
My journey to Colonia and back is now complete. You can read the journal entries from each of the 46 days I spent on this incredible voyage of discovery by following the links below. If you scroll down past these links you'll find the original forum post where I gathered information about the places I wanted to visit along the way and the things I wanted to try and do. Thanks to those of you who contributed and/or followed my adventures in this thread, and to those who are reading this afresh and perhaps considering trying some of these things for yourselves, I hope you have as much fun as I did and please feel free to contribute accounts of your own adventures at the end of this thread.

o7 commanders!


Day 1 (18.12.3306) - UNTITLED
(Setting off, Hilary Depot base jump)
Day 2 (19.12.3306) - UNTITLED
(Hilary Depot parkour)
Day 3 (20.12.3306) - UNTITLED
(crystalline structures, mineral spheres, Attenborough's Watch asteroid base)
(mountain climb and descent, Triffid sector, collared pods)
(rearranging bobble heads at fleet carrier, 2MASS cluster of 'B' class stars)
Day 6 (23.12.3306) - ROHINI
(Rohini, Orange Vista installation)
Day 7 (24.12.2020) - CONFLUX ALPHA BETA
(racing SLF around Alpha and Beta Conflux sites, SRV crater run)
(xmas day, Conflux Delta, P01-type anomaly)
Day 9 (26.12.3306) - THE LAST OF THE CONFLUX
(Delta and Gamma Conflux sites, mountain climb and descent)
Day 10 (27.12.3306) - CROCEUM LAGRANGE WONDERS
(solar flares, Lagrange clouds, molluscs, lattice spheres)
Day 11 (28.12.3306) - NEBULA AND I SPY CODEX
(bark mounds, lagrange clouds, molluscs)
(binary ringed earthlikes)
(sinuous tubers, Gandharvi)
Day 12 (continued) - BLUE BINARY FABRICATION
(exploring installation in the SLF)
Day 13 (30.12.3306) - ONWARDS TO POLO HARBOUR
(hunting for NSPs in a nebula, Polo Harbour wall climb)
(Odin's Hold, glowing green giant, storm clouds, K 12-type anomaly)
Day 14 (continued) - STORM CHASER
(chasing the anomaly, more storms and an earthlike)
Day 14 (continued) - FINDING A BLACK HOLE
(new years eve, photographing a black hole)
Day 15 (01.01.3307) - NEW YEAR'S DAY
(3307 in tyre tracks, heading for Colonia)
Day 16 (02.01.3307) - VAPING
(back into Inner Scutum Centaurus Arm, volcanic surface features)
Day 17 (03.01.3307) - COLONIA
(arriving in Colonia, umbrella molluscs)
(getting occupied escape pods for Etienne Dorn)
Day 19 (05.01.3307) - DORN AND DOVE DONE AND DUSTED
(greeting Marzoom, scanner engineering, Dove Enigma, Colonia Hub mountain climb)
Day 20 (06.01.3307) - PROGENITORS R US
(mountain descent, buying a Type 7, Progenitor Cells for Petra, umbrella molluscs, racing O2 countdown)
(photographing holo-ads at Jaques Cafe)
Day 21 (07.01.3307) - TRIBUTES AND FINES
(umbrella molluscs, fined for fireworks at Grak's memorial, Kremmen's Respite, first look at the Bone Yard)
Day 22 (08.01.3307) - BONEYARD BOOGALOO
(scaling the Boneyard skyscraper, Boneyard mountain climb and peak-to-peak challenge)
Day 23 (09.01.3307) - WORLD OF DEATH (part 1)
(landing on the World Of Death)
Day 23 (continued) - WORLD OF DEATH (part 2)
(Neutron rise on the World Of Death)
Day 24 (10.01.3307) - FROM DEATH TO PESTILENCE
(leaving World Of Death, meeting RatKatcher and Biff Stryker, FC ride to Dryooe Flyou GD-Y C28-57)
Day 25 (13.01.3307) - BUCKYBALL PREPARATIONS
(scouting the Colonia Trophy Dash waypoints, more umbrella molluscs)
(first attempt at the Colonia Trophy Dash, Mel Brandon engineer invitation contract)
(another Colonia Trophy Dash attempt, bounty hunting for Mel Brandon)
Day 28 (16.01.3307) - MINING FOR MARSHA
(more Colonia Trophy Dash attempts, mining for Marsha Hicks)
Day 28 (continued) - BUCKYBALL UPDATE
(5th place on the Colonia Trophy Dash)
Day 29 (17.01.3307) - TOO FAST TOO OBSCURED
(failed attempts at the Colonia Trophy Dash)
Day 30 (19.01.3307) - REPUTATION TARNISHED
(fighting a Goliath at Hyford's Cache)
Day 31 (20.01.3307) - REPUTATION RESTORED
(defeating Goliath, visiting Kinesi wreckage, clearing bounty, tracking down Insulating Membrane for Jaques)
Day 32 (21.01.3307) - COLONIA POINT
(3,000ly below the galactic plane)
Day 33 (22.01.3307) - MALFUNCTION!
(2,500ly below the galactic plane with a malfunctioning FSD and no AFMU)
Day 33 (continued) - EXPERIMENTAL HABITATS
(repaired, experimental habitats 001-003, peduncle pod ballet)
Day 34 (23.01.3307) - THE GIFT SHOP
(experimental habitat 004, Becket class science vessel, stuffing pods into the megaship's engines, souvenirs)
Day 35 (24.01.3307) - THE KRAKEN 100
(test driving the ridge to Kraken's Retreat)
Day 36 (26.01.3307) - THE KRAKEN 100 (continued)
(more test driving of the Kraken 100 ridge)
Day 37 (27.01.3307) - THE GHOST OF KRAKEN RIDGE
(driving the Kraken 100 with Ian Doncaster and Crank Larson)
Day 38 (28.01.3307) - DEATH, GLORY AND BEER
(finally a decent Kraken 100 run, scaling Stoertebeker Dock skyscraper in Likedeeler's Helgoland)
Day 39 (29.01.3307) - SURLY BUYS A SINGLE MALT
(tackling the "Surly Buys A Round" SRV race at Surly's Rest in Rodentia)
Day 40 (30.01.3307) - SURLY BUYS ALL THE DRINKS!
(variations on "Surly Buys A Round" including racing backwards)
(Twilight Mountains in the dark, blowing up an asteroid next to Foster Terminal in Coeus)
Day 42 (01.02.3307) - RIDGE RUNNING
(time in Colonia coming to an end, driving along awesome ridge on Eol Prou RN-I C10-203 1 A)
Day 43 (02.02.3307) - GOODBYES ARE NEVER EASY
(leaving Colonia, fireworks and poetry at Evelyn's Light)
Day 43 (continued) - THE NEUTRON HIGHWAY
(racing back to the bubble for a Buckyball race, Clockwork nebula, Kashyapa and its ringed earthlike)
Day 44 (03.02.3307) - ANCIENT RUINS
(exploring the Skaudai Guardian ruins in the dark, plasma blue Lagrange cloud)
Day 45 (04.02.3307) - AN ACTUAL DISCOVERY
(Neutron highway video, first discovery of a system with a waterworld plus two NSPs)
Day 46 (05.02.3307) - SMOKE ME A KIPPER!
(Musica Universalis gas giant system, asteroids and fireworks video, final jumps, back in the bubble)
(graphs and statistics)

Going to California Colonia
Spent my days with a woman unkind
Smoked my stuff and drank all my wine
Made up my mind to make a new start
Going To California Colonia with an aching in my heart
Someone told me there's a girl out there
With love in her eyes and flowers in her hair
(Led Zeppelin - 1971)

I've been putting it off for a long time but I'm stating my intention to finally take a proper trip out to Colonia (just as soon as Speedbowl IV is over). I want to do it properly tho, not rush it (which is why I deliberately avoided taking part in Exigeous' Colonia Speedrun earlier in the year) - but try to make a proper journey out of it.

For that reason I'm looking for suggestions of "must see" waypoints along the way so I can break the journey there (and back) into a whole bunch of shorter stages, each with a specific destination in mind along the route (and I don't mind taking a few detours either ... within reason).

I'm looking for all sorts of things. Systems of inherent natural beauty, awesome planets for a spot of SRV exploration, locations of cool stellar phenonema (I've only really seen the common variants in the bubble and not void hearts or peduncle trees for example) plus any other locations of special historical or community interest (for example, I definitely want to visit Evelyn's Light).

So ... please post your suggestions with descriptions (and preferably screenshots or short videos) and I'll start to try and compile a route plan here in the OP of this thread.

Colonia Connection Highway

Conflux abandoned settlements

"Evelyn's Light" - a memorial to jellowiggler's daughter (maybe take "Shan's Charis Orchid")

Thanks to @zibadian I've already been referred to EDSM's galactic map and prominent POI search facility plus its selection of interesting surface features, and also a few specific examples:
Floalt WC-C b16-6 (Chilled Views) - ice world with "spectacular views"
Trifid Sector OI-S b4-12 (Lucifer's Lair) - a rocky ice world in the trifid nebula with Pomeche like surface features
Nyeajaae IT-M c9-19 (Viridian Dreams) - a glowing green gas giant
Preae Ain CG-X e1-14 (Galactic Helium Reserve) - a system containing 23 Helium rich giants (a galactic record?)

Boeph ZJ-R e4-62 AB 1 a - planetary circumnavigation candidate (137 km Radius = 860.79 km circumference)

Spoihaae XE-X d2-9 (World of Death) - the planet that goes inside a neutron cone

Eol Prou RN-I C10-203 1 A - beautiful ridges to drive along

EOL PROU SR-W D1-1199 - binary pair of potato moons (maybe user geyser to jump between them?)

"Skaudai sites" - ruins of the Guardian exiles

Eoch Flyuae PY-R e4-684 (Clockwork nebula)

Clooku GR-U d3-112 (Fields of Elysium) - two ringed ELW's just 1ls apart

Smojoo ZE-R d4-109 (Musica Universalis) - An underappreciated system relatively close to the bubble but somewhat off the direct path

Eor Aowsy GR-W e1-1381 - glowing green giant
Eol Prou KW-L c8-32 - glowing green giant
Dryooe Prou FF-Z d696 - glowing green giant

"The festival grounds" - a short way before Colonia, has enough nebulae to keep you interested in finding your own sights for weeks[/url]

Things to see around Colonia

Foster Terminal in Coeus DONE
the twilight mountains of Concordia Hub in Edge Fraternity Landing
Mortimer's Charm in Kinesi DONE
Hyford's Wreck in the Colonia system DONE
mysterious wreckage orbiting Kinesi 3b DONE
Cmdr commemoration beacon outside Jaques Station
Dove Enigma memorial megaship DONE
"Colonia Point" - a pair of Wolf-Rayet stars at Thaae Pruae AA-A h5 giving a spectacular view of the galactic plane DONE

An 11g planet in KYLOALL CL-Y G1518 D1

TODO while I'm there ..

Table of locations

NameDescriptionSystemDistance from SolDone?
Mammon Monitoring FacilityAsteroid Base (Colonia connection highway)Mammon : 2999 lyY
Hillary DepotPlanetary Outpost (Colonia connection highway)Blu Thua AI-A c14-10 : A 4 a2,105 lyY
Amundsen TerminalPlanetary Outpost (Colonia connection highway)Lagoon Sector NI-S b4-10 : 14,481 ly
Attenborough's WatchAsteroid Base (Colonia connection highway)Lagoon Sector FW-W d1-122 : A 54,510 lyY
Musica UniversalisUnderappreciated gas giant with colourful collection of moonsSmojoo ZE-R d4-1094,737 lyY
Observation Post EpsilonAsteroid Base (Colonia connection highway)Trifid Sector IR-W d1-52 : 15,219 ly
Rock of IsolationDetention Centre (Colonia connection highway)Omega Sector OD-S b4-0 : ABCD 15,503 ly
Omega Mining OperationAsteroid Base (Colonia connection highway)Omega Sector VE-Q b5-15 : 75,513 lyY
Eagle Sector Secure FacilityAsteroid Base (Colonia connection highway)Eagle Sector IR-W d1-105 : A 17,006 ly
Eagle's LandingPlanetary Outpost (Colonia connection highway)Eagle Sector IR-W d1-117 : 2 a7,018 ly
Mjolnir's WrathDetention Centre (Colonia connection highway)Nyeajaae VU-Y a27-9 : 1 a7,688 ly
Eudaemon AnchorageOcellus Starport (Colonia connection highway)Rohini : AB 17,692 lyY
Eudoxus HitheOutpost (Colonia connection highway)^^^ : AB 2^^^Y
Alpha settlementConflux abandoned settlementPRU AESCS TY-J A64-1 : 39,165 lyY
Beta settlementConflux abandoned settlementPRU AESCS HW-S B31-2 : CD19,166 lyY
Delta settlementConflux abandoned settlementPRU AESCS NC-M D7-192 : A3A9,167 lyY
Gamma settlementConflux abandoned settlementPRU AESCS OI-K A64-0 : 1A9,169 lyY
Sacaqawea Space PortPlanetary Outpost (Colonia connection highway)Skaudai CH-B d14-34 : 1 a11,797 ly
Skaudai sitesGuardian ruins, sites 68, 69 and 92Skaudai AM-B d14-138 : A B 7 A11,797 lyY
Fields of ElysiumTwo glorious ringed ELW'sClooku GR-U d3-11213,423 lyY
Gagarin GatePlanetary Outpost (Colonia connection highway)Gru Hypue KS-T d3-31 : 414,317 ly
Penal Ship OmicronDetention Centre (Colonia connection highway)Stuelou AT-J c25-24 : 215,615 ly
CaravanseraiOcellus Starport (Colonia connection highway)Gandharvi : A 115,620 lyY
Marlin's ReachOutpost (Colonia connection highway)^^^ : BC 2^^^Y
Polo HarbourPlanetary Outpost (Colonia connection highway)Boewnst KS-S c20-959 : 2 a17,589 lyY
Eor Aowsy GR-W e1-1381Glowing green giantEor Aowsy GR-W e1-1381 : ?18,008 lyY
Boeph ZJ-R e4-62 AB 1 aPlanetary circumnavigation candidateBoeph ZJ-R e4-62 : AB 1 a18,261 ly
Vihara GateOcellus Starport (Colonia connection highway)Kashyapa : 119,470 lyY
Martyr's RestOutpost (Colonia connection highway)^^^ : 2 a^^^Y
Clockwork nebulaNebulaEoch Flyuae PY-R e4-68419,648 lyY
XTE J1856+053Black hole on the edge of the "festival grounds" nebula collectionXTE J1856+05321,000 ly
Evelyn's LightMemorial for jellowiggler's daughterEvelyn's Light21,464 lyY
EOL PROU SR-W D1-1199Challenge to jump SRV between two binary worldsEOL PROU SR-W D1-119921,725 ly
World of DeathPlanet inside neutron coneSpoihaae XE-X d2-9 : A 121,817 lyY
Kremmen's RespiteStation named after ElvisKremmenKioti 36821,972 lyY
Jaques StationColoniaColonia22,000 lyY
Eol Prou KW-L c8-32Glowing green giantEol Prou KW-L c8-32 : ?22,006 ly
Eol Prou RN-I C10-203 1 APlanet with awesome ridges to drive alongEol Prou RN-I C10-203 : 1 A22,058 lyY
Dryooe Prou FF-Z d696Glowing green giantDryooe Prou FF-Z d696 : ?22,821 ly
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There's an expedition to EL in the new year, so maybe go then?

Near Colonia there is a system EOL PROU SR-W D1-1199, offcourse discovered by me... It has a Giant S class star as the main star.
The second star in the system is accompanied by two gas giants. The first of these gas giants has an interesting binary pair. (I think it is called like that) Both are so called potato planets with a radius of around 400km. Both also have Silicate Vapour geysers. The view is awesome as these planets are really close to each other. So close that they share a little bit of atmosphere. You can fly from one potato to the other potato without loosing the altimeter

And this is were you come in!
I challenge you to SRV from one planet to the other using the geysers!

I tried but I am not very good with SRVs

They have harsh terrain as you can see here:



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Near Colonia there is a system EOL PROU SR-W D1-1199, offcourse discovered by me... It has a Giant S class star as the main star.
The second star in the system is accompanied by two gas giants. The first of these gas giants has an interesting binary pair. (I think it is called like that) Both are so called potato planets with a radius of around 400km. Both also have Silicate Vapour geysers. The view is awesome as these planets are really close to each other. So close that they share a little bit of atmosphere. You can fly from one potato to the other potato without loosing the altimeter

And this is were you come in!
I challenge you to SRV from one planet to the other using the geysers!

I tried but I am not very good with SRVs

They have harsh terrain as you can see here:
View attachment 194970

View attachment 194971
I will have to get my notebook out now. I found something similar on my first trip out there. I could go from orbital to orbital without SC if I recall correctly.
"Exigeous' Colonia Speedrun"

When you can routinely get to Colonia in 2 hours anyway using the naughty-step highway, what's the need for a "speed run" event?
"Exigeous' Colonia Speedrun"

When you can routinely get to Colonia in 2 hours anyway using the naughty-step highway, what's the need for a "speed run" event?

Because two hours will get you a place among the "also were racing" on the leaderboard?
Don't do it.

There's nothing there that isn't in the bubble.
A bit like Elite (or indeed life itself), if there's nothing at the end but happy memories of the journey to get there then the trip will have been worth it.

When you can routinely get to Colonia in 2 hours anyway using the naughty-step highway, what's the need for a "speed run" event?

Thanks for all the other suggestions everyone, keep 'em coming.
I'm slowly collating them in the OP (and eventually I'll get them in a table sorted on distance from Sol).

P.S. I'd really love to hear from anyone who found any good stellar phenomena on the road to Colonia!
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Woot the f is that
Not to derail Alec's thread so in spoilers:

This is Hedy's original post:

and this is the location:

Alec, are you going to be documenting this along the way? I'll be following along if so.
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