My message to Frontier

Dear Frontier,

My background in relation to this game. I've owned the game for a very long time, ever since 2016. I've done everything there is to do in the game with the exception of a few milestones, like visiting beagle point. I've done combat, exploration, trade, mining, anti xeno, pirating, did a little bgs, powerplay, started my own squadron, applied for a player made faction etc. I've obtained a fleet carrier, purchased every ship in the game including multiple cutters, engineered multiple ships, etc. I spend a significant time in the Elite Dangerous Community helping people learn the game, rescue a couple people out in the black, and overall trying to help people make money in the game and enjoy it. I've spent over $500 on not just cosmetics, but also purchasing both horizons AND odyssey for multiple people because I love this game and want more people to play it.


My message to you frontier is that I, as someone who's spent multiple years playing this game and hundreds of dollars on this game, I feel very insulted and backhanded by you all calling odyssey a release when it clearly wasn't finished. You all have left MANY bugs in this game for YEARS, dropped the potential for an AMAZING experience for fleet carriers + squadrons, and have missed so many opportunities to really make this game into something great. So much so that you have caused people with this release to jump ship to no mans sky and star citizen. STAR CITIZEN, the glorified tech demo which has been in development for a decade and HASN'T EVEN COME OUT WITH A RELEASE DATE FOR JUST THEIR ALPHA.


Despite me feeling like I've been insulted and backhanded, I will applaud you for what you have done after you have hopefully learned your lesson with odyssey. You all have stepped up with your promise to be more open, you have made significant performance progress with odyssey, I like what you do with the spacecruise news. SallyMorganMoore was an AMAZING addition to your staff and you people better give her a raise. She has done more for your company in the past few months that I've seen her than you people have been able to pull off in the past 4 years on the community side.

So with this next update, update 7, I hope...nay pray that this update solves the performance issues many people have and hopefully as time goes and you guys add more stuff to odyssey, and HOPEFULLY merge horizons and odyssey player base WITHOUT BREAKING STUFF, that you all continue your promise to be more open with your player base. Also I hope that some significant changes happened with management because this extremely botched release is on your guys heads. I wish you luck, and I hope you continue to give me a reason to encourage people to play this game and I hope this game comes back from the dead with a much larger player base someday.

Also side note: Please start development again on vr. I love playing this game in vr and I would absolutely love to play the on foot stuff in vr too without this silly flatscreen.
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inb4 the DOOM-posters wake up

I don't really have anything else to add to what you've said, except that I wouldn't expect any significant performance improvements for Odyssey. The whole thing seems broken at a fundamental level, and fixing that would require Frontier to invest a lot of time and resources into a product that they've already chucked out the door - and their track record shows they don't usually do that. Also yeah, you're never getting VR back, sorry.

But who knows. We'll see what Update 7 brings.
inb4 the DOOM-posters wake up

I don't really have anything else to add to what you've said, except that I wouldn't expect any significant performance improvements for Odyssey. The whole thing seems broken at a fundamental level, and fixing that would require Frontier to invest a lot of time and resources into a product that they've already chucked out the door - and their track record shows they don't usually do that. Also yeah, you're never getting VR back, sorry.

But who knows. We'll see what Update 7 brings.

Strange I've been playing it quite a bit the last few weeks and while I've seen bugs and issues I didn't notice it being fundamentally broken at every level.
Oh, isn't that exactly what is happening currently?
They're making some surface fixes but I doubt they're rewriting the busted rendering engine to be on par with Horizons, and until that's done performance is going to be significantly impacted. Very happy to be proven wrong, though.
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