New Planet Tech is KILLER of Exploration (all terrain is tiling/repeating/not procedural/random)

Well they try to make somewhat dynamic skybox. See how view behaves when there is bright light shining on cockpit, vs. cockpit is fully in shadow. IRL realistic version would glare obstruct stars fully...
The issue is twofold. First, the cockpit, can go very very dark, and the UI is very dark to. Changing gamma only have a minor impact on that. It's like we have shutdown all our interior light, for some reason.
The other issue is how black the skybox is. The milky way is barely visible, and the stars are very tiny white dot.
The issue is twofold. First, the cockpit, can go very very dark, and the UI is very dark to. Changing gamma only have a minor impact on that. It's like we have shutdown all our interior light, for some reason.
The other issue is how black the skybox is. The milky way is barely visible, and the stars are very tiny white dot.
Well I do think how problematic things are happen on individual basis (screen, settings, screen settings...). I do not have problem with ui brightness, or seeing stars and other stuff (with that caveat that you need to away from main star...)
The issue is twofold. First, the cockpit, can go very very dark, and the UI is very dark to. Changing gamma only have a minor impact on that. It's like we have shutdown all our interior light, for some reason.
The other issue is how black the skybox is. The milky way is barely visible, and the stars are very tiny white dot.

i remember people praising the new hyperjump animation and the fact that other ships in supercruise are not that bright in EDO
Both might simply be the side effects of gama/brightness issues...
i remember people praising the new hyperjump animation and the fact that other ships in supercruise are not that bright in EDO
Both might simply be the side effects of gama/brightness issues...
I made a thread on the new jump. The animation is different, as is the nebular type effects in the tunnel. I like it as a subtle change. Nothing to do with lighting.


Volunteer Moderator
While just out sightseeing, I've literally landed on top of those grassy bits. This is without a surface scan or any attempt to locate anything. I just picked a body and went to it. What should the odds of that happening be? The first time I thought it was just lucky RNG. The second... ...not so much.

That may be actually intended so to make new bio encounters more common. Judging by own experience and the very large blue filter maps after probes it would seem indeed that both geologicals and biologicals density have been fundamentally changed to be much more prevalent on planetary surfaces than any of the EDH biological and geologicals before EDO. Not all planets have them, but when you find a body that does, finding them on the surface is not as much of an issue as before.
can you all please shut up unless it's about tiling and planetary textures? every time a thread is opened it gets taken over by frothing manchildren pushing their own separate agendas.

"manchildren" :ROFLMAO:
That may be actually intended so to make new bio encounters more common. Judging by own experience and the very large blue filter maps after probes it would seem indeed that both geologicals and biologicals density have been fundamentally changed to be much more prevalent on planetary surfaces than any of the EDH biological and geologicals before EDO. Not all planets have them, but when you find a body that does, finding them on the surface is not as much of an issue as before.
When you think about it, it would be kinda implausible for biological (life) forms to exist only on a few small spots like it would be according to Horizons surface signals POI mechanics.
Life tends to spread, obviously.
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I'm guessing the tiling issue might be easily fixed. It looks like there's quite a few hand crafted tiles; they just need to mix them up a bit more on each planet rather than repeating the same one.
I'm guessing the tiling issue might be easily fixed. It looks like there's quite a few hand crafted tiles; they just need to mix them up a bit more on each planet rather than repeating the same one.
People with good long-term memory and pattern recognition skills can detect prefab tiles easier than procgen'd ones. Sure, procgen might create the same patterns again, but a repetition on another planet by procgen is much rarer than a repetition by prefabbed components.
I'm guessing the tiling issue might be easily fixed. It looks like there's quite a few hand crafted tiles; they just need to mix them up a bit more on each planet rather than repeating the same one.
It would solve the
aesthetics / visuals of a single planet
part of problem, but not the
I have already seen this exact feature on another planet


Someone on forum was analyzing the interview with dr Ross, and it allegedly works not the way we suspect it does:

I remember reading about planetary features being procedurally generated for a specific planed using some seed algorithm
and then applied to this specific planet only (of course it does not apply to some of predefined ones like "crater with rays")

IF it was the case,
that would make problem two not an issue
but problem one would prevail because repeating the procedurally generated feature on a single planet could be bound to the time/performance limits of this approach.

I am not sure how it really works, everybody seem to has his own idea and FD isn't helpful at all in this subject.
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You can only see the stars because you have your lights on :p (Joke ofc)
As a Halo player, that's painful because the Anniversary version of the game in the MCC has for a decade now used the broken Gearbox PC port of the game where the textures' bump mapping only shows up while your lights are turned on, and 343 are only just finally fixing it now, ten years since Anniversary launched.
The issue is twofold. First, the cockpit, can go very very dark, and the UI is very dark to. Changing gamma only have a minor impact on that. It's like we have shutdown all our interior light, for some reason.
The other issue is how black the skybox is. The milky way is barely visible, and the stars are very tiny white dot.
And it looks a million times better for it. Have you ever looked up at the night sky, even from a dark location? The Milky Way is barely visible. The atmosphere (in good conditions) is enough to screw with big telescopes but doesn't make all that much difference to what they eye can see. All I'd change is to have the Milky Way white rather than brown, a faint band right across the sky (when seen from around the bubble anyway). I find it odd that people seem to want realistic-looking everything else but want completely unreaslistic, stylised space, which makes as much sense as making everything else look like it's in Borderlands.

Pity there's unlikely to ever be an option to let everyone have the look they like though.

The dark cockpit and UI are very irritating though.
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