Newcomer / Intro Need advice on combat ship

Been some time since I had to pay bounties (but definitely later than last summer - but I usually have an IF on speed dial for those juicy planetary scan missions), so please
  • Horizons or Odyssey (can't comment on Odyssey)?
  • screenshot of yout transactions tab (left HUD, should list the fines and bounties you got on you)
  • screenshot of the system authority tab in the station menu (i.e. where you'd go to pay the bounty)

Just checked - Jaques also has an IF, so if you can't pay there, screenshot of that one, too, please. There seems to be a lot of bovine biowaste around regarding payment of fines and bounties, so take everything someone else says (and yes, that includes me) with a grain of salt.

Ah... it may be that you are the IF at Jaques, and they refuse to handle the bounty because you could just as well turn yourself in at the system authority office?

As per

I have no idea about any Odyssey-specific C&P beyond the FD bulletin:

I think that is still correct... (The frontier support site C&P FAQ is now "oops not found" - f-ng incompetence.)
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Been some time since I had to pay bounties (but definitely later than last summer - but I usually have an IF on speed dial for those juicy planetary scan missions), so please
  • Horizons or Odyssey (can't comment on Odyssey)?
  • screenshot of yout transactions tab (left HUD, should list the fines and bounties you got on you)
  • screenshot of the system authority tab in the station menu (i.e. where you'd go to pay the bounty)

Just checked - Jaques also has an IF, so if you can't pay there, screenshot of that one, too, please. There seems to be a lot of bovine biowaste around regarding payment of fines and bounties, so take everything someone else says (and yes, that includes me) with a grain of salt.

Ah... it may be that you are the IF at Jaques, and they refuse to handle the bounty because you could just as well turn yourself in at the system authority office?


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That amount of bounty means that you killed an NPC, which gives you notoriety (right panel under how much money you have). you have to wait 2 hours of logged on gameplay for the notoriety to lapse, then you find any Interstellar Factor in a low security system to pay it off. Do not pay it off in the station beause they send you to jail. there's an IF in Jacques, so you can pay it to them, not the authority contact.
That amount of bounty means that you killed an NPC, which gives you notoriety (right panel under how much money you have). you have to wait 2 hours of logged on gameplay for the notoriety to lapse, then you find any Interstellar Factor in a low security system to pay it off. Do not pay it off in the station beause they send you to jail. there's an IF in Jacques, so you can pay it to them, not the authority contact.
Really? You can go to jail in this game? They going to throw me in a cell with someone named Bubba? Put me on a chain gang with ankle hobbles, I'll have to say "Yezz bozz"

I'm kidding of course, no, I did not know that. I guess I could go to salvage sites for a couple of hours, thank you, I didn't want to try and decrypt that flow chart Para Handy posted......;)
So yes - if you "kill" (destroy) another clean ship1, you gain notoriety - 1 point per kill, with a two hour (ingame time) countdown per point. While you are notorious, IFs won't touch you.

And yes, you can go to prison - what happens is that, after either being destroyed by system authority (or anyone else capable of claiming your bounty) or "turning yourself in" at the authority contact, you wake up again at the "nearest" detention facility (minus rebuy, if your ship got destroyed). Bad news for people doing the Ceos/Sothis/Robigo (IIRC) run, as the nearest detention center is few hundred lys away (and people who are doing this grind for rank often don't fly a long distance capable ship), good news for people who want to shave a few thousand ly from the trip to Jaques by taking the prison taxi.

1 according to ED rules - the same rules that apply to collecting bounties on pirates, i.e. if there are only NPCs in your instance, a single hit is sufficient to attach blame or glory, no matter how/by whom the victim is destroyed as long as you're still around.
Let me explain a bit about how you get bounties and what to do:

1. You can land a few shots on other ships as long as you don't have them targeted. there's a threshold for how many shots you can land. it depends on how much damage you do.
2. if you do any damage to another clean ship and it dies soon after, you get charged with murder.
3. If you land a shot on any clean ship that you have targeted, you get an immediate small bounty on you. If it dies while in your instance, you get charged with murder, so best is to boost out and get into supercruise ASAP.
4. You can get a murder charge if you bump into another ship enough to do damage and it dies soon after.

If you get a bounty on yourself in a haz RES, there's no panic, but in a RES with police, you must react quickly. Immediately boost away with 4 pips to engines and two to shields. Once clear of mass-lock, you can go to supercruise,which will give you a chance to collect your thoughts and plan where to jump to. Don't stay in the system too long unless you know what you're doing because you could get interdicted by bounty hunters.

With a bounty on you, do not attempt to go into the local station unless you know how to do it. Definitely don't use the docking computer from outside of the station.

Avoid that de-targeting when the enemy chaffs. It's much too easy to re-target or otherwise shoot the wrong ship in a busy RES. It's fine when you're one-on-one with an Anaconda that's interdicted you. I mentioned that above, and it seems like that's what just happened to OP. Just be patient and wait for the chaff to stop, which is a much safer option.
Well, I screwed up and you guys warned me about this. I was at the HAS Res site and went after a pirate Annie, I like those ships because of the hi-grade mats they yield after they explode. It had gotten into a group of System Authority Annie's and my guns started bouncing around, so I cycled the targeting scanner and locked on to a system cop and started blasting away. All hell broke loose, I had 4 red blips shooting at me and big yellow words on my wind shield telling me I was a fugitive.

I started boosting like mad to break the mass lock and high-waked the hell out of there. I decided to go back to Jaques Station and pay the bounty on me and it wouldn't let me pay it. I logged out and back in still the same, so I googled it, found a post here from last summer and they were saying I had to leave the system and try to find one with no influence from the bounty issuer to be able to pay it. What gives? Why can't I pay it where I'm at? Is there something I'm missing?
Something not right there. There shouldn't be any system Authority in a haz RES!
Something not right there. There shouldn't be any system Authority in a haz RES!
It's a resource extraction site in the ring system approximately 70Ls to 88Ls outside the station, it doesn't say hazardous in the description


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Not sure if this has changed with Odyssey but you used to be able to go to an Anarchy system and swap to a clean ship to hide the bounty, however the bounty stays on the original ship and becomes active again when you next use it, swapping modules from the ship with the bounty to another ship will make the new ship carry the bounty, there are additional charges involved in transferring, selling etc a ship with a bounty.

When you go to pay off a fine if the screen says hand yourself in exit and find somewhere else as that is the send me to jail button.
I figured I go out in the black and do some exploring, shouldn't have to go too far from Colonia to find unscanned systems. I hit one about 100Ly out, it said 17 bodies after I honked it, I can only see one star on the HUD so I switch to system map and it shows that and an asteroid belt. I switch back to cockpit view and bam! Interdicted, I was still idling in super cruise and it automatically submitted me, he starts shooting right away so I started boosting and out ran him. My jump vector was on the other side of the star so I selected the asteroid belt jumped in to SC, back to the galaxy map, plotted a 700+Ly plot and made about 6 jumps in a row. I seem to be safe for now (thank god I fitted a fuel scoop).

Edit: I wonder if I would be allowed to pay my fine at one of those DSSA fleetcarriers?
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I’m not sure if there’s a specific sphere of danger with notoriety attached but you will need to avoid inhabited space and that does stretch out to nearby uninhabited systems where you’ll still be chased by bounty hunters.

If you picked up notoriety in the bubble and buckyballed to Sag A within two hours you may well still find yourself in danger as there’s the Explorer’s Anchorage station nearby. This is theoretical as I haven’t tried this but just to highlight the fact you need to ‘disappear’ for two hours - or just deal with interdictions until the timer runs down.

I used to head off to the crystal shards sites and gather raw mats for a couple of hours but I haven’t done that since Odyssey came out.

I‘m also not sure if fleet carriers affect this at all. I don’t know if anyone can chip in here for my benefit? I’m assuming traffic around Carriers is almost cosmetic and doesn’t bring security/bounty hunters into the equation but could be wrong.
I’m not sure if there’s a specific sphere of danger with notoriety attached but you will need to avoid inhabited space and that does stretch out to nearby uninhabited systems where you’ll still be chased by bounty hunters.

If you picked up notoriety in the bubble and buckyballed to Sag A within two hours you may well still find yourself in danger as there’s the Explorer’s Anchorage station nearby. This is theoretical as I haven’t tried this but just to highlight the fact you need to ‘disappear’ for two hours - or just deal with interdictions until the timer runs down.

I used to head off to the crystal shards sites and gather raw mats for a couple of hours but I haven’t done that since Odyssey came out.

I‘m also not sure if fleet carriers affect this at all. I don’t know if anyone can chip in here for my benefit? I’m assuming traffic around Carriers is almost cosmetic and doesn’t bring security/bounty hunters into the equation but could be wrong.
I'm going the opposite direction, I figured it would be a lot more heavily traveled going toward Sag A. I was pretty surprised, caught completely off guard, I'll just cruise around here heading south towards the Festival Grounds. This is NOT an exploration ship, no SRV's, no planetary surface scanner, oh how I miss my Anaconda right now (though I would not have been able to get away from the bounty hunter). Ha, 2 boosts and he was almost off the scope.

I know I've said this a crap ton in this thread, but I can't thank all you guys enough for all the advice. You've all been unselfish and considerate, it's been a massive help.
I know I've said this a crap ton in this thread, but I can't thank all you guys enough for all the advice. You've all been unselfish and considerate, it's been a massive help.
I found this forum, and specifically this sub forum, from a Google search when starting out in game back in early 2018 when befuddled by some sticky outcrop on the learning curve. The knowledge, help extended and welcoming nature of this sub and its regulars is still impressive four years later. You‘ve summed it up well though, they are an unselfish and considerate bunch.

I’m happy to chip in with what I can but happily defer to those with the, astonishingly in-depth, knowledge. With the spread of experience here it’s easily the best place to learn, at least until you want to deep dive into the BGS or similar where the relevant subs will be almost as helpful and friendly:)
I’m not sure if there’s a specific sphere of danger with notoriety attached but you will need to avoid inhabited space and that does stretch out to nearby uninhabited systems where you’ll still be chased by bounty hunters.

If you picked up notoriety in the bubble and buckyballed to Sag A within two hours you may well still find yourself in danger as there’s the Explorer’s Anchorage station nearby. This is theoretical as I haven’t tried this but just to highlight the fact you need to ‘disappear’ for two hours - or just deal with interdictions until the timer runs down.

I used to head off to the crystal shards sites and gather raw mats for a couple of hours but I haven’t done that since Odyssey came out.

I‘m also not sure if fleet carriers affect this at all. I don’t know if anyone can chip in here for my benefit? I’m assuming traffic around Carriers is almost cosmetic and doesn’t bring security/bounty hunters into the equation but could be wrong.
I believe the security ships around fleet carriers are ‘borrowed’ from whatever faction controls where the carrier is parked but if the carrier is out in the deep does it still have security.
I believe the security ships around fleet carriers are ‘borrowed’ from whatever faction controls where the carrier is parked but if the carrier is out in the deep does it still have security.
Have you seen this? From what I read at their site, It's a way for FC owners to keep them busy, you commit to a 1 year promise/contract.

I guess that was a stupid question on my part, for others who may not know though.
Have you seen this? From what I read at their site, It's a way for FC owners to keep them busy, you commit to a 1 year promise/contract.

I guess that was a stupid question on my part, for others who may not know though.
It was the explanation I saw offered to people asking why security at their Fleet Carrier was attacking them. They were wanted/hostile with the faction that controlled that space.
I'm going the opposite direction, I figured it would be a lot more heavily traveled going toward Sag A. I was pretty surprised, caught completely off guard, I'll just cruise around here heading south towards the Festival Grounds. This is NOT an exploration ship, no SRV's, no planetary surface scanner, oh how I miss my Anaconda right now (though I would not have been able to get away from the bounty hunter). Ha, 2 boosts and he was almost off the scope.

I know I've said this a crap ton in this thread, but I can't thank all you guys enough for all the advice. You've all been unselfish and considerate, it's been a massive help.
It makes no difference where you go, the chance of being interdicted by bounty hunters is the same. They will be clean until they land a shot on you, then they become wanted, so you can kill them for easy money. Whatever you do, don't shoot them first or else you get another bounty on you. The safest thing to do is park your ship at the Interstellar Factor and wait until the notoriety goes. Do that at the end of your play session and leave the game running.
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I believe the security ships around fleet carriers are ‘borrowed’ from whatever faction controls where the carrier is parked but if the carrier is out in the deep does it still have security.
I had a Carrier for an explorer account for a while (I really enjoyed using it in that role and I’m wondering why I got rid of it now) and took that far and wide. Unfortunately I don’t remember specifically what the Carrier traffic consisted of whilst out in the black; although I feel I have a memory of lots of Dolphins etc rather than security ships, this may just be a constructed memory based on the fact that I was exploring therefore all or the majority of traffic was exploration based.

Either way, the notoriety timer and aggravation caused by it are nothing much to worry about if it’s an accidental single kill. A spree on the other hand…
I believe the security ships around fleet carriers are ‘borrowed’ from whatever faction controls where the carrier is parked but if the carrier is out in the deep does it still have security.

Even in the bubble, there are no security ships in an uninhabited system. Here a quick video I just made attacking "The Vital Spark" using dumbfires ( I don't want any insurance claims so I stayed out of laser range).

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