News Important Community Update (01/03)

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Help a new player out here: What is the big deal with atmospheric landings?
Pretend you're explaining it to a 5 year old.

Because us pilots have to be able to land on any aggregate of matter of any shape and size anywhere on the galaxy. Period.

Because it could (have to) bring some kind of new things to the piloting gameplay (dangers of reentry, winds and weather conditions), different terrain formations due to erosion, new things to find not available on airless rocks.

Because look at those current gorgeous planetary screenshots, and imagine them with beautiful skies and depth enhanced by atmospheric light scattering.

Will Flanagan

Hello everyone,

I just wanted to clarify some of the queries and concerns that were raised in this thread. Some of this is covered in the OP, and it's worth mentioning that we'll have more news and information to follow about upcoming content in the future.

What does 'The Next Era' contain?
The Next Era update will be in-game content and, as we've said previously, as development progresses, we will share more news and announcements on features, as well as timelines regarding this upcoming content for Elite.

Future updates – what’s the plan? No major update until the latter end of 2020?
As we said in the OP, we will still be making updates to Elite Dangerous on a 3-4 month cycle. These updates will initially focus on new player and welcoming experiences, as well as a number of QoL improvements for all players - and we'll be announcing what the first update will include in the coming weeks. We'll also be detailing more information about the upcoming development-supported events in the near future.

Our commitment to squashing bugs hasn't ended, and we're going to be implementing a new bug report system. As we have mentioned previously, the new bug tracking website will make the bug reporting process easier, better, and more manageable! You will be able to log issues as you're used to, and the community will be able to vote on your issue. This will consider it confirmed and in that way we can put more focus into accurately examining the highest ranked issues.

We hear your concerns and feedback on Powerplay in and outside of this thread. We'll be evaluating and looking into some of the proposed solutions Sandro detailed in his post here. This is an on-going investigation and nothing is confirmed at the moment, but rest assured that we will let you know when we have updates regarding this.

Ice Planets and Fleet Carriers
Both Ice Planets and Fleet Carriers are still planned for the development road-map, and we'll be able to share more information with you in the future.

LEP Content
The Next Era content will be paid for content and LEP owners will receive it as part of their pass. We don't have anything to announce regarding any additional LEP content at the moment.

Thank you for all the feedback you've provided so far. Keep it coming, we'll be reading!
We hear your concerns and feedback on Powerplay in and outside of this thread. We'll be evaluating and looking into some of the proposed solutions Sandro detailed in his post here. This is an on-going investigation and nothing is confirmed at the moment, but rest assured that we will let you know when we have updates regarding this.

Please, please please put this in! If the devs need a hand visualising problems with Powerplay the wider Powerplay community are there to help.
Thanks Will. The more you communicate, the better - even if drip by drip. I'm not sure you're saying anything there you haven't already but it never hurts to clarify.

Roll on the updates (and the bug fixes; that sounds much better!)
No offence Will, but 'in the future' seems to be Frontier's new strap line.

Plus you've now indicated that all the updates up to 'the big one' will now primarily focus on new players whereas before it was only the first two.
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Will Flanagan

No offence Will, but 'in the future' seems to be Frontier's new strap line.

Plus you've now indicated that all the updates up to 'the big one' will now primarily focus on new players whereas before it was only the first two.


That should have been corrected in my draft. I've edited the post to ensure nothing is misconstrued. The initial updates will be focused on new players (as said in the OP) - but not all the updates to the 2020 release.

Sorry for any confusion caused by that!
So are Ice Planets / Carriers going to be seen before the 2020 major update, or are they considered part of that major update now?

When might we expect even basic outline information on what the 2020 update will be?

That should have been corrected in my draft. I've edited the post to ensure nothing is misconstrued. The initial updates will be focused on new players (as said in the OP) - but not all the updates to the 2020 release.

Sorry for any confusion caused by that!

Thanks Will.

Will Flanagan

So are Ice Planets / Carriers going to be seen before the 2020 major update, or are they considered part of that major update now?

When might we expect even basic outline information on what the 2020 update will be?

That's not something we're able to answer at the moment. But rest assured, when we're ready to start talking about those features, and the contents of the updates, we will.
Hello everyone,

I just wanted to clarify some of the queries and concerns that were raised in this thread. Some of this is covered in the OP, and it's worth mentioning that we'll have more news and information to follow about upcoming content in the future.

Ice Planets and Fleet Carriers
Both Ice Planets and Fleet Carriers are still planned for the development road-map, and we'll be able to share more information with you in the future.

Hmmm, not really great news.

This sounds that both are quite long time ahead :/

No real news to the first post.:(
Thanks Will, really looking forward to all the future planned updates and information on them when it is available to be released. ED still has my focus at the moment as the game I play most and nothing else out there in this genre even comes close to ED in my opinion.
Nice to see you pop your head above the parapet, Will!

Thanks for a little clarification, I'll look forward to more as it appears.

Will Flanagan

Thanks Will, really looking forward to all the future planned updates and information on them when it is available to be released. ED still has my focus at the moment as the game I play most and nothing else out there in this genre even comes close to ED in my opinion.

Glad to hear that!
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