Newcomer / Intro My Return to ED ......

My mantra was stolen from Frontier themselves, and I'm fond of repeating it

Blaze your own

Which of course means commanders should follow their own vision. By all means gather advice and opinions, but use them to cultivate your own path, not to follow them necessarily. With that said, I hate the T-9. On one hand I wanted to congratulate you for your new ship, always an exciting thing. On the other hand I feel despair :)

It's a capable ship, I know. But good grief it's a dog. I owned one just long enough to A-rate it and get blown up. I sold it moments after the rebuy. And I've disparaged it ever since. I have a minimum requirement for a ship to stay in my fleet. it must boost at least 500 m/s in mission trim. But that's me, and the T-9 couldn't do 500 downhill in the snow.

But anyway, congrats on your new boat. For what it is worth the only big ship in my fleet is the Cutter, that one I can live with. And the Orca, but everyone knows the Orca is a medium ship at heart. And anyway it boosts 600+

Good hunting commander
I do enjoy the Orca I recently picked up for certain uses - so fast on boost 😁
A Cutter is on my radar. I made the Duke rank some time ago and I'm up to about 1 billion credits, where the Cutter at the right specification for me is going to be 1.2 billion and I can't buy it in Colonia anyway. The T9 is just for this community goal and I'll sell it. The comedy factor will soon wear off 😅 and I don't like running from pirates. I prefer to stand and fight, but not in this!
Sorry sinsalo: "What condolences ?" 😯
Sorry, Sorry ! I understand now ! Oh! Definitely congratulations ! ;)
The T9 Heavy is slow and slow to turn, and slow to turn in supercruise and not really entertaining to fly. But it has the largest cargo carry capacity in the game alongside the Cutter (the actual largest depends on whether you fit shields or not) so serves a purposes right now. I'm shifting as much cargo as I can and the T9 Heavy is my best option.

However, does it mean I already have a Launcher ?

What do you mean by "charge the FSD" ?

But I am hoping, whatever I'm doing close to a Star, eg. scooping, avoiding, "charging", I don't get in a situation that I need to use a Heatsink. However, different in combat and I'm fired on .....

Thanks. (y)
Gees! Is there anything you two don't know about ED! (I'm including Codger and maybe others I don't know as well in that.)
What will be nice, is when we can get off this still basic stuff, and get on to more involved parts of ED.
Things about which can be debated, not argue, not necessarily agree on, but discussed objectively, and there could be others getting involved ...... this thread is public and encourages that.
A bit like my 78-year-old brother, who's just bought a new 800cc motorbike (beats my 700cc 😛)when we discuss 'how to beat COVID'. We are poles apart ! So ..... we just agree to disagree and keep enjoying our ride.
Yes you have a launcher and some explorers don't seem to use or want them. I know I have a lapse of concentration about once every 400 jumps where I start charging the Frameshift Drive for the next jump too close to the star, and deploying a heatsink prevents heat damage to the ship. Going from the bubble to Sagittarius A* on my scenic route that must have been 600 to 800 jumps I used 2 heat sinks.
What will be nice, is when we can get off this still basic stuff, and get on to more involved parts of ED.
Things about which can be debated, not argue, not necessarily agree on, but discussed objectively, and there could be others getting involved ...... this thread is public and encourages that.
A bit like my 78-year-old brother, who's just bought a new 800cc motorbike (beats my 700cc 😛)when we discuss 'how to beat COVID'. We are poles apart ! So ..... we just agree to disagree and keep enjoying our ride.
If you want the complicated side of ED, let's start talking combat, and 3 different types of shields with I think 15 different combinations of engineering modifications.... and I don't know how many different weapons and combinations of engineering modes for those. And then mixing at least two weapon types on a ship as most do..... You could, and people do, spend years experimenting with all that. That's on top of which ship to choose and don't forget power distributors, and thruster engineering... and...
It's another reminder of how remarkable this game is when all these choices make a noticeable difference to how you engage in combat and what works best against what for the individual commander.
If you want the complicated side of ED, let's start talking combat, and 3 different types of shields with I think 15 different combinations of engineering modifications.... and I don't know how many different weapons and combinations of engineering modes for those. And then mixing at least two weapon types on a ship as most do..... You could, and people do, spend years experimenting with all that. That's on top of which ship to choose and don't forget power distributors, and thruster engineering... and...
Now ? Errrrr ..... 😲 ......Not just yet ...... ;)
It's another reminder of how remarkable this game is when all these choices make a noticeable difference to how you engage in combat and what works best against what for the individual commander.
Yes. And I have just been reminded of that with the extensive 'List of Ships' I've just post (#????). ;) EDIT: Thought I'd posted ..... ? 😯 Damn ! Re-posted #1229
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Your bloody list !!!! 😤
I was just putting together MY OWN list !!!!! :ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO:
No, no, seriously that's so funny. Well, for me anyway.
In my original post, which I forgot to save, I asked if anybody had a list in order of price.
However, my actual posted list, I just couldn't be bothered to ask. Ah, stuff it ! I'll do one myself. :ROFLMAO:
And then you come along ....... :ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO:
Really seriously: THANKS MATE !
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I have to say, that's a good list I found (probably not new to others maybe ....however .....) will take you to some beautiful photos of the ships. 😲
It's worth a look especially if you're in the market to buy. They have, apart from other things, a short summary about the features of each ship, but, to repeat, the photos ..... 🤗
I was just putting together MY OWN list !!!!! :ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO:
No, no, seriously that's so funny. Well, for me anyway.
My original post, which I forgot to save, I asked if anybody had a list in order of price.
However, my actual posted list, I just couldn't be bothered to ask. Ah, stuff it ! I'll do one myself. :ROFLMAO:
And then you come along ....... :ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO:
Really seriously: THANKS MATE !
It's just a screen clip from the coriolis site. It has a list of ships, with even more detail.

Quain ?
I still haven't given up visiting you in Colonia.
I was thinking of asking Codger (he's got a Fleet Carrier) to take me with my Hauler.
But don't tell him, he'll probably double his normal price if he knows it's me ! ;)
Any weapon, heat sink launcher, limpet controller or something else than fires or launches something into space based on ammunition or items of limited supply such as limpets, will show this:
Ammo in the firing chamber / ammo in reserve that will reload when the firing chamber is empty.

So for the heatsink, 1/2 means there is one heat sink ready to fire and two more heatsinks in the ammo store. When you launch a heatsink, you will see 0/2 until the launcher reloads and then you will see 1/1.
Go into your control bindings and set a key for heatsink launcher. I use 'v'. As an explorer,
Ok. took off. Became stationary, deployed Hardpoints (just in case) and pressed <V > .................................................... :unsure: ........................ Oh! cabin light up and small noise (like I've farted) and I'm one heatsink down ........... re-loading, and that's it ............... 😯.
Didn't have to select Primary or Secondary Weapons (maybe don't have to select Hardpoints ? :unsure:). Runout of heatsink "blocks" so can't check. :(
Didn't seem to mind me doing it while stationary.
RJ, I've been looking at the Grid. I've worked out that each small square is 1LY x 1LY. That makes the 10 x 10 larger squares 10LY x 10LY.
I've been comparing the coordinates for LS 2265 (X a horizontal location = 70 : Z vertical location = 68 : Y the 'other' horizontal direction = -30)
and those of Ratraii (-9540 : -919 :19800).
That means the distance, purely in the Y horizontal direction is 70 + 9540 = 9610LY
When I mark each location as 'Current Location' and 'Selected Location' I get a feel of how far they are apart and a feel for what distance means. 10,000LY .... Wow !
I was going to try and visit Quain (he's in Ratraii)in my HaulerI can now move the Grid itself up and down which is something new for me.
ED - MyCube.jpg

Now to work out what "bodies" are inside it. ;)
If you say, quote: "I can't be bothered to link to it." in your post #1207, doesn't that say something about you ? ;)
And suggest maybe, I never said "don't care" .......? :)
But if I did, and I'm not saying I did, I apologize and I'm sorry if I offended.
And as Codger said in post #1173 (and I quote it, saving people looking back .... :D )
"Keeping the thread 'clean' isn't really necessary. No one will care (except you, I guess). Just keep moving forward, like a shark! :p "

You and I, and I say it publicly, are not going to agree, and leave it at that. (y)
There, and I have not used one " 😤 " or even a " ! ". :ROFLMAO:
In regard to your claim that I made a "don't care" comment with no reference to where I said it; I think I've found what you were talking about, and it was in my reply to your post, in Post #1146.
It wasn't "don't care" (which is not like me, and caused me to take this serious search), it was "who cares"; and I stand by it !
It was in response to your comment (again, refer Post #1146):
"Bloody hell. Talk about making it complicated." and I replied "who cares",
However, I'll leave it to others to make their own judgment.
Phew ...... I am so happy to be able to defend myself ! (y)
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