ANNOUNCEMENT January Update - Patch Notes

I don't cap to 60fps, for sure. Why do people do that? Your monitor - if its max fps is 60 like mine - will display at 60fps, even if the game is rendering at way more than that. I'm obviously missing the reason why people limit the game framerate to 60. Is it to prevent screen tearing? I ask because I don't experience that on my setup - Windows or Linux.
I have a 60hz monitor so run with v-sync to reduce screen tearing. In VR it is capped at 72dpi again to reduce screen tearing. Screen tearing looks especially bad in VR.
I do it for example - to conserve electrical power (powerful GPU rendering into the dust bin basically but draws far more power) and to reduce heat output (more silent System, less fan noise).

In a very hot Summer and a very hot room I even switch to low Detail to reduce CPU/GPU load and heat output. Really helps, especially in smaller rooms.

Ah. In Scotland, so I generally don't have to worry about "hot" or this thing called "Summer", whatever that is. ;)

(I lie - sometimes we have spectacularly nice summers ;) )
The network compression sounds interesting. I also expect the change to more realistic price changes for selling void opals to cause some feedback :)
"tens of seconds" Seriously? Now I know why I thought I had somehow escaped this "bug". I hadn't. I just don't expect everything now. NOW! WANNIT NOW!

I'm guessing you're either not big on exploration or have a lot of spare time for gaming. If you're just farting about in the bubble I agree it's probably a non-issue for you, which is fine. When you're in deep space scanning newly discovered systems with 27 or 58 bodies, including multiple bodies with geological POIs, it's a fairly major QOL issue since it can significantly reduce the number of systems you can scan in a given play session. By 'significantly' I'm talking about taking it down to a quarter or a fifth of what it would be with faster scanning.

Bear in mind here that if you're someone like me, who is primarily looking for visually interesting systems and planets, your scanning rate is already reduced to a quarter or less of what it used to be simply by having to use the FSS on the whole system to get a fully viewable system map.

Suggesting this is some sort of entitlement issue arising from the ADHD crowd is ridiculous.
Nothing in the patch notes to entice me back to playing.
Most of theses bugs should have been addressed months/years ago and blaming the community for asking this to be a priority is farcical.
Poor decisions. Poor coding. Poor implementation and poor game management has brought this about all driven by Fdev.
Thank you for making me look way less grumpy. Everything is relative, after all ;)
Nothing in the patch notes to entice me back to playing.
Most of theses bugs should have been addressed months/years ago and blaming the community for asking this to be a priority is farcical.
Poor decisions. Poor coding. Poor implementation and poor game management has brought this about all driven by Fdev.

They receive awards for being good developers. No problem.

Background Simulation
  • Added new Faction States:
    • Factions having trouble with water supplies can now sometimes suffer a Drought, causing an economic downturn. This can be countered by importing water and other emergency supplies.
    • Infrastructure Failure disrupts a faction's operations and reduces both security and economic standards. The increased demands on infrastructure elsewhere in the star system may lead to similar failures for other factions. Food and machinery deliveries can speed up repairs.
    • Terrorism. Terrorists can target prosperous factions, resulting in a significant security and influence cost. This can be countered by legally selling weapons to the authorities and assisting with bounty hunting efforts, or by the faction entering a Lockdown state.
    • Natural Disasters have a significant economic and security cost for a faction. A natural disaster puts extra strain on the star system's infrastructure, increasing the chance of drought or infrastructure failure for other factions in that system.
    • Public Holidays increase a Faction's influence and standard of living for their duration, however that comes at small economic and security cost.

Great! The information provided above on how to mitigate these states, which are mostly negative, is welcome. But can we also get information on what (in)actions contribute to their triggering? For example, does the Drought state become more likely the longer that a faction sees a lack of water traded to its controlled asset markets? Can we, and how do, we trigger Public Holidays? Are Natural Disasters a randomly triggered state?

I'm interested in these new states but just confused about what kind of influence and control players have over them. It was nice to see the 'black box' of the BGS opened in past updates, but without more information, I'm worried these changes will see the 'box' close up again.
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