I can't say I'm not interested in it as a general concept. I've been playing Fallout 4 for a month now and haven't even gone to Diamond City yet, but all of my settlers are armed and armoured and most with walled and turreted fortress homes. Building stuff in games is cool. Having a place you've literally built from nothing is cool.
I'm not really keen on developing any business-mogul style enterprises here though; Elite for me should keep its larger focus on the spaceshipping part of the game, and leave the financial empire building to games that already do that part waaay better. I'm not interested in building a passive-income generator. A pirate base in an asteroid, sure. That's very spacepiloty, a place to return to with your ill-gotten gains and feed your spacefish. IDW the ill-gotten gains to be made by the game itself however, with no space piloting on my part involved.
In terms of PVP fitan, I think the "inflatable bases" concept would be much better than anything permanent. Keep them alive with a rudimentary maintenance arrangement so they retain their permanence as long as they retain their actual usage. If they were already considered a disposable asset, nobody will cry when they get blown away or abandoned because it wasn't their special home with their spacefish inside.
They could be deployed practically anywhere in space or dirtside (cause really we do have stupid amounts of physical space to work with), fought over and destroyed (with the appropriate amount of sensor and scanning mechanics applied) and be easily removed if they end up abandoned. Having deployable, destructable, disposable assets allows all the desired territorial cutthroat warring between factions without too much permanent clutter remaining once the dust settles. It also allows for out-bubble explorers to set up shop in the middle of nowhere if they really need to without it becoming a permanent gas station, so to speak. Maintaining a selection of deep-black inflatables should be a major game career if it were even possible, rather than a single deployment forever lessening the effort of everyone's journey.