initiate the FSD charge up, thats a very long time to simply look at the corner of your screen and read a single letter.

How much attention do you pay to the Info scroll when you are in combat?

As I said before to someone else, your entire argument is predicated on the premise that there is nothing else occupying your time, or on the premise that you'd be looking at other resources when you miss the perishable data. Yes, the information is in the game, but it is not accessible in the circumstances where this request asks for it.

Go find yourself an overwhelming situation with your most expensive ship, high wake out, and then come back and tell us how interested you were in the Info feed while you were trying to save yourself the cost of a rebuy.
How much attention do you pay to the Info scroll when you are in combat?

As I said before to someone else, your entire argument is predicated on the premise that there is nothing else occupying your time, or on the premise that you'd be looking at other resources when you miss the perishable data. Yes, the information is in the game, but it is not accessible in the circumstances where this request asks for it.

Go find yourself an overwhelming situation with your most expensive ship, high wake out, and then come back and tell us how interested you were in the Info feed while you were trying to save yourself the cost of a rebuy.

Even in the middle of a jump it's quite possible to tell what sort of star you are jumping to. For instance we had a complaint that someone hit the exclusion zone of a black hole because they didn't see the message, however a black hole has a unique colour signal during a jump, the little dot you are flying to tells you that a black hole is right in front of you, same with Neutron and WD stars. The fact is if you are that desperate you probably aren't going to be reading it even if it's right in front of you because you are going to be doding and watching radar and shields etc and trying to stay alive while the FSD charges, and if you don't notice from the information provided during the jump that's purely down to pilot skill.

As I said there are a number of ways to tell what sort of star you are jumping to, even when you are in hyperspace and the HUD is down you can still easily pick out the dangerous stars from the safe ones by the colour and strength of the mark you are looking at, it's not rocket science!
Even in the middle of a jump it's quite possible to tell what sort of star you are jumping to. For instance we had a complaint that someone hit the exclusion zone of a black hole because they didn't see the message, however a black hole has a unique colour signal during a jump, the little dot you are flying to tells you that a black hole is right in front of you, same with Neutron and WD stars. The fact is if you are that desperate you probably aren't going to be reading it even if it's right in front of you because you are going to be doding and watching radar and shields etc and trying to stay alive while the FSD charges, and if you don't notice from the information provided during the jump that's purely down to pilot skill.

As I said there are a number of ways to tell what sort of star you are jumping to, even when you are in hyperspace and the HUD is down you can still easily pick out the dangerous stars from the safe ones by the colour and strength of the mark you are looking at, it's not rocket science!
On top of this, you can also throttle down in the middle of the jump so your not full bore blasting your way into the star/ black hole
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